Kuro pov:
I wake up and wash my face as usual and got out of my tent, it was still a little early before sunrise.
I go to the training area to get my morning workout in, father said that if I want to be as strong as him I must never skip a day's training and I have been doing it ever since.
I decided to end training a little early since today is the day my dad the village chief said that he would bring me on the village's monthly hunt for food, and ill probably need my strength for that.
as I get back home I see my mom cooking my favorite meal roast pork, even though my dad is the chief it's not every day that we make anything special like this, mostly it's just meat and a few pieces of meat if any.
as I sit down and about to eat my pork my mom called out to me
"pray before u eat my dear"
"fine..~" I say back in a slightly unnoticeable annoyance
as I quickly finish praying to the dragon god, finally I start to dig, as I take a piece and put it in my mouth
"~mmhhhh, shoo gooad~" I say in delight, continued eating in silence for a while until dad came in and joined us, mom too after preparing everything for dad.
"so u ready for the hunt Kuro?"
"yes, father I cant wait, maybe I will even get a chance to kill a griffin just like you"
"well hold horses junior,u got a long way to go for that also I was lucky that it was injured when I got to it and killed it"
"and it doesn't make it any less cool"
"won't the two of you just quit talking while eating, you'll get all the time to talk about it after you guys set off on the road it is a week-long hunt after all, and eat up, you will need your strength for the journey," mother says to the both of us with a glare which shut us up real quick.
after eating and getting ready my dad and I rode off on horseback to the village gate after bidding farewell to mom.
many villagers greet us and open a path for us, before long we reach the gate and there wait the rest of the hunters there were five of them besides us one to look after the cart in which the spoils will be brought back and two to guard it and two to guard us which is not really needed since he is the strongest but you cant leave the chief to travel alone, can you?.
I was given my own horse courtesy of my father, after making sure that everything was ready we set off to the northwest to the black forest...