Remuel and Harold returned to the castle and immediately walked around to find Prince Oswald. While passing through many halls, they discussed about what to do with the research and decided to let everything flow around for the time being. "First, we need more funds. I'll remain in the castle and consolidate my energy and magic for the future." Remuel who was informed by Harold about his plans didn't really complain since he wanted to go for some adventuring. But hearing as Harold will be holding his power for the time being, Remuel's thoughts leaked out. "What? You gonna drop a meteor shower soon?" Harold smiled and answered Remuel's question. "Probably? We might need to destroy some armies eventually." Remuel facepalmed and showed a face that he already knew Harold's answers. "Well... Either way, we need to earn some cash for our research. It's a good thing that we get treated to food and a room, so we can just pour our cash into here." Remuel sighed in relief to the fact where they were provided with a room in the castle to lodge in and a different room used for nothing but research. After some time, they found the prince along with the hero and the king who are discussing some matters. "Prince Oswald! King Oscar! Ulysses! Yo!" With a completely casual tone, Remuel and Harold walked toward their position as the former called out to them. They were immediately led to some room and served tea. "As you may have seen with out appearances, we actually went out as a change of pace." Remuel immediately addressed the manners to the king as he brought out the topic of needed to go outside. "With just our current money, it won't even come close to our research. I'm not here to ask for more but actually, we need to head out and register to the adventurer's guild so that we can begin supplying more money into the research." The king immediately accepted that request while leaving a little bit of question. "It's fine but, why did you not ask for us to supply you money instead?" Remuel immediately answered his question. "Ah, it's because we're already relying on you too much so we don't want to trouble you further." Prince Oswald nodded and let out some words. "So, you'll be investigating while adventuring for the research?" Harold was the one who answered this time. "I'll remain in this castle just in case something happens." Prince Oswald didn't mind Harold's complete stay in the castle, since he's the busiest one out of all the people that came to them, he was pretty much attended by maids from time to time. "That's how it is." After the short discussion, their topic reached the level of responsibilities as a ruler which Remuel and Harold were somewhat entertained. Beyond that, they began talking about their abilities which Ulysses asked Remuel questions. "If Draxus mainly uses ice magic, what does Remuel use?" Remuel provided Ulysses the answers to his abilities. "I mainly use fire magic, I'm not really the best at using other elements unlike Draxus who intends to master everything. In his case, he has the twenty-one [Fortune Cards] who bring forth power with a cost. While mine, I have a book which I have combined every single magical book in my old world." The king who heard something important asked questions to Remuel. "Hold on, I thought magic doesn't exist in your world?" The one who answered the king was not Remuel but Harold. "In our world, the magic is thin. If it doesn't exist, then we definitely won't be summoned into this world." Remuel added to that information as if he was completely knowledgeable. "In our world, the presence of magic started from zero. With all the people in the history used a different kind of method that was done physically, they were able to produce fire through certain methods. Eventually, it let to crafting tools, and then more and more convenience was built. Throughout all of that, nobody knew the existence of magic. Until fanatics appeared and occult groups known from witchcraft. But eh, it didn't really last long as they were hunted on daily basis due to the fanaticism of people believing in a god." Remuel spat out complaints over the people that had forced him to believe in a god. "Does Remuel not believe in one?" Prince Oswald asked him that question because of the chances of them running into a holy kingdom or a theocracy. "Yeah, I don't believe in the delusion called [God]. However, as a researcher of the occult, I am well versed with the activities of magic before we're even summoned here." With a simple proclamation, Ulysses got interested on what kind of powers Remuel will hold. "I see, so those powers of yours that you have in a single book... What kind of power does it bring?" Remuel smiled as he brought out a book from [Interdimensional Storage] which contains a symbol of an upside down red crown with the Abaddon below it. "Behold! My personal magic book, [Amalgam of Destiny]! It contains the magical circles, formations, and scriptures of magic from another world. Explaining each ability will be time consuming so let's just say that this will allow me to infuse any kind of element with fire as one thing. And I will be able to use various offense and defense, mobility, tactical items, and summons if needed." Ulysses who heard the explanation got interested asked whether a duel in the future is possible. "You should duel Arlesk before me, because my combat style is dodging defensive. Just so we can enjoy the battle more since if you have no information on how to deal with me, it will stay that way unless you fight the other two first." Ulysses smiled and decided to step back for now since he recently lost. It was to simply allow him to refresh his mind where a next battle occurs. Remuel and Harold left before going to the research room.
"When will you begin out funding adventure?" Harold asked Remuel regarding his plans of adventure. "I'll start tomorrow, I'll bring Victorina with me." After hearing his answer, Harold grinned widely and began teasing. "Hooo? Asking her to a date~?" Remuel showed a gesture and reminded Harold. "Shhh... Don't worry about it." He tried to smoothly avoid the topic but Harold simply grinned as Remuel left the room. Later that time, nighttime had arrived. Remuel had already finished his preparations for adventuring. He went around to the library to find Victorina. While walking through the halls, he saw Duke Elliot walking along with a certain person. It was a woman that has domineering aura, a person that came along with them to the capital. Begona Wallowhart. She was talking to Duke Elliot while smiling wholeheartedly, but from the instincts of Remuel, it was somewhat off. He didn't follow them and decided to look for Victorina instead. After reaching the library, he saw Victorina who had a somewhat tall stature even while sitting, reading a book about magic. She had black hair short hair and red eyes with a pair of red glasses over it. She had a figure and an aura of a capable ally. Her age is the same as Remuel, and both of them were classmates. "Yo, Victorina." Remuel stepped forward as he greeted her. "Remuel? What's up?" Remuel sat down on the couch beside her and immediately brought out the problem. "Our research is stagnant because of our lack of investment with the money." Victorina who heard the problem already placed a bookmark on the book and closed it. "Yeah... We can't just ask the royalty to hand us anymore money, it's troubling." Remuel who listened to her troubles let out a suggestion that he had discussed with the royalty. "Which is why I plan to go out and adventure tomorrow, Harold told me that he'll stay in the castle for the research so I need you to be my partner when adventuring." Remuel kept his composure without letting a sliver of his true feelings come out. "What do you mean by [Adventuring]?" Remuel answered her question calmly without flinching. "You know? Registering on the adventurer's guild? Hunting monsters, we can earn money that way. It seems that the others plan to stay here for a bit longer to learn more magic. But because Harold has no plans of leaving then the only choice is you." Victorina thought of her plans and made a decision. "Hmm, fine. I kinda wanna explore the world as well. It's perfect for a change of pace." Remuel smiled and responded quickly. "Good, then you should start preparing, it's decided that we'll be starting tomorrow so we can quickly fund this." Victorina stood up and returned the book to the bookshelf. "Alright then, I'll head back to my room now. Let's meet at the castle entrance tomorrow after breakfast okay?" Remuel nodded and accepted the time suggestion. "Got it, let's do our best." Victorina nodded slightly before leaving Remuel alone in the library. With a small mutter, Remuel had a good feeling. "Success..."