Mizuki makes sure to glare when she runs into the Scammer Child, the little girl who's seen bothering yet another unsuspecting patron. Muffling a disapproving grunt, Mizuki strolls towards Ether's home, trying to pinpoint the exact building amongst many others of the same architecture.
Just a short distance away, Mizuki spots Ether with her legs spread out against the steps in front of her home. She has an apple on a plaid handkerchief next to her, a few anticipated seconds from being kicked off. Ether has all her attention on the clock in her hand, tinkering with it, nothing but a wrench in her hand.
While distracted, she ends up shoving the apple away with her leg. Mizuki takes it as her opportunity to approach the girl, stopping the apple with her foot. Picking it up in her hand, she hands it to Ether who doesn't seem to care much that her breakfast rolled off. "Are you done fixing the clock?" Mizuki raises her eyebrow.