Pewter City, the oldest city in the Region of Kanto. Despite being the first city of the Region, it was not a Metropolis, the population ranked it 7th out of the 9 Cities of Kanto.
The biggest attraction of the City was its famous Pewter City Museum. The Museum held more than 50 ancient artifacts, some of which were confirmed Fossils of Pokemon like Aerodactyl, Kaputops, and Omastar.
Right now, Aizen and the girls were inside this famous place, checking out the artifacts that were on display.
"These drawings of Aerodactyl look quite intimidating." Leaf commented as she observed the fossil and the drawings of the said Pokemon.
"Bebe.." Her little Pokemon agreed to her words.
"Aerodactyl are fast and strong. They could be classified as Apex Predators in all the confirmed Flying Types." Anira informed her as she took some pictures of the display with her PokeNav.
"For a girl your age, I must say you are quite knowledgeable." Misty smiled at the little Orayen.
"Grandma never held back on my studies. It helped that I was not against it and found everything fascinating. There is a reason why I am my Brother's first Official Assistant!" She proudly told them.
"Yeah, yeah... Assistant Anira. Now that I remember, I should ask you to help me with the files I received from Grandma today." He kept his eyes on the display and thoughtfully said.
"Brother!" She pouted. "You promised that it was a break for us!"
He smirked at her words, and she smirked back.
They both knew that he could never make her do anything if she was not in the mood.
"Attention everyone!"
Suddenly, a voice sounded out from the speakers.
"The Museum is about to close in 15 minutes. Make sure you take your belongings with you, the Museum Authorities will not be responsible for any lost items."
"The weekly Pokemon History Trivia is going to start in 15 Minutes. Only Official Trainers under the age of 20 are allowed to take part in the event. The willing participants and audience can head to the Auditorium for further instructions. If you manage to answer all the questions on the Trivia, there will be a Special Reward for you. Goodluck, and hope you enjoy your time in the Museum!"
The group were wondering why there were so many Trainers in the Museum today, and now they understood it. Misty face-palmed when she realised that she had forgotten about this event.
It could not be blamed really, since the last winner of the event appeared several years ago.
Seeing how all the youngsters were pumped up for the event, it only meant that the special rewards were not too shabby.
Leaf and Misty seemed excited too, and Aizen was curious as well. However, he was debating if he should take part in something like that or not. Not to sound narcissistic, but he knew he had a solid chance of winning such an event.
"Brother!" Anira sternly looked at him as if she could read his thoughts. "You will take part as well!"
"If it really bothers you so much, I and Leaf are more than willing take the reward that you would receive." She shamelessly staked her claim and even dragged Leaf in it.
"I don't..." Leaf wanted to deny such a claim, but she was cut off by the little princess.
"Come on, you have heard it as well from the whispers around us. No one has won it in over five years now. It's just a waste of an opportunity if we don't take it. And since the last winner got a Metal Coat, a Moonstone, as well as a Random Pokemon Egg, we really shouldn't waste this opportunity."
Anira's words were like that of a Devil, and sounded convincing enough for Leaf to go on with her plan.
Aizen now looked at his two Assistants and sighed. Their puppy eyes were too adorable for him to deny their request.
"Okay..." He agreed.
"Yes!" Even Misty yelled together with the girls.
And that was how he was dragged toward the Auditorium by the three of them.
The participants in the Auditorium numbered nearly a hundred. And the Gallery for the Audience was full of people as well. However, as per the regulations, the audience were not allowed to cheer or make any noise that could disturb the participants. So, it was a rather solemn atmosphere in the Hall.
"The Weekly Trivia Event started 26 Years ago. And in these 26 Years, only 7 Participants have managed to win this event."
There were 7 bright names on the screen behind the invigilator, and it surprised Aizen when he found two names he was familiar with, and it just so happened that they were now his fellow Professors.
Now he was getting excited. This Trivia was not going to be a pushover since there have been only 7 winners in nearly three decades.
"Cheating is not allowed in the event, and in case you are caught cheating, you will be banned from visiting the Museum again. A Negative Star will be added to your Trainer's License as well." The Invigilator warned.
