7 th November is the day I was born.Yes,I'm a scorpio zodiac sign,the most dangerous zodiac of them all. The most powerful and the most controlling.We just love power. We care about a few and we're always in control but deep down inside we are weak. We crave true love that only the purest hearts can give, one which we're ready to return with the same energy. We fall in love fully, without holding back and when they leave us the pain is heartbreaking because we gave it our all. We cry in our beds alone at night and appear like we don't care during the day infront of everyone. You probably know by now that I'm a scorpio and that I'm in love, and was in love too with people I term as the " wrong people" and it breaks my heart. The memories,, they're still as fresh. No one has been in contact with my vulnerable and human side since I rub off to people as a cold-hearted bitch (which I don't care about of course) ,maybe you'll be the first.