Chereads / Pokemon: Unknown Heros and Darkness / Chapter 22 - Training And Discovery

Chapter 22 - Training And Discovery

As Eric and his Pokemon continued to walk through the forest that surrounded the base of Mt. Moon, Eric's Dratini seemed to notice that he wasn't paying attention to what was ahead of them and nipped his shoulder to get his Attention.

Eric: What was that for Dratini?!

Dratini just motioned her head towards what was likely a swarm of Beedrills sleeping in a large tree, with a bunch of their previous evolutions either hanging from the branches or crawling around eating.

Eric: Thanks girl. That would've been the end of us if you hadn't gotten my attention. I think we should give this area a wide berth so we don't attract any attention.

Dratini nod at Eric and so did Latias.

Deep in the Veridian Forest underground.

Ashley: W-where am I?

kidnapped Kid: you're in a holding area for all the kids they capture.

Ashley: Who's they?

Kidnapped Kid: The Shadows Of Johto.

Ashley: So in other words we're in Johto.

Kidnapped Kid: I don't think so. one of the guards that comes to feed us likes to talk a lot and said some things about being in Kanto.

As Ashley comes to the realization that she's not in Hoenn but in another region she remembers that she wasn't alone when she was abducted.

Ashley: Hey was a guy named Eric Johnson brought here with me?

Kidnapped Kid: No, but there were about thirty other trainers and kids that were brought here with you.

Ashley: I hope he's alright. Hey is a girl named Laura here she would've been in the group that I was in?

Kidnapped Kid: No, and I have even sadder news on that.

Ashley: W-what do you mean by that?

The Kid then went on to tell Ashley what the lady that brought her and a lot of other kids there, had talked about how they almost caught three people but things didn't go as she planned. Ashley then knew why Laura wasn't there and possibly the same reason Eric wasn't there either and she dropped to her knees and started balling.

Kidnapped Kid: Well if it's any comfort the lady said that on the girl was killed and they weren't able to grab the boy before someone or something had spooked them.

Ashley was slightly comforted knowing that Eric could still be ok and looking for her.

Ashley: So does anyone have a plan on how to escape this place?

Kidnapped Kid: No, and the last group that tried either lost a limb or were killed.

Back with Eric.....

Eric had managed to sneak past the Beedrill swam and was a decent ways away from it. Now Eric set up camp and had his Pokemon train and he did as well. For the next 3 Hours Eric trained until he started to tire himself out and get hungry.

Eric: Alright everyone that's enough for now. Why don't we take a break for supper and rest before we decide on security shifts.

Shortly after Eric had made supper for himself and his Pokemon he started training again, but this time it was different. When Lucario transferred his aura into Eric, it gave Eric a boost to his own and let him control his own aura. So now Eric is training on how to control his aura and use it in different ways, like transferring some of his aura to his staff or to any other object he wants/needs to use as a weapon, or condensing his aura in his body to increase his resistance to both the weather and to attacks from either Pokemon or people. Eric continued to train for another 3 hours (time 9:00P.M.) before having Dratini start the first 3 hour shift. When midnight came and it was time for Eric to start his turn on watch, Eric noticed that Dratini had already fallen asleep but Latias was up and training to use her aura. Eric watched Latias train for a little bit before letting her know that it was his turn to be on watch.

When Eric approached Latias he accidentally stepped on a twig causing Latias to be startled and unleashed Psychic on him freezing him in place.

Latias via telepathy: WHO GOES THERE?!

Eric: Mhhmmgh.

Latias via telepathy: Oh sorry Eric.

Latias released Eric from the Psychic stasis she locked him in.

Eric: It's alright, I startled you and at the moment I was an unknown. it's my turn on watch now by the way.

Latias via telepathy: can I stay up with you and train.

Eric: Sure, I'm probably going to do some training as well.

As the night went on Eric felt like he was being watched, and around 4 in the morning Eric's senses were proven to be correct when a white and black Pokemon came sprinting through his camp and stopped when it saw Eric and Latias. The Pokemon that appeared was an Absol. (Absol the disaster Pokemon, Absol is rarely ever seen and when it is seen a natural or Pokemon related disaster occurs. Absol has a white fur coat that covers its body and most of its head, its tail and head piece are black or dark gray, and it stands around 4 feet tall when on all fours.) The sound of the Absol sprinting by woke Eric's Dratini and Metapod. Although Metapod couldn't really do anything other than use String Shot, or Harden, but it could swing around using its String Shot. So in theory it could use tackle.

When Dratini. saw the Absol she quickly moved in-between it and Eric, ready for battle.

Absol: sol-ab-absol-ab-absol.

Eric: Latias what is it saying?

Latias: He's saying that something terrible is going to happen nearby and he wants us to help try and prevent it.

Eric: Alright Absol, we'll help but first I need you to promise not to attack us later.

The Absol nodded in understanding and then Eric packed up camp and followed the Absol.

Meanwhile in Hoenn by the ruins of Silver Falls...

Mysterious Person: it's been a long time since we were last in Hoenn, hasn't it girl?

