"You are the best!"
Anira hugged him tightly and kissed him all over his face.
"I know..." He chuckled and returned the courtesy by showering her with light kisses. Her giggles brightened his mood even more and he spun around happily with her in his arms.
"Congratulations!" Misty panted as she caught up with him. And Leaf was right behind her.
"I want to see the eggs!" The hazel-eyed girl said as she caught her breath, and both Misty and Anira nodded to her words.
Aizen had made a break for it for the Pokemon Center after exiting the Museum. He did not want to get caught by people who were now looking for him. He thought that the girls would take their time in arriving here, but they seemed really eager to see the Eggs.
"Let's go inside. I will show you the Eggs in our suite."
The group approached the front desk where Nurse Joy was sitting.
"Good evening!" Joy stood up and looked at them with a bright smile. Her eyes lingered on Aizen for a moment before she continued. "Welcome to the Pewter City Pokemon Center. How may I help you?"
"Good evening, Miss." Aizen handed her his Pokedex. "I would like a suite for me and my Assistants."
Nurse Joy knew who he was. By now, all the Nurse Joy in Kanto were aware of his presence in the region and were expecting him to visit their Pokemon Center at some point.
"All done." She handed him his Dex after registering a suite for him. "Anything else?"
"Yes," He smiled at her. "Can you give our Pokemon a quick checkup?"
She pulled out a tray from under the desk and presented it to them to place their Pokeballs on it.
"Would you like a Health Evaluation for your Pokemon? Know that you may gain a Positive Star if your Pokemon is in great health, or you might lose merit if it has been mistreated," She informed them of the regulations.
"Of course." Aizen placed Eevee's and Scyther's Pokeballs on the tray.
Misty and Leaf decided for Health Evaluation as well.
A Trainer needed a very high Health Evaluation score before they could apply for a Privilege. All Pokemon Centers could decrease a Trainer's Merit if their Pokemon have been mistreated. In some serious cases a Trainer could even have their License suspended. However, Trainers were advised to choose the Heath Evaluation only if they were confident that their Pokemon was in great shape that could earn them a Positive Star.
If your Pokemon was not in great shape and you applied for Health Evaluation, you would be denied a chance of Health Evaluation in the next Pokemon Center you visit. And each Pokemon Center could award the Trainer a Positive Star once every month.
The group waited for Nurse Joy for a few minutes before she returned with their Pokeballs.
"Congratulations!" She beamed at them. "All your Pokemon are in perfect condition. Your profiles will be updated by morning and your Positive Stars will be added on them."
"Thank you!" Leaf was happy for another Positive Star.
It was a good feeling to be informed that your Pokemon were in perfect health and happy.
"Miss Joy, do you have any portable Egg Incubators?" Aizen asked hopefully.
"I do have have some, however, they are Pokemon Center's property. You can only use them for your stay in the Center." She answered politely.
Other Trainers would have been given the choice to leave the Egg under her supervision for the night, but as a Trainer with Diamond Privileges, Aizen could keep the Incubators on him for the duration he stays in the Center.
"We are fine with that. The Eggs are supposed to hatch in three days, and with the Incubator, it should take less than 10 hours. You will have your Incubators back by morning." He assured her.
"How many do you need?"
She nodded to him and quickly registered a log of lease in his name and went inside the storage room to bring him two Incubators.
"Thank you for everything!" He gratefully said and left for his suite.
As soon as they arrived in their suite. The first thing he did was call out Rinko. The little Eevee did not like staying inside the Pokeball for long.
"Vee!" It joyfully jumped on his shoulder and gave him a few loveable licks.
Anira took the bag that contained the Eggs from him and carefully put the Eggs inside the Incubators.
"So which Pokémon do they belong to?" Leaf impatiently asked.
Misty also had the same look on her face.
"Can't you just wait for the morning to see for yourself?"
"No!" Leaf shook her head. "Tell us now." She excitedly asked.
Aizen mischievously smiled at her.
"I will tell you if you choose one of them for yourself. I will take the other." He told her.
"You don't have to..."
"Leaf." He stopped her from saying anything and sternly looked at her.
She frowned and kept thinking for a while before smiling and nodding to him.
"Thank you!" She gave him a hug before turning to look at the two Eggs.
She took her time and finally settled for the one with blue highlights.
"Now, tell us!" She impatiently asked as she hugged the Incubator with the Egg she chose for herself.
"They are both the same Pokemon." Anira said to her and burst out laughing.
"What?" Leaf stared at her with wide eyes before pouting. "You could have told me! I spent so much time on deciding which one to pick."
"She's messing with you." Aizen patted her head. "Though they are the same Pokemon. One of them is a Male and the other is a Female."
"The one you have chosen is the Female." Anira added.
"Nidoran?" Leaf guessed and looked at the egg fondly.
"Yup," Aizen nodded his head. "And do you know what are the differences between Nidoking and Nidoqueen other than their appearance?"
"Nidoking tend to have more firepower and have more speed. Nidoqueen have more endurance and better defense." Leaf answered confidently.
"And they each gain a special move that the other can't learn when they reach their final evolution. Nidoking gains Megahorn, a Bug Type move, and Nidoqueen gains Superpower, a Fighting Type move." She had not been slacking off on the homework Aizen gave her each night.
"Well done!" He heartedly praised her.
"I was expecting something rarer. But nidoran are cute too..." Misty muttered thoughtfully. "They can learn a wide variety of moves when they evolve into Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Good additions!"
Anira nodded to her words.
"What's the plan now, Brother?" She asked.
"We will stay here for a day and then leave for Mt. Moon. After that, we will leave for Cerulean City. I need to visit Professor Bill at the Bill's Lighthouse. He sent me a message that I should visit him by the end of this month. So, we have 16 days to get there." He then turned to Misty and smiled. "Our First Gym battle will be Cerulean City."
Misty snorted and smirked at him.
"I will ask my father to go easy on you." She teased him.
"Careful. He might misunderstand things between us." He said and winked at her.
Misty glared at him, but her cheeks were burning in a blush.
"Goodnight, girls!" He picked up the Incubator and left for his room. "And Leaf... there's no homework for tonight." He said much to the relief of the hazel-eyed girl.
"He's in good mood today." Misty thoughtfully looked at his back.
"Of course he is!" Anira smiled at her. "Brother may not be showing it, but I can sense that he is really happy to win the event and get his name on the board among the winners. And a future addition of Nidoking on his team has made the day even better."
"Hehe... I can understand his feelings." Leaf cooed at the Egg in her arms.
Both Misty and Anira found her reaction adorable and smiled.