Chereads / Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness / Chapter 20 - Old Souls Reunite.

Chapter 20 - Old Souls Reunite.

Before Eric noticed the staff Latias went back into Eric's shadow. When Eric looked at the staff and felt like something or someone was calling out to him, and without a second thought he walked over to it and picked it up.

Eric: this Staff feels like it's alive.

Ashley: What do you mean?

Eric: Here feel it.

Eric then hands the staff to Ashley.

Ashley: You're right. It feels warm like it's alive.

As Ashley handed the staff back to Eric a voice spoke to him via telepathy.

Unknown voice: Ser. Conner! I-is that you?!

Eric then dropped the staff due to being startled by hearing a voice he didn't recognize, and when he recovered he picked the staff back up.

Ashley: You ok Eric?

Eric: Yeah I'm ok, it's just I heard a voice asking me if I was someone.

As Eric told this to Ashley the voice spoke to Eric again.

Unknown voice: Ser. Conner!

As the voice spoke the crystal on the staff shone bright and blinded Eric, Ashley, and Latias. When the light dimmed and a Lucario ( Lucario the Aura dog Pokemon. Lucario is black, blue, tan, with several silver spikese.) stood a few feet away from them.

Eric: What was that?

Ashley: I don't know! I can't see!

Latias then spoke via telepathy to both Eric and Ashley.

Latias: There's a Pokemon in front of us that appeared after the light disappeared.

Eric then opened his eyes and saw the Lucario.

Lucario: Ser Conner is that you?

Eric: No, my name is Eric. Who is Ser Conner?

Lucario: He's my friend and Master.

Eric: Wait! Was he an Aura Guardian.

Lucario: Yes.

Eric then felt sorry for Lucario, because there were almost zero Aura Guardians left and the ones that are still around stay hidden.

Eric: I'm sorry Lucario, but the Aura Guardians aren't really around anymore. The last Aura Guardian to really show that he was one, died a long time ago.

Lucario: How long ago?!

Eric: At least 150 years ago, and it was Ser Erin.

Lucario: what happened to him?

Eric: he sacrificed himself to save the kingdoms from destruction.

Lucario: I see.

Eric: So how did you mistake me for Ser Conner? Do I look like him or?

Lucario: No, your Aura is exactly like his.

Ashley: Hold on I'm confused. What's going on? I'm only hearing half of the conversation here.

Eric: Oh. Sorry, Lucario was asking who I was, where other Aura Guardians are, and how long it has been since Aura Guardians were last seen in the world.

Ashley: And what about someone named Ser. Conner?

Eric: Me and Ser. Conner have the exact same aura. So he mistook me for him.

As Eric was explaining what was being said, Lucario started to feel uneasy when he would look at Eric's shadow. Then out of nowhere Lucario jumped back and shot an Aura Sphere into Eric's shadow right at Latias, to which Latias came out of Eric's shadow and used Shadow Ball to try and counter it. As the two attacks impacted each other a small cloud of smoke formed, but Lucario's Aura Sphere continued through the smoke and hit Latias hard enough to send her flying into a group of trees knocking her out. As Lucario powered up another Aura Sphere Eric stepped in between Lucario and Latias.

Eric: Lucario don't hurt her. she's one of my Pokemon.

Lucario: She has the Aura of something sinister. She's not normal, in fact she seems to be of the shadow types.

Ashley: She is! But that doesn't mean you can just attack her for no reason.

Lucario: I've seen what shadow types are capable of and none are to be trusted.

Eric: Oh really! She's been by my side ever since she hatched!

Lucario: You hatched her from an egg?! That's- that's not possible!

Eric: Well it's the truth.

Lucario dispersed his Aura Sphere and then dropped to his knees in realization that he just went against is oath as an Aura Guardian, as well the partner of one.

Lucario: I'm sorry! I- I didn't realize, and had misjudged her.

While Lucario was kneeling asking for forgiveness Eric finally got to take a good look at him, and noticed that Lucario had a large three lined scar going from the base of its left ear down and across its face.

Ashley: You better be sorry!

Eric: Ashley stop. Look at his face and tell me what you see.

Ashley then looked at Lucario and was puzzled as to what she was supposed to see.

Ashley: What about his face.

Eric: You mean to tell me you don't see the scar going across his face?! He probably received it from a shadow type Pokemon.

Lucario: You would be correct Eric. It was caused by a shadow type Pokemon. A shadow Meowth to be exact.

Eric: What happened to you.

Lucario: well this scar was given to me a few years before I was stored in that staff.

Lucario then explained how he got his scar and the events leading up to him being stored in the staff.

Lucario: And that takes us all the way till now.

Ashley: No wonder you hate shadow type Pokemon so much, I would too.

Eric was still tending to Latias, for she had suffered multiple injuries and some left open wounds on her back that were bleeding profusely.

