"Uh, Ozi, uncle! Good morning!" Blurted brightly. She wagged her long hair, then waved at the two men in front of her.
Ozi and Nobi still gaped where they stood. Then Ren smiled and walked past them confidently. At the same time, her wings look particularly beautiful with sparkle like a diamond. In fact, her rays become even more dazzling when ren is away from them.
Ren left home alone and again felt the fresh village air. Trees with leafy leaves shaded people's homes. After some days of confinement in her room, she finally noticed a restful look as the leaves were still soaked with morning dew.
"Ren! You look so pretty today! Did you cut your hair or something?" Asked a young man who was passing by with several others.
One of them hit the back of his friend's head. "Hey, take it easy. You flirt with girls too carelessly!" The young men left after saying that. Ren just smiled as he walked past the residents' home.
"Hello, ren! You look different today! "The postman said while flying, carrying several bags of letters.
Some residents were cleaning up the yard saw ren and whispered to each other about the beauty of her face and the beauty of her wings. All that was as imagined by her before. She smiled happily because everything was going the way she hoped.
"Are you going there again? "Asked Kim as she took out her powerful spirit with a snap of her fingers. "I think the view is so beautiful there that you can't stop to get there," continued her chuckling. She sat behind the Alen, then pressed her palms to Alen's wings. That spirit force emitted rays each time it hit Alen's wings.
Alen sits in front of Kim because his wing feathers are being regenerated. It was necessary for his wing feather to fall one by one. "Earlier, that was my excuse to go there, but not anymore," he said with a faint smile.
"Really? Why do you think it is?" Asked Kim out of curiosity.
Instead of answering, Alen chuckled. "You don't need to know."
"You brat!" curse Kim, pushing up Alen's back. "As if you found a girl who had caught your eye," he went on. A little later, she was channeling her own magic.
"I don't know, I don't know," she said as she twisted her body until her feet hung from the roof. From there he saw down there a small child walking alone around the building. He laughed because he saw how cute the boy was with his cheeks and his girth.
"Alen! Look at that building!" Exclaimed Kim who made Alen flinch. The look on Alen's face quickly changed when he realized that there was something wrong with the building. People rushed out of the building and flew away to escape. On the other hand, she saw a middle-aged woman flying over the child.
Quickly, Alen jumped off the roof and spread his wings while still in the air. Then he flitted toward the young child just before the building fell. He will, at last, breathe of relief upon bringing the young child up the stairs. A moment later, he saw the 10-story building collapsed.
Alen immediately handed the young child over to his parents. "Thank god he's all right. I hope you pay more attention to your child when he is playing," he told the two in front of him.
The boy's father nodded. "We immediately looked for it when we saw that several buildings had collapsed. We can't imagine what would have happened if you hadn't been here and saved our son.
"Thank you so much for helping our child. We don't know how to repay you for this? "Said the mother of the child.
"That's really not necessary," Alen replied with a friendly smile.
On the other hand, Kim was still standing on the roof and saw the building in front of him collapse slowly from the top floor down to the lower floor. She turned in just any direction and saw a lot of people in the air who were just as surprised as her. Some people even screamed in fear. Intrigued, Kim flew higher and found a startling sight.
Kim flapping her wings rapidly approaching Alen. "Alen, you should see! "Her voice quivered right next to Alen.
Alen followed Kim to higher ground. From there he saw some buildings as devastated as the buildings he had seen earlier. The crowd goes crazy telling how they're coming out of a collapsed building.
"Alen, there seems to be something wrong. How are those buildings going down at the same time?" Wonder Kim.
"It's weird. Obviously, this is all happening for a reason. I have to find out! "She blurted and flew away at once.
"Alen!" Screamed Kim. "That brat!"
Ren ran around and tried hard to move her wings. His efforts, however, were fruitless. Ozi watched from a distance in the air, laughing occasionally softly. When ren noticed the sighting, she immediately terminated her activities.
Ozi approached ren with his head shaking. "I thought you dressed like that because you wanted to get close to the boys in the village. Apparently, you're acting all crazy on me."
Ren sighed as he sat down on the ground. She looked up at the sky and said, "Ozi, do you know what? In the past, humans worked hard to fly. Then they created a mode of transportation that held hundreds of people ... To fly through the air. They call it the 'plane'." Ozi heard with his eyebrows almost fused. "Today, man is made with wings from birth and flies with ease."
Ozi sits next to Ren. "So you don't feel like them? Is being different... Does that mean you're not one of us?"
"Nope. I just think I should try harder than anyone else. Most people use their wings when they're little. Whereas, I can't even move it until now. I kinda feel... It's not fair. 'why was I born this way?' the question often popped into my head."