The knight's training field was an amphitheatre alive with feverish throngs of both the public and nobility. It was a relic from a past age with a battlefield that elevated into a cascade of seating. On this particular day, it was a strange spectacle. A sea of eager and restless humans trembled with excitement from the rafters to the privately housed royal court. All, one way or the other, were waiting hungrily for the fight.
It was a rare diversion to lay eyes on any member of the royal family in the last few years. The training field was only opened to the public during events. Otherwise, it was exclusively used by the royal knights.
On the ground level, two sides squared off. On one side was the Emperor's attache: the court officials, ministers and the Grand wizard. The demon lord was a further spectacle for the crowd. This time confined in a cage. Lord Clover sat behind the bars with an unreadable expression. Only moments before, the demon Lord had been dragged out and paraded in front of the cheering crowd.
On the other side, Ace stood with only the Sword Saint for company. Glancing to the other side, there was only one face he didn't expect to see. By the Wizard's side, there was sister Leila. She smiled as they locked eyes as if to eliminate any doubt. Ace had long suspected her hand in Lord Clover's discovery, this was only confirmation. He didn't feel surprised, only empty.
The Emperor strolled out from this crowd. Those in the upper echelon screamed with excitement but it went unnoticed by him. His piercing blue eyes were focused only ahead with the same indifferent stare that concealed anything of his thoughts. Even though he and Ace were similar in height, his cool manner emphasised his domineering frame. There was no hesitation in his step. He held a great sword in hand, whirling it around with ease. His black hair was pulled back blending with his dark armour.
Ace stepped to him. An official met them both in the heart of the battlefield. Dark clouds hung in the sky. A spiralling grey plumage circled the field. Without the sun, it was almost as cold as winter.
The official gave a quick explanation of the rules, but Ace could scarcely keep his attention. His blood was pumping too loud to hear. The Emperor likewise seemed distracted, his eyes hadn't left Ace since they faced off. As soon as the official ended his speech, the Emperor stepped forward.
"How old are you?" he said with his brisk unceremonious manner.
"Nineteen," Ace answered.
"I thought you might be a child hearing the Albaric's protest. I've never seen him so...enthusiastic," the Emperor tilted his head back, "but seeing you now, I'm not sure what's so special about you,"
Ace didn't bother to reply. He wouldn't have even known how to begin. All this time he had taken advantage of Albaric's kind nature. It was clearer than ever during the days proceeding. His first thoughts of humans had changed.
Yes, it was painful, confining and dissatisfying to be human. But for the first time, Ace felt truly grateful for his time in the human world - for his time as a human. He had made so many mistakes but he didn't regret it. He had loved. Though it brought as much pain as pleasure, he had never felt so alive.
He gripped his sword in both hands as the Emperor circled. He took a deep breath and lunged forward. His blade crashed against the Emperor's steel. Spark flew as more furious blows were exchanged.
In strength, Ace realised he had the advantage. However, just when he thought he was beginning to push the Emperor back, he received his first dose of magic. The Emperor's fist flew out from under his guard and a galvanised strike threw Ace back.
The charge of electrified mana stunned Ace. For a moment, his body didn't move as he willed it. Like a flash of lightning, the Emperor overcame the distance between them. Ace threw up his arm to meet the upcoming blade. Pain shot up his side but he pushed through. The Emperor was momentarily shoved back.
Ace exhaled sharply as he mounted another charge. The Emperor in turn, with a flick of his wrists, sent a charge of magic down in sword. However, it was too late. When Ace's blade hit the electrified metal, the shock caused his sword to fly from his singed hand. The blade dove into the earth and was impaled a distance away.
Ace turned back to the Emperor expecting for the next swing to be the last. To his surprise, the Emperor lowered his sword. He gestured to Ace's blade with a nod in its direction as though unsatisfied by the outcome.
Ace recovered his weapon. This time the Emperor led the first charge. Every time their blades collided, Ace felt a shock of pain but refused to relinquish the sword again. He continued to strike ferociously.
The Emperor's defence caved and Ace was able to get a clean strike. Ace sliced down with full strength. The Emperor didn't dodge. With his free hand, he went to catch the blade. Ace stared down in astonishment.
His part of the blade that met the Emperor's hand was encased with ice. The Emperor yanked the blade from Ace's hand tossing aside. Only this time, his sword remained at the ready. He twirled the blade around his arms as he approached. His eyes darkened and he drew back to deal the final blow.
Ace held out his hand instinctively. The moment he did, his sword materialised in his hand. The Emperor's attack was repelled. He stepped back with a smirk as Ace breathlessly came to a stand.
"Dark magic," the Emperor deliberated, "I once had a friend who had such magic. He too was seduced by demons. When I killed him a thought occurred to me. Maybe you can answer it. Is dark magic really so corrupting? Or is it that the corrupted can only manifest darkness?"
"Maybe it's both," Ace held out his sword. The sky above cracked with thunder. Rain plummeted from the ashen clouds with ferity.
"That answer is too easy." the Emperor raised his sword, " I'm nothing if not thorough and I've been told some interesting stories in the last few days. The wizard went to pains to conceal your presence from me, but I knew about you from the beginning. Though I have little time to entertain every tale of woe that reaches my ears, I will admit your story intrigued me...
It wasn't hard to uncover an old record about a certain village to the East with a somewhat nefarious reputation. Suffice to say, my discoveries didn't end there,"
Ace flinched, the sword in his hands trembled.
"Why are you telling me this now?"
"Call it due diligence," the Emperor flew at Ace, his blade rained down a flurry of hits.
The last blow sent Ace tumbling back. He fell facedown in the mud. Still, he struggled to his feet. He managed to come to one knee. But the Emperor didn't relent. With a flick of his wrist, Ace found his leg enclosed in solid ice. The Emperor batted the sword from his hand as he pummelled his gut with another underhanded punch. Ace let out a winded cough.
"Don't you want to know what happened to that village?" the Emperor asked.
Ace had no time to answer. His knee gave out as he collided with the Emperor's boot. He slammed against the ground. The mud was slick with rain and it lashed him with force. He fell to his back. The grey clouds stared back at him. The rain continued to fall. Ace could hear the Emperor's step approaching.
Ace kept staring up. He commanded his body to move. A mixture of the electric charge and the brutality of the Emperor's blows had left them unresponsive. A ray of light broke through the blockade of clouds. It was one of those infrequent instances of soft rain under a suddenly bright sky. The stream of light had an almost sacred touch. It grew in strength and its ray was blinding. Sena's words echoed in Ace's ears.
"Think about the grass, the mountains, the rivers,"
It was all over. He couldn't defend the next blow. Ace closed his eyes and thought about the words. In all the time since Sena had said the words, they had never seemed closer. Now he had seen the mountains, the stars and the great valleys. He finally understood Sena's persistence in remembering it all. It was enough to fill Ace's heart to the brim.
It wouldn't be long now. How many times did Ace imagine his own death under the hand of some demon? At least he had fought. The outcome never mattered. It was enough to want something. It was enough to try. It was enough to love, to try to be loved. What a strange thing love was, if that's what it was at all. Perhaps it was never about love. The feeling itself was enough to revive everything Ace had pushed down. Enough to make him human again.
"Think about the grass, the mountains, the rivers. We'll all be there soon. Waiting for you,"
"I'll see you there," Ace smiled.