The mysterious person then looked to the Dragonite at his side who tears in its eyes. the Dragonite looked at its trainer after a few moments and nodded, then spoke to him.

Dragonite: it's been years since we last were here. Back then both of us lost someone we cherished. Except we found her again later but she was a little different.

Mysterious Person: Yeah and if I'm right it's about two months from now that we find her.

Dragonite: How do you know?

Mysterious Person: I asked Celebi to bring us here before we found her, cause there's something that we find and bring to Kanto before our past selves find her.

As this mysterious person was talking to his Dragonite, two more of his Pokemon was moving around in his shadow.

Mysterious Person: Hey you two don't tire yourselves out too much I still need one of you to teleport us to Kanto when we're done.

The two Pokemon in his shadow pocked their heads out of his shadow and nodded in understanding. One of the Pokemon was a powerful Gengar and the only thing you could see of the other was its blue eyes.

Mysterious Person: Also I came to set up the headstones of three people we used to know and leave these with them.

The mysterious person then pulled out a bouquet of flowers. Two of his Pokemon nodded and understood why he was doing this but his Gengar did and asked the other Pokemon that was in the shadow with it why their trainer was doing this. To which the other Pokemon said that two of the people whose headstones they're putting up were their trainers, friend's parents, and the third was for a girl who was murdered the same night the trainer's friend was abducted.

The Gengar then looked at its trainer and sympathized with him, for it too knew that pain its trainer felt.

Back with Eric and the Absol.....

Eric: So where are you leading us Absol?

The Absol didn't respond to Eric's question but instead kept running.

Eric: Hey I asked you a question!

Again the Absol didn't respond. So Eric decided to have Latias slap it from the shadows, and when she did the Absol stopped and looked at Eric.

Absol: Absol-ab?

Latias then translated for Eric what Absol said.

Latias: He asked why you had me hit him.

Eric: To get your attention. Now where are you leading us?

Absol: Ab-absol-sol-ab!

Latias: He said he's leading us to something that will help us both get stronger and prepare for what is to come.

Eric: Ok.

Eric followed Absol for a few more hours until they entered a small clearing. In the clearing a large moss covered stone could be seen and on it was some kind of stick but upon a closer look Eric noticed that it wasn't a stick but a staff infused with a strong aura. When Eric tried to grab the stick his hand went right through it. Eric then turned to the Absol to ask why he couldn't touch it but the Absol was gone, as if it was never even there.

Eric: Latias, Dratini! Where did that Absol go?

Latias and Dratini shrugged and were just as confused as he was. Eric then turned to the staff again and tried to take it but instead of a staff there was now a bundle of cloth with some Unowns being used as letters. Thankfully Eric knew how to read Unown. The Unowns read: This is a gift from me to you Eric, in time we will meet again. When Eric opened the bundle of cloth he found, high grade, quality evolution stones (10 of each type of evolution stone to be exact) and other evolution items like Kings rock, and Dragon scales

Eric: These will definitely come in handy. Now we need to get back to training. Then after we've trained for a while I'll make breakfast.

After a few hours of training Eric made breakfast, but his Pokemon food recipe was altered just a light bit. Instead of using only power gems and berries, Eric decided to crush up part of an evolution stone, or evolution item and add that to his Pokemon's food recipe. When Eric finished making the food for both his Pokemon and himself, he told them to try the new recipe and tell him what that thought about it. The first one to try the food was Dratini and she actually loved it, and after the first few bites Dratini glowed and grew an extra 6 inches in length (Dratini didn't evolve but got a lot stronger both physically and power). Dratini then started running around the camp like a Rapidash on crack, this lasted for fifteen minutes before Dratini finally wore herself out and fell asleep. Similarly Latias also grew to just short of a normal full grown Latias size and her powers also increased and just like Dratini, Latias flew around the camp until she was tiered out. Metapod on the other hand grew and also evolved into Butterfree, but when Metapod evolved into Butterfree the coloration was different. Butterfree normally have white wings with black accenting lines and veins, but Eric Butterfree had black wings with dark red accenting lines and veins. Also normally Butterfree are either blue or pink with red compound eyes, but Eric Butterfree was black with grey compound eyes.

After Metapod evolved into Butterfree it went mad with its new found power and tried to attack Dratini who was asleep. (Sometimes when a Pokemon evolves it will no longer see its trainer as a worthy one and go on a rampage due to it also being drunk on power). This caused Eric to have to try and stop his rampaging Pokemon without any help from his other Pokemon. Even though Eric was only human he was able to manipulate his aura to some degree and he used it to reinforce his bones and muscles so he could fight his rampaging Pokemon and hopefully prevent Butterfree from harming Dratini or worse killing her. As Eric ran to try and beg between Butterfree and Dratini something blurred past him and knocked Butterfree to the ground unconscious. As Eric tried to find out what could've so easily knocked out his rampaging Pokemon he couldn't find anything.

What could've knocked out Butterfree? Where did Absol go? Who is the Mysterious Person leaving flowers at what remains of Silver Falls? To find the answers to these questions and more tune in next time.