After Will fell asleep everyone dealt with the aftermath of his heroic doings, the midwife and Magician woman excused themselves and left. The rest weren't worried that the other two might tell someone what happened here because nobody would believe them, after all even the witnesses had a hard time believing what they saw.
After that fateful day, they continued their respective lives. Will's father, Allaric, had been hunting beasts day and night because he was now the only source of income their family had, and newborn baby boys needed an enormous amount of energy for that small body of theirs. They couldn't even eat because their stomach was also asleep while in hibernation, so the only way to make them survive is to give them so wanted energy. It was enough to get an energy source close to their body and they would suck it dry in matter of seconds.
The reason why Will's father was working so hard was that Will's case was special and the most common energy source was beast cores hence the reason for his hunting spree. Alaric could have just bought them but he wasn't rich or lazy enough to not do it himself while he could.
In general newborn boys would need 1 core for 2 days but Will needed 1 each day and it was bugging his father to no end but he knew that the boy needed it. He might become pretty powerful if he was stacked with cores so he did his all.
'Oh boy, I will bring you so many cores you will be puking raw energy, you better be ready ' and he was gone in the forest.
As for Meira, she was looking after Will while their father was gone, she would check up on Will every 2 hours to see if everything was alright. She usually made meals and did chores with her mother but now she was doing it all alone and she was already missing her mother.
The other man and woman left after the funeral and left some gifts for Will, the man gifted spear and some cores, as for the woman she gave them some books and the potion of Forceful Awakening but it wasn't for Will to consume right now.
First of all, he couldn't drink it as he was hibernating. as for the second, awakening any boy from hibernation was taboo.
If someone still did it they would be punished even worse than a killer would be because it was like ruining someone's life before it even started.
So the potion was for something else and Allaric knew it.
As for the spear, it was too big for a child and might be even more heavy than it looked.
One month passed like breath, Allaric was constantly hunting and doing his all to satisfy family needs. As for Meira, she was looking after Will while doing chores around the house.
The dated day came and everyone also gathered in Allaric's place but without the midwife.
"How long till he wakes up?" asked the woman who gifted Will the potion, looking at the magician worriedly.
"Don't worry Cass he will be alright, he just needs time" but answered the man, and the magician woman also nodded.
"You sound like you believe in my Malakai more, aren't you Graham?" said Allaric with a smirk on his face. This made Graham slightly blush and retort "No, I just thought that he might become a great soldier one day and serve our race" he didn't get a response after that because it already started, the boy was awakening.
He started to get coated in the golden light while everyone watched without breathing but had to after few seconds since the light still didn't disappear, everyone had expressions of thinking and soon the magician woman said"Everything about your son is so weird...." Alaric wanted to rejoice but heard everyone chuckle and decided not to ruin the moment.
Will on the other hand felt nothing but disturbance, something was telling him to wake up and declare to the world that he had been awakened..... but he wanted to continue sleeping, he felt so good while doing it that he was resisting the power that had been bugging him but by doing that he only fastened the awakening.
He opened his eyes and looked around curiously and saw everyone looking at him in turn.
'So that wasn't dream, wait how could that possibly have been a dream? dead ain't dream '
Everyone started coming to him and then his father took him in his hands and raised him.
"Boy your name is Malakai, remember that" Allaric looked at him straight in the eyes with a fatherly look that was supposed to be used when teaching someone.
Next was going to be Meira but the magician took away Will and performed the same magic that she used last time and reassured them that everything was alright.
Meira grabbed her brother, hugged and kissed him on the cheek,
the rest did the same.
Will actually enjoyed that, mostly because he kept grabbing something on Cass's body. 'Never in the past life but now I might have a chance in this one '
After few hours of talking everyone left, in the meantime, Will thought about what was he going to do and formed a plan 'priority is to learn the language, then learn how to read and next was to learn more about this world and only then explore magic'
Time passed and Will already learned some words but all he could do was be a baby and he didn't like acting like one, he wanted some action so he decided to at least learn something about the thing that was inside of him by himself so he tried to feel it, interact with it and use its power but all of this was for naught because except for feeling it he could do nothing with it.
Will soon learned his new name but he didn't like it 'Malakai it's like I am milk or something, why would they name child like that, do they hate me?' he thought but quickly discarded it since if they wanted they could kill him or make him starve.
On the first day of his eating session, he got weirded out by all of the ingredients that were used in the meal, he was forced to eat blue porridge. he resisted as much as he could but when he ate the first spoon of porridge he started drooling, he never expected porridge to be so good.
He also enjoyed bath times with his sister and was disgusted when it was his father's turn to bathe him. Both of them were kind and caring people even though Will was a reminder of Emilia's death.
They showed nothing but love to him and he also appreciated them.
'If they knew that I am intruder what they would do? they'd probably kill me saying that I am demon ' thought Will to himself with a sad expression 'when I grow up I should repay them tenfolds'
For Will, it was a new experience to have a father who cared about him and also to have a sister, in his past life he was an only child so that was also new to him.
After few months from his arrival, Will was put down on the ground for the first time to walk on his own, and surprisingly he did it better than he expected. Also, he made nicknames for family members, his father was "fatha" and his sister was "May" because Meira was too weird for him.
After another 3 months, he started walking by himself and now understood more of their language but he still couldn't keep up with fast conversation and couldn't read.
On the day of his birth, he was excited to see everyone preparing and that meant they had birthdays here also. so he let himself do some questioning and get to know everyone better.
Graham was military man with a high ranking, Cass was a merchant, she had her own store, she sold everything one might need. Allaric was just a hunter he basically hunts beasts and monsters and sells their parts.
As for Meira, she was just a cute little sister.
Cass and Graham gifted more gifts which were cores for Graham and books from Cass. And like that Will's birthday was over....