Eric: Even so, he should have realized I had already known she was there and that she wasn't a threat. Plus with his attack power he's lucky that she's still alive. Now will one of you help me!

Ashley: What's wrong?!

Eric: His attack left a large deep wound along the back of her neck and its bleeding profusely. I need another set of hands to help clean the wound, stop the bleeding and stitch up the wound.

Ashley then ran over to Eric and Latias, and slung her pack off her shoulders and grabbed a couple of towels from it.

Eric: Put pressure here.

Ashley did as Eric told her and pressed one of the towels down on the wound on Latias's neck. Eric then rapidly searched for a super potion in his bag along with a needle and thread to stitch up Latias's wounds. (The reason why Eric still needs to stitch up Latias's injuries even after applying a super potion is that the potions aren't magic and can only do so much.)

Ashley: Is she going to be ok?

Eric: I-I'm not sure.

As Eric and Ashley were tending to Latias, Eric's Dratini decided to try and find them. When Dratini did find Eric and Ashley, she noticed that Latias was injured. When Dratini saw Lucario she lost it and charged him. Dratini used her Dragon Breath at full power, this caused the dragon mark on his hand to glow slightly. Dratini's Dragon Breath connected with Lucario's back causing him to stumble and try to catch himself.

Lucario: Ahg.. What was that.

Lucario then tried to turn and see what hit him but he couldn't move due to Dratini's Dragon Breath paralyzing him. As Lucario struggled with being paralyzed Dratini rushed in again and tackled Lucario, and continued to hit Lucario until Eric told her to stop. Dratini had a very angry expression on her face showing that she was pissed about finding Latias injured and unconscious, along with Eric being upset while tending to Latias's wounds and Ashley helping. This also pushed her to the limit so when she saw Lucario she lost it and assumed correctly that he was to blame for it all and attacked.

Eric: Dratini I know you are angry at Lucario, but attacking like that is not the answer. What if he knew you were there and planned for you to attack like you did.

Dratini just looked at Eric then at Latias. after a few moments Dratini let out a sad whimper saying she understood that she acted without thinking and could have easily lost her own life by doing so.

Eric: Now Dratini, I know this will be hard for you to do but I want you to apologize to Lucario.

Dratini was stunned by what Eric had told her to do and she didn't understand why she needed to apologize to Lucario for what she did to him, because of what he did to Latias. Eric noticed this as well.

Eric: It's a sign of good faith and also I don't plan on letting this slide either.

When Dratini heard that Eric wasn't going to let Lucario off so easily she slithered over to Lucario and apologized for attacking him. As Dratini was apologizing to Lucario, Eric finished stitching up Latias's wounds he stood up and walked over to Lucario and Dratini.

Eric: Now Lucario there is only three ways this can go. 1 you come with us and teach me and my Pokemon how to use our Auras, 2 I catch you and make you teach us, or 3 I hold onto you until Latias recovers and let her deal with you. So what will it be?

Lucario laid there for a few moments waying his opinions and finally came to a decision.

Lucario: how about the 4th opinion. you catch me and I teach you willingly.

Eric was stunned for a moment because he didn't expect Lucario to come willingly or to accept being caught so soon after being set free from the staff.

Eric: Alright then.

Eric then grabbed one of his unused PokeBalls from his belt and tost it at Lucario, and caught him. Eric then pulled out another PokeBall and returned Latias to it.

Eric: Let's head back to camp. I'm sure Laura is starting to think we abandoned her or are doing something else.

Ashley then tilted her head to the side trying to figure out what Eric meant by something else, and then her face went bright red when she realized what he meant. Eric noticed this and couldn't help but grin. As Eric Ashley and Dratini made their way back to camp Dratini decided that she would ride on Eric's shoulders on the way back. So she climbed up by wrapping herself around him and made her way up.

When The trio got back to camp it was mid afternoon and Laura had already started the fire.

Laura: about time you two came back. i was starting to think you might have ditched me.

Ashley: We had a few issues to sort through.

Eric: One of which will shock the hell out of you.

Laura: Oh really. What could possibly shock the hell out of me.

Eric then reached for both Lucario's PokeBall and Latias's PokeBall, and released both of them. Laura fell off of the stump she had been sitting on and when she got back on her feet she was indeed shocked.

Laura: H-how did..... Where did..... What happened out there?

Eric: It's a long story.

Ashley: And something tells me you would rather have Eric make lunch instead of explaining what happened.

Laura: Fair enough. You can tell me after then.

Eric then made lunch for everyone including the Pokemon.

Laura: So what happened?

Ashley: Well it's best if Lucario explains.

Lucario then explained how he was trapped in an Aura Guardian's staff and how Eric released him, which led up to how and why he hurt Latias so badly. Eric also helped explain what happened.

