When the day bleeds

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"So where are you from??", Liam initiated a small talk with Scarlett.

"Oh! I am from Texas." Scarlett replied averting her attention towards him. "And where are you from"??

"We are from San Diego", Liam continued the talk.

"Ahm!! We??", Scarlett asked.

"Yes! I meant to say me and Noah," Liam clarifyed.

"Oh! You mean that weird guy??!!", Scarlett almost whispered.

"hahaha!! Yeah that weird guy," Liam said while laughing. "He is my best friend though and trust me he is not that bad."

"No, no!! I didn't mean that", Scarlett said being a little embarrassed.

"it's okay! I know he behaves a little differently. But don't worry you know you have me. We can be friends right!",Liam said pointing at himself.

"Yes of course!! I would love to!!", Scarlett said giggling at Liam's behavior.

Noah saw both of them giggling but he wasn't feeling really happy. First, he had a bad impression on Scarlett and second he didn't know how to initiate a talk with her.

Finally he thought something and got up from his seat and went towards them.

"Hey!!", Noah said.

"Oh hi!!", Scarlett replied.

"You wanna grab something to eat?", Noah asked scratching back of his head.

"Yo! What's up bro?! I am also here. And by the way you never asked anyone to eat with you. What happened today??", Liam said being surprised.

"S.. So what? I wanted to treat you both as we got our first project today. And if you don't want it then it's okay I will just go and eat by myself", Noah said flustrated.

"No.. No I would like to join you" , Scarlett said while getting up from her seat.

"Relax man! I was just saying. And If you are treating than I am also in", Liam said joining them.

"okay let's go!", Noah said while walking.

They reached a nearby restaurant and started to order. Scarlett excused he for bathroom leaving both of them behind.

"What's the matter bro?? You are behaving different!!", Liam said leaning against Noah.

"Different?? How exactly??!", Noah asked calmly.

"Didn't you say giving treats and parties are waste of money and time? ", Liam asked.

"So what! I wanted to treat as our team completed today and we even got first project. And we should treat our team mates nicely", Noah said while speaking fastly.

"Well! Kaylin is also our team mate and leader. But you treated her quite rudely. Wait! Is it because of Scarlett? You liked her right??!!", Liam said loudly teasing Noah.

"Shut up man! ", Noah face got red.

"Don't worry man I have better experience. I will be your wingman", Liam teased him more enjoying his condition.

"What you guys are talking about??", Scarlett came back and asked.

"Noah said he li...", Liam said but Noah put his foot on Liam's foot making him scream.

"Ahhhh" !!, Liam screamed glaring at Noah and saw him looking angrily at him too.

"What happened??!", Scarlett asked worriedly.

"Nothing! A mosquito bit me", Liam lied.

"Oh! Okay. You were saying something," Scarlett gestured him to continue.

"No nothing special!", Liam said looking at Noah who was looking at Scarlett while smirking.

"I will beat your ass at home for this!!", Liam whispered to Noah.

"Let's see," Noah replied laughing a little.

They both laughed making Scarlett confused and then they both got quiet. They all ordered the food and ate while talking about each other's lives.