Chereads / Bad Hair Night / Chapter 46 - king moves to E2

Chapter 46 - king moves to E2

He followed and soon realized there were three of us and none with masks. - ``You did this alone? You are but children!'' - He gazed at the over turned armed car that followed his to insure his safety and the crooked bodies lying disciplinary on the sidewalk so no car would run over them. His fear showed and apprehension took his hostile reactions replacing them by silent exasperated obedience. I could smell his resignation overpowering his rage.

- ``We must go, now!'' - Bleach eyes looked at me and at the strong grey-hair man with expectantly bent back and a worn out gaze.

- ``Sir, I trust you have no objections to private flights?'' - I smiled politely at him and gestured for the two batmen to spread their arms and show of their wings. - ``It is the fastest and securest way out of here, before... well, let's just say in time for a happy ending.''

The Dark Knight lifted up to the air with one wing-beat, he flew off and turned widely in the air to be behind us facing the same direction. He then dived, pulled at my shoulders and lifted me up. This time my hand caught his wrists instinctively without as much fear or anticipation and my weight was lifted in a fast painless pull. We rotated in mid air to wait for Bleach Eyes who was airborne and hovered to catch the presidents shoulders softly. As we flew through the buildings towards a tree patch, nowadays awarded with the majestic name of a park, the air crushed smoothly into our faces avoiding any communication or sound recognition, just silence created by the deafening movement.

When we reached the ``park'' open area, we nose dove and as soon as my feet touched the floor I knew I had to start moving them to catch up with my own body, which slide still hanging from the shoulders. Still, I was no longer in control when the weight was returned to my legs and I had to use my arms in a hairless newborn-chick-dance to catch my balance. To conceal my awkwardness I used my imbalance to turn and face the new comers who landed perfectly as though the hanging man was weightless for this thin bleach eyes dark creature.

- ``Please follow us and we will explain everything on the way'' - I smiled again without much effect. I turned facing the trees and started our small walk, followed by the president and then the Dark Knight. - ``You had no idea we existed until you became our president, did you?''

- ``Your president? No, I didn't! Which I found most unwise.'' - I could almost taste it in the air, his curiosity mixed with his now building up fury.

- ``I agree. I only became aware of our existence last summer as I finished high-school.'' - He choked with simple air and paced fiercely as though I had no right filling his head with tails of our innocent lives. - ``You probably guessed already I had my time to plan what to tell you in this moment. But the truth is there is not much you can say to someone as wise and mighty as your own president.''

- ``You keep calling me your president, yet you obey different rules and have parallel political hierarchy.''

- ``Not really. The rules are written by you, so they are solemnly... complementary. I voted and am one of the citizens you vowed to protect. I therefore weight no more nor less than that, nor do I want to. Our hierarchy as you call it is under your command. Our president could be seen as a classified minister'' - I could feel his heart beating faster, though the pace at which we walked was not so intensive, and he kept his voice steady and breathing deceivingly easy. I could hear inside his chest and knew we had to slow down to keep the movement fluid and the tension in control.

- ``I have no reason to listen to you, not under these conditions. I demand that you release me at once.''

- ``You are free as soon as I brief you and you understand how much you are not safe. If you insist, I will go directly to the point! When you decided that you had no time to convey with our government representative you gave a complex signal to our community. One some could deliberately interpret badly. And when you decided we were not to bare any armed forces without consulting with our minister you created some uneasiness in the terianthropes as a whole.''

- ``I am in no place to discuss the country's security decisions with a little girl who thinks she can kidnap the president, just because she has that much strength.'' - His voice was gently put, though his words were strongly delivered, avoiding to create any extra tension, at the same time keeping a controlling attitude. This man was admirable, no wonder he got to the post he had, an impeccable politician even under fire.

- ``As I told you we are attempting to keep you safe, and not to kidnap you. But I am afraid this was the only way we found.''

- ``You may put it as you wish, this is called kidnap even in your courts.''

- ``I had no choice! I either closed my eyes and let our community pay for the mistake of a misguided and paranoid commanding officer who misinterpreted your political moves, with a civil war in my own country, or I had to keep you away from them long enough for you to understand the danger you are in and let justice meet me later. What you must do to avoid this rising threat to peace and harmony is something that falls on your job description.'' - I stopped to correct my voice, because the stress and sadness of being in such situation for no good reason coagulated in my throat, like a knot pulling it tighter and tighter. - ``I am sorry if things had to go this way, but you will have to deal with us and our punishment once this mess is no longer eminent in our houses and you are safe in your office.''

- ``What are you talking about? I can't be expected to follow the excuses you found for your actions.'' - We reached the end of the tree patch and a black armed van was waiting on the sidewalk. I opened the back door and signaled the suspicious-full man for the back seat, while the Dark Knight went around it and entered to the front seat next to Bleach Eyes.

- ``We want only to escort you home, because as a reaction to your previous address to our minister a misunderstanding developed into a disproportionate size. The officer in charge of the theriantropes well being and security considered that your words were offensive and convinced himself that the dismantling of the special forces he had under command represented a threat to our defenses and therefore preservation, which incidentally falls under his job description. I ask you to keep in mind that it is his responsibility to keep our minority community safe, from a society that oblivious of our existence keeps developing horror stories based on similar beings.'' - I faced him as his worried forehead lost some grazing and a wiser man controlled these blue deep eyes.

- ``You are saying you mean to take me home, but that was my primary destination.''

- ``No, it wasn't! You were going to your daughter's recital. We do have an autonomous intelligence working to kidnap you. They kidnapped our minister and many of the ministry agents.'' - I winced, remembering my trainer was probably the one fighting the hardest and therefore probably the one most harmed in the underground structure. - ``One man should not carry the power to destroy an ancient society and its coexistence in the remaining world, yet he has and so do you. If I can be so bold as to hope for something more than your safe return to your headquarters, is that you consider not his actions as those of our whole community. Though promises of war, scare many and can degenerate into more problems as such, this man is acting over the ministry and today if we are successful he will answer for his offences and order will be restored by our hand.''