Behind him, a yellow Pokemon appeared and floated in the air, holding two spoons in its hands.
The presence of a powerful Psychic Pokemon meant that cheating was not really an option. Well, at least for everyone except for Aizen, but he was not a cheat.
"There will be a total of 25 questions. And you will have 10 minutes to answer them all. As soon as the clock starts, the first question will appear on the Tablet in your hand, make sure you save your answer before proceeding to the next question."
The time frame of 10 minutes was really tight. Even if the participants already knew about it, they couldn't help but feel nervous when they heard it.
The clock pinged and started ticking.
The first 7 questions were basics that any capable Trainer would know. The next 8 questions were about Pokemon Species found in Kanto Region. Following five questions were about famous Professors and their famous works.
Aizen pouted when he saw no question about him. He was having fun with this exam. And the last five questions really did make him take his time. They were about the specific dates of historic events that took place in the Region of Kanto. None of them were well-knowm events, but each of them proved to be the basis of future advancement of today's world of Pokemon Technology and Knowledge.
He was glad that he had read up on Kanto's history before arriving here. Some of these questions were ones he would not have been able to answer a year ago.
Flushed with relief, he successfully answered the last question and smiled. He completed the Trivia in a little under 7 minutes.
He felt the excitement of Anira when she saw him finish and smile. Her Aura was singing beautifully in hope, but more so in confidence.
"Time's up!"
The Invigilator called out, and the Tablets locked the test.
The result of each individual was displayed on their Tablets, and from the groans and lamenting words of the majority of the participants, it was safe to say that some people were going to reflect on their life tonight.
Aizen winked at Anira who was in the Gallery. And she bloomed in the brightest smile possible, which he loved the most.
Misty seemed sad at her result, and Leaf did not seem as bothered. She was searching for Aizen among the participants, and when she found him and saw his smile, she knew that they had won.
"May I have your attention please." The Invigilator smiled at the Particiants, making them stop their whispering and laments. "The Trivias we hold here are never easy. For anyone who has managed to answer more than 15 Questions correctly, you have done very well. However, all of you must work harder the next time! The Weekly Trivia will be held next week again. So, those of you who are participating for the first or second time, you still have a chance! Hope to see you here next week."
"Now then, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Pewter City Museum proudly announces that we have our 8th Trivia Winner!" The Invigilator vigorously announced.
The announcement shocked the participants, as well as the audience, but they soon recovered and some started clapping and cheering rather boisterously.
"I would like to call forward Mr. Aizen Orayen to come and collect his rewards and the Winner's Medal."
There were some female trainers who squealed as soon as Aizen started walking to the front. Most of the Audience present were shocked at the name Orayen, and they heatedly looked in his direction.
The Invigilator shook his hand with excitement, and it was clear that he had discovered his other identity.
"Congratulations, Mr Orayen."
"Thank you!" He smiled and sighed inwardly. Now he knew he would have people coming over to him and ask him dozens of questions.
He accepted the Winner's Medal that was a badge shaped in form of the mythical Tree of Enlightenment. There were details of the competition engraved at the bottom of it.
"As for the rewards of this week, we have two Pokemon Eggs that will hatch in the coming three to four days. And two Moonstones!" He presented the Bag that contained the rewards.
Aizen opened the bag and saw two eggs, one with pink highlights and the other with blue. From the patterns and size, he knew which Pokemon they will be hatching into, and he was happy with them.
"Thank you!" He closed the bag and did not bother looking at the Moonstones.
"Mr. Orayen..."
"I will be at the Pokemon Center for the night. It's been a long day." Aizen cut him off with a smile.
The Invigilator understood what he meant and he was happy that he was given permission to approach him in the morning.
"Have a good night, Sir!"
"You too." Aizen looked around the Hall and bowed to the Participants and the Audience for their cheering and well wishes before exiting the Hall from the backdoor the Invigilator pointed him to take.
He would be a fool to join the Audience and the particiants now that they knew he was an Orayen. A real Prince!
Fame was a blessing, but more so a curse.