Chereads / Missed Love / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 Miguel -The Plan

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 Miguel -The Plan

Isabelle's sister is always around my house so it was easy to talk to her. I told her that I wanted to be Isabelle's friend and we should get some people together and play a game. She told me she likes playing ping pong. Ok, we will try to get together next Saturday and her sister will be there and invite her cousin. I was so excited to see how she will be and hopefully we can talk alone.

The plan was to get her to come out of her shell and laugh. We started with ping pong and her cousin laughed at her and her sister too. So it didn't work. Every time she bent to get the ball they laughed because she made a slight grunt, it was just breathing. Isabelle looked so mad and it went downhill fast. Oh well, then her sister wanted to play spin the bottle and that didn't work because Isabelle was starting to see that it was a setup but she sat down with us. They still spinned the bottle and they said it was her, she said "no I'm not playing" and covered her eyes. Then they said I had to kiss her and I kissed her cheek. Well let me tell you, that didn't work either. She just looked at me and left.

I tried to give Isabelle a horse back ride but she didn't want to. I just gave up and Isabelle's cousin Margaret was flirting with me and I was nice and polite, so I gave her a horse back ride outside and she laughed and snorted. It was so funny, she was cute but I really wanted Isabelle to laugh and this day turned out upside down. I saw her looking at us and she went back home.

I told Margaret I had to go and she wanted a date but I had to turn it down politely. She was a bit mad and jealous but I never saw or heard from her again. Anyways the way she treated Isabelle was so rude that I really didn't like her personality.

So then I heard that Isabelle's friends in grade 8 were trying to set her up with my best friend Steve and Steve really liked her. They had class together and it was a small group, they all knew each other well and Steve talked to the other girls to set her up with him. I just knew it wouldn't work. The girls asked her questions "Which guy in our class is the most good looking?" "Don't you think Steve is the cutest in our class?" She paused for a while and said "sure". So we invited her to my sister's birthday to see if she would dance with him.

My sister was doing her thing, showing off her splits and Isabelle did the splits. That's a good start. We started with limbo. Isabelle joined in and she got a lot of turns. She was flexible and we got to see her underwear a couple of times, we are guys, of course we looked and she wanted to win. Ok, I don't know how, but she almost looked normal that day. Then the slow songs were on and I asked her to dance because my best friend chickened out, she said yes and I didn't believe it. Then my friend asked her and they danced too, she was giggling. I am glad it turned out to be a fun day.

I started working at Wal-mart and then a tech store, future shop and it was great, I felt great about it. I worked a lot of hours and I thought maybe I should go for an engineer career path. So, I was really involved in technology and I helped out with my tech savvy at school during masses. I had Isabelle in grade 9 gym class and completely forgot about Isabelle until I saw her again in grade 12 and she actually talked to me. She looked good and thinner she had more confidence. I noticed she wanted to talk but I had a girlfriend already so I didn't pursue it. Then she sent me an email that my girlfriend found and me and my girlfriend had a huge fight. Ellie, my girlfriend decided to erase all my emails out of spite. I still cared about her and I was willing to change for her so I stopped talking to any girls fir a while.

I graduated a year before Isabelle because when my buddies invited me to the after prom pub the next year I saw her dancing and she had make up on with an up-do and a nice light blue dress on, she looked perfect. By then I had Ellie as my girlfriend for 2 years that I met her when I started working at Wal-mart. She was very young but I liked her, she was like a best friend. We talked for hours and then spent a lot of hours together. The only thing that I didn't like about her, was she didn't trust me, she was jealous and never let me hang out with the guys. We had so many fights because I was talking to my friends that are girls. I actually married her for 1 year it was good for awhile but she was more jealous and more vindictive. She started throwing things at me and I just had to get out of there. It was my only regret in life. I had a bad divorce that year and I didn't feel like dating anymore.

I gave up on my engineering career. It was hard to get good marks in university but at least I got a great job at the bank.

My friend Lola from Wal-mart asked me if I knew a girl named Isabelle so I told her "yes, how do you know about her". She said " She works here and she saw you yesterday. She said, she had a crush on you." I told her that she didn't want to talk to me, she literally ran away from me and I didn't think she liked me. I will try to talk to her, do you know her schedule?

Lola said "Try tomorrow she is usually here everyday." That night a lot of things came to my mind about Isabelle, and I was out of breathe thinking about her and right now it was a perfect time to try again if she was willing.I had another girl that was 5 years younger then me that wanted to start dating but I had another chance to date Isabelle. I will give it a chance.

I had to go to Wal-mart and as soon as I go in. I saw Isabelle coming my way with a Wal-mart smock and she said "Hi" to me. I went to her and hold her hands and there was a lot of excitement and electricity between us and talking between us. There was so much I wanted to talk to her about but she had to work so I stayed around.

I told myself to come back again and see if I could find her again maybe we can have coffee and chat somewhere. Maybe I should wait outside Wal-mart.

The next day after work, I went to Wal-mart excited to see her. I went to Macdonald's and I happen to see her working in the ladies wear department. She looked around and saw me, I smiled at her and she decided to ran towards the back of the store.

Then I decided to wait for her shift to end to talk to her. I saw her calling someone on the outdoor phone booths. I will go talk to her. As soon as I got the courage to talk to talk to her, she said I have to go and walked to a car that just parked in-front of her. I felt sad, it felt like in the past when she ran away from me.

I have been trying to find her again for a month and I wanted to call her sister to see how I can talk to her again. My sister came home all excited and told me that Isabelle is getting married to someone she knows at Wal-mart in 2 weeks. My sister saw the disappointment my face and asked me why I looked sad. I told her my story and she felt sad for me.

Maybe, it happened for a reason that we met and just missed each other or maybe we were soulmates that never started dating. We only had feelings for each other but we never got a chance to really talk. If only we knew how to get together in another life, reincarnated with the desire to look for each other early in life so we can have a lifetime together.