Chapter 3 - THE BIG BANG

[system initializing, hello god] …

" well you must be my system "

[ Yes god ]

well then for starters let's see my stats "Status" I say out loud.

[ Status

Name: Max

Race: GOD

CP : 1,000,000 ( creation points )

Power level: 1000 ( seven deadly sins scale )

Abilities :



True Immortal

Cosmic energy manipulation

Inbox : (1) ]

" What?, am I seeing this right? , why are there only 2 Omni skills, and where is my omnipotent skill? , aren't I a god, so why do I only have a 1000 power level?" I ask confused at the system

[for the answer I suggest u open the inbox, god]

is it from morgan freeman? I think before saying "~sighh~ fine open it then"

[ well hello there, u might be thinking why u don't have omnipotence and what that CP is right, well let's just say all new gods (not that there are a lot but still) have a sort of internship before actually becoming a full-fledged God, to see if u have what it takes for that, obviously, no one's gonna actually supervise u or anything, it's just that u have to become strong by urself and climb to the level of true godhood. the CP points can be consumed to create anything u desire in ur space, I will leave u a gift attached to this message to jump-starting ur career as a god there as well so u don't have to use your points for that, then see ya

yours truly

god ]

[attachment: Universe seed*1]

'oh come on man why u gotta do me like that? , I knew it was too good to be true '.i think siighh~

" well no use crying over spilled milk , and like my friend said gotta look on the bright side I guess " I say as I shake my head and got rid of those thoughts and look and the universe seed and willed it to appear before me.

a round object the size of a marble glows mysterious rainbow-colored light that appears before me as I grab it with my hand. after observing it for a few moments I let go as it floats a distance away from me.

after floating a sufficient distance, I will it start, as a blinding light and a deafening sound echoes as I raise both my hand and say in a dramatic fashion

