"Ummm..I think you should take care of yourself, why are you out here at this hour? Where is Valin?" he interrogated..
"....I just wanted some fresh air..And Valin is in the room." i replied..
"Did you have a fight with him?" he further questioned..
".....Well.....no....I...It was nothing.." i lied..
He stays silent for a moment...Then he says," let's get back inside..It's a bit chilly outside.You're not well" ..
"i'm okay..There's no need.." i replied politely..
"I'm worried because you're my brother's wife.." he uttered..
I looked at him and indeed his face looked so worried so i decided to listen to him..."Okay"..
He then signals me to walk ahead of him, like a gentleman...I shyly started walking inside, with him behind me following..
While walking he starts telling me in a very kind voice.."You know, Valin may be rude sometimes but he is very kind..He's just immature..Please don't take it your heart.."
"Okay" i replied... I kept walking till we reach the hallway....
"you should go in now" he says stopping at a point which leads to the other hallway...
I looked back at him, he still had that kind smile..
"Okay..Thank you" i said..
"have a goodnight...'' he said in a sweetest voice..
I nodded ...I started walking towards our room but then i stopped and turned back..He was still there standing.."uuummmm....I'm..sorry but i don't know your name yet...umm..Brother" i asked..
"aaahh..Right..I forgot to give you my name..How rude of me...My name's Jason Victor.." he replied humbly..
"Ahh okay..Thank you brother Jason..." i said and bow before walking away...
I could hear his footsteps as well, it got farther and farther away till it vanished..
I quickly got in the room...I was all smiles...Valin sees me entering the room, with a smiling face...
I saw him as well but i didn't react anything..I just smiled at him and said.."Have a sweet dreams.." and got inside the bed..
Valin was confused..."what's with this crazy woman?Why is she all happy as if like something good happened to her?" he questions himself..
He walks towards the bed and gets in as well, talking to himself..I was all smiles and i was really happy that i came across Jason..He is the best thing that happened after my marriage..
I slept with a big smile on my face..
The next morning i woke up to Linda's voice..
"madam??Madam? Wake up!!" she calls out..
"hhhmmmmmm...Let ,me sleep some more. "I replied rolling over the blanket when suddenly i remembered where i was and jumped .
"Finally you're awake..Good Morning" Linda says smiling..
"aahhh..Goodmorning...Why are you here so early?" i asked her rubbing my eyes..
"madam. it's already 8 am and everyone is waiting for you in the dining room to have breakfast.." she replies...
"everyone?" i asked in confusion..
"Yes.Both the masters are already there" she says..
"both the masters???" then i remembered that she must be talking about Valin and Jason.."Oh shit!!" i jumped out of bed and got to the bathroom real quick..Washed my face and brushed my teeth and i came out and was running out of the door when Linda catches me by the hands..
"where are you going?" she asks,..
I looked at her confused.."Well didn't you say they are waiting for breakfast?" i said..
"and you are going there in these clothes?" she chuckled..
"eehh..Yeah..Why ?What's wrong?" i asked again confused..
"aahhhhh...My dear..Please,,,,be aware of your surroundings!!!!" she yelled..
I stared at her...Then she pulls be back and hands me over a dress that was already ready in the bed.."you have to wear this and please remember..You are the Royal daughter-in-law now..You have to be careful about how you live from now on..You have to live,eat and talk like the royals..." she explained..
"eehhhh..That's too troublesome" i replied pouting my lips...
"There's no other choice." saying this she started helping me changed..I had to go along with her.She somewhat was like and elder sister to me and i had to listen to her.
I finished changing and went down to the hall where they were waiting for me..I entered the room and there was Valin and Jason, waiting along with few other maids beside them...
I went over to where Valin was sitting and sat down modestly..
"Good morning Farie" Jason greeted me..
"aahh..Good morning" i replied..
"Why are you late?" Valin asks angrily..
I didn't reply because it would be very embarrassing to tell him i overslept when Jason is there..
"It's okay Valin..She's not used to the timing here.." Jason defends me..My heart skipped a beat when he said that..
"Okay brother''. Valin replied politely to him..
Then the maids started serving us breakfast...I looked at the menu and gulped..There were alot of items!!!Was Valin always having thins kind of food back here?But back there at the house where we had to live after marriage i did nothing, no luxury food, no luxury room but he tolerated all that?No wonder he was always in a foul mood... I didn't know from where to start...
Linda was standing beside me so she slowly whispers.."Soup..." i quickly grabbed the spoon and started with the soup..It tasted real good...Next the maid pours tea for me , which smelled so good...
Then Linda says " Bun"..... i followed her instructions and took the bun and cut it in half ..I was behaving like a kid on her first day in school and Linda being my teacher...The air was too tense..
Jason sees how i was getting all awkward and asks me.."is the food okay"
I looked at him in surprised and nearly chocked on the bun i was having..Valin sees it and was pouring water on the glass but Jason quickly passed me the water that he already poured for himself before Valin.."Are you okay Farie?" he asked concerned..
"cough,,cough..Yeah..I am fine" i replied wiping my mouth..Linda helps me clean myself..
Valin sat there unable to do anything...
"Please don't be too tense..This is your home now" Jason says kindly..
I nodded at him...Valin still keeps quite...
From there we were all busy having our breakfast and then Jason leaves the room before us..
As soon as he leaves Valin stands up too and says "Such an embarrassment " and he walks away too..I sat there sighing deeply...
Linda came towards me and says "Don't worry..You'll be fine.." she comfort me rubbing my back..I nodded and smiles at her but deep inside this all was just still too much for me..
Few minutes later i was in the room, Valin has left to take care of the affairs of the Palace..and i was all alone... Linda was with me that time..
"aahhh...I am bored..." i snickered..
I took out my laptop and tried to write a novel but my head wasn't working..
"aarrrghhh..I can't concentrate.." i shouted..
" maybe you need to clear your mind..Do something that will refresh your mind.." Linda suggested..
"hhhmmmmmm..." i started thinking on what to do..
"aha!!!!!!I know what should i do" i was so excited...
"What is it?"Linda asks ..
"Let's go.." i said to Linda ans walked out the door, heading towards the Library...When i entered the library i took a deep breath...
"hhhaaaaa...Heaven..The smell of books..The color, the volumes, the shape...I love it all!!!" i yelled happily...
" I think i should move a bed here so that i can make this my room..Teeheee" i joked to Linda when suddenly i hear someone say..
"Really?Is that what you want?"
I looked towards the voice and saw Jason coming out from behind one of the cupboard, holding a book and wearing glasses...My heart started thumping more loudly...
Why do i see him everywhere i go!!!!!!Is this a fateful encounter??!!!>>>