The bell rings - break time, coffee time. I noticed on the corner of my eyes somebody was looking at me with that weird look of 'I don't believe you speak Spanish'.
My new friend, a Chinese- 3rd generation Chinese told me she was to introduce me a guy she met, and speaks Spanish- she goes.
'You won't feel bored snd sad', she goes
Here you go!
Hi! - I go
'Hola! Cómo estás?…'
This was the beginning…..
Do you mind if we go for a coffee at break time?
Do you live close by?
Do you drive?
Do you have family here?
I remember we met a couple that we overheard them talking in Spanish when we went on a break. Great friends.
All of the sudden we're 4 people going for coffee after class for not long because the guy that offered me coffee had to go to work.
Even until now, he works the night shift…..