Laura: So what are you going to do with him, Eric?

Eric: I'm going to have him teach both me and my Pokemon how to use Aura.

Laura then spewed a bunch of water when Eric said he was going to have Lucario teach him and his Pokemon how to use Aura.

Laura: You're joking right? I heard that it requires years just to get a handle on the basics of Aura usage.

Eric: Well normally you would be right, but my mom tried to have me learn how to use Aura when I was little. She would always buy these old books that were supposedly made by the Aura Guardians, but most of them were fakes.

Ashley: So you're saying that you already know the basics.

Eric: Well. Yes and no. yes in the fact that I read about how to use Aura, and no in the sense that I haven't actually been able to use Aura.

As Eric, Ashley, Laura and Lucario we're talking about Aura and how difficult it is to both use and learn Latias decided to look for some more food or snacks in Eric's bag. After a few moments of going through Eric's bag Latias pulled out the books that Eric bought at the black market and the one with a Latias engraved on the cover reacted to Latias's touch causing a slight glow and then a click. Eric heard the click and looked over at Latias to see what was going on. When Eric saw that Latias had taken one of the books out of his bag he was both mad and glad at the same time. The reason why Eric is both mad and glad is because he instructed his Pokemon not to touch the books but he had tried to open the books and all he could open was the first page of one book and that one was engraved with multiple different symbols on it.

Eric: Hey Latias what are you doing?!

Latias dropped the book and turned to Eric.

Eric: Now Latias, what did I say about touching those books.

Latias via telepathy: Not to touch them.

Eric: that's right but due to it unlocking at your touch it's ok. just bring it over.

Latias was excited to see what was in the book and also glad that she wasn't in trouble. So Latias brought the book over to Eric and handed it over to him. Everyone then gathered around Eric to see what was in the book, when a second click was heard coming from his bag.

Eric then stood up and walked over to his bag to see which of the other four books unlocked itself. To Eric's surprise the book that had unlocked itself was a book that had the symbol for Aura, psychic, dark, ghost, and dragon. When Eric picked up the book and tried to open it only the first three pages would come apart.

Laura: What's going on.

Ashley: I would like to know as well Eric, and when did you get those books?

Eric then responded without even looking back at the two.

Eric: I bought them a few days ago when I visited the black market.

Eric then continued to read what was on the pages that are now unlocked.

Ashley and Laura: YOU WENT WERE!

Eric: keep it down, and you heard me.

Ashley: You know how dangerous that is, you dumbass.

Eric while putting the book down: The only real dumbass is someone who isn't willing to take a risk that will yield great rewards.

Laura: He's not wrong.

Ashley: Still. That was very risky.

As night came everyone decided to turn in early except for Lucario, but sometimes during the night Eric woke to screaming. As he tried to get up to find out what was going on something hit him in the back of his head and before he fell back to the ground unconscious the last thing he heard was Ashley screaming for him to save her.

Eric came to, about 5 hours later. As Eric woke tried to sit up he felt a pounding in his head and his ears were ringing, and on top of that when he tried to rub his head he noticed that he was in handcuffs.

Officer 1: Well if it isn't the killer waking up from his nap!

Eric: What?! Where's Ashley and Laura? Where's Lucario? And why am I in handcuffs?

Officer 2: Oh you mean the girl you murdered. Now why don't you tell us where the other girl is scumbag.

Eric: What the fucking hell are you talking about? the last thing I remember was waking to the sound of Ashley screaming and before I could find out what the hell was going on something hit me in the back of my head.

Officer 1: Yeah, sure likely story. Now why don't you tell us what really happened!


Just as Eric was reiterating what he had already said a third person spoke.

Red: he's telling you the truth. he was unconscious during whatever transpired here.

Officer 2: And who the------Oh shit. Sorry Red.

Officer 1: And how do you know he's telling the truth.

Red: this Lucario is just barely alive and he told me what happened here, but there's no way he'll live long enough to get to a Pokemon Center.

The officers then uncuffed Eric. Eric then ran over to Lucario to ask what happened.

Eric: Lucario? what happened? Where's Ashley and Laura?

As Lucario tried to respond to Eric he started to cough up blood.

Lucario: (coughing) Laura is everywhere around camp. (Coughing) as for Ashley. (coughing) they took her.

Eric: Who? Who took Ashley?

Lucario: I Don't know.

Lucario then had a major coughing fit and coughed out a lot more blood.

Lucario: I have to go Eric, but before I do here's something from me.

Lucario then pushed as much of his own Aura into Eric as he could. (like what Ash and Lucario did to Mew)

Lucario: Sir. Conner is waiting for me.

As Lucario finished that sentence he passed away.

Why did the book unlock when Latias touched it? Who Kidnapped Ashley? Why is Red there? For the answers to these questions and more tune in next time.