Jevil took his time and travelled to the center of Tengu territory, where a large mountain could be seen. He sat down on the foot to take a break. He brought out snacks that he had bought from the capital district of the Oni Territory and started eating for a while.
"Man, this sight sure is imposing. Good thing I learned that they have a rather nice fortress up there, so this time I don't have to go looking for a cave entrance." Jevil started monologuing as he didn't really know what to do when his break was over. "But then... These observers..." Jevil glanced over to some trees as he noticed multiple presences observing his movements. "Come on out, this attempt of hiding against me is pretty disappointing to be completely honest." The second Jevil spoke out loud, multiple tengu finally came out.
"So, what's your business with someone like me?" Jevil quickly asked the tengu while still eating a skewer. He was slightly troubled as he thought about being threatening, but he shrugged it all off together. "We are merely trying to keep track on your actions, and report accordingly." "And why is that?" "Because of your capabilities in that duel, you could be seen as a threat to our country." "A threat? Well it's reasonable, but I think this kind of treatment towards a Preeliance visitor is pretty harsh." With his words, the tengu started to tremble. "I'll forgive this if you guys lead me to the head of this mountain." "U-Understood..." With the spying tengu now dragged into his idea, Jevil moved up the mountain in top speed.
"To be able to catch up against us... People in the Preeliance truly are impressive..." "Members of the Sentinels like myself are pretty much trained to be virtually perfect, so this praise doesn't really do much." They finally arrived to a large castle, it was a place for tengu to inhabit and Jevil was allowed entry with jurisdiction by the tengu. When he stated his demand to meet the leader, he was told to wait as the preparations are to be made.
Twenty minutes later, he found himself entering the fortress-like building as he felt the stares of many tengu who are somewhat being wary of his existence. He had his weapon out, and seeing a large scythe on a human that's around average height and size gives them a bit of a bad premonition. When he entered the building, he was immediately asked to put away his weapon, to which he did by returning it into the interdimensional storage. The tengu were surprised as he could easily store his weapon in a different space, but since they knew that he was from Preeliance, they understood it quickly. Eventually, they arrived to a grand open chamber where a feast was prepared. "Another feast..." Jevil actually ate a lot more food beforehand, so he was quite troubled as to how he could digest the food immediately. "Luckily..." He fluttered his vest for a second and checked the potions within him. "Remuel's potions truly are a blessing to society..." As Jevil smiled wryly on the feast prepared, he then noticed that the tengu had left the area. What remained were great tengu and their leader.
"Greetings, Jevil Kane. Visitor from Preeliance. I presume that you're here to talk about the eventually alliance and joining of Helvetum into the [Tranquil Harmony]." "As expected of tengu, any kind of information gathering is impressive. But with tengu also appearing in Preeliance from time to time, we had expected this much." The exchange began, as the two of them had somewhat sharp intuitions between each other when it comes to information. "Since you're already aware of our actions, I sure hope that this will be a fast transaction after this feast." The leader of the tengus slowly walked towards Jevil, as he showed a bit less of a muscle mass and showed more on the look of his black wings. There was a lot of grace included in his actions, all just to impress Jevil completely. With the great tengus moving aside to allow their leader to speak with Jevil, the leader of the group, and the visitor from Preeliance smiled as they introduced themselves. "I am Sutoku Tenno, the leader of the Tengu Faction, greetings once again, visitor from Preeliance." "Jevil Kane, [Sentinel of Aggravation], vice-chief of the order directly under Archon Kingfisher, I thank you for this wonderful feast prepared." "Yes, it was timed quite wonderfully as we recently had a peak on our agriculture. So we had leeway to prepare such a feast, specially for you who is a VIP after the recent global incident." "Of course you know that too, is there any damage on your side?" "It was significant, but we managed to recover quickly on that." "I see, when an archon comes here then they will discuss this with you later." "An archon is coming soon? I definitely look forward to it." Jevil was starting to think that Sutoku wasn't actually narcissistic. But he knew for a fact that Oni hates, and cannot lie. Thus there must be something that would make Sutoku narcissistic to which he tried to look for, and give up for the time being. "Let's get the feast underway."
Jevil was introduced to many great tengu, which are pretty much the main figures of the Tengu Faction. There was a lot of curiosity surrounding Jevil as he has a great power that managed to overpower the Oni leaders. But he didn't pay them too much attention as he simply answered questions that won't get him in trouble.
After the feast, Jevil followed Sutoku to the private room for discussions, he knew that Jevil was in a bit of a rush, and wanted to arrive to the next territory by night. "So, I'm sure that what you want to ask me is information about the governmental body right?" "Yes, specially the satori shrine maidens, and the hero." "Let's see..." Sutoku started checking on the documents that he had prepared on his table. "I'm sure that Shuten Doji had told you to some extend about what they look like, so here's a full painting on how they actually look like. These documents here go into detail about their abilities." With information about the hero's abilities, Jevil was immediately sold. "Ability of plague and mutations... Blood, and even necromancy... There's also manipulation of the spirits." Jevil smiled, as he felt relieved that the abilities aren't too much of a problem. "Plaguing magic is very dangerous you know? He could inflict you with a plague and mutate it instantly." Sutoku was quite surprised with Jevil's reaction, because of that, he was trying to ensure that fighting the enemy was basically a suicidal attempt. "Our archon, Draxus had once used [XVII - Stars], and it was an ability that simply erased any bit of injury, sickness, or poison in his own body. So that's one part that you're already mistaken about our power." Jevil drank one of the potions to help a quick digestion, he then immediately proceed to ask about the location of the shrine. "Ah... About the shrine, we generally have no idea how to access the area. The center of this country is surrounded by a heavy forest on a hill. That's where you could normally find the shrine, but the trees are too tall that nobody could arrive to the shrine even by accident." "Then how do you guys appear for the meetings?" "We normally select one of the territories to do our meetings there. We have them every quarter of the year, so we do not practically get to learn where it is." "But that forest is the main hint right? I'd like to confirm it with the other leaders first, I'm grateful for the information." "So you're leaving immediately? Quite a busy diplomat you are." "I'm no diplomat, just a guy wishing to learn about the stuff in this country. I'll update you when the Archon is coming though, so you can send the message to others right after I return here." "I see, then I wish you the best." Sutoku Tenno was surprised as Jevil used the window to exit the place. He performed a nosedive before shooting himself back up to the sky in mere seconds, with more info about the governmental body in his phone typed down, Jevil went to the Kitsune Territory.