Chereads / Strongest man in Fairy Tail / Chapter 23 - Strongest Man copies The Strongest Man

Chapter 23 - Strongest Man copies The Strongest Man

"So? What's the plan?" Sho asked.

"Plan? What's that?"

"This is no time to joke Richter. Jellal is dangerous, myaa."

"Hehehehe! Don't be mad kitty-chan! I plan to destroy that tower. What do you guys think?"

"Can you?" Simon asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem."

"Hm! Alright then Sho and I will evacuate everyone quickly." Simon said as he didn't doubt Richter's word. "Erza, Wally and Milliana will stay with you. We need a small evacuating team. With my darkness and Sho's magic, it's more efficient. And also Jellal may directly send his fighters against you."

"Hmm.... No, that's dangerous. As far as I can remember and if nothing changes, he has hired 3 assassin from an assassin guild. They commonly go by Trinity Raven."

"Assassin guild!!?" All of them were shocked.

" Did you say Trinity Raven!!?" Especially Simon. Cause he knew how dangerous they truly were.

"Yup. One is owl, your darkness magic will be kind of useless, then a rockstar with sound hypnosis and finally a girl that wields katana. All three of them are comparable to S-class. That's why You, Sho and Erza move as an evacuating team. Whether it's Jellal or Trinity Raven, I can handle them. And Milliana and Wally magic will be of great help to me.

Sho can use his magic to evacuate properly but he is injured. That's why Simon You and Erza fight, protect him and buy time. Hold the enemies and escape, focus on evacuating, not to defeat them.

Wally and Milliana will stay with me as I said. Don't worry about my side, whoever comes for me, let just say it's better for them if they don't. And also we need something to communicate and it can't be something with magic. I am sure Jellal has interfering magic."

"How do you know all this, myaa?" Milliana asked. All of them were intrigued and amazed.

"That's a se-e-cret!"

"Mya! Meanie"

Simon looked deeply at Richter and then answered, "Communication will be a problem. All communication requires magic. We need some kind of signals." Simon gave his thoughts.

"I will send signals then. First, I will use my magic and cast my "opening attack" to draw them out. You three remember to balance yourself properly and move immediately. It will get wobbly real fast.

After that, I will create three earthquake enough to shake the tower but not destroy it. They will be the signal for you three to come out. Each in the interval of 8 minutes. The fourth one will be a devastating shockwave to destroy the tower. If anyone of you fail to come out, you may very well be dead there. Will that be okay?"

After thinking for sometime all three of them agreed but Milliana was scared and concerned.

After some minutes, the ship reached the tower.

"Guys you all remember what we planned?" Richter asked. "Once again I will make it brief, I, Milliana and Wally will handle everything that happens on the ship. You guys handle the tower evacuation. Absolutely be sure to come out in the third quake. And also if it's more than you guys can handle, Run. Run outside the tower and draw them towards me. If you achieve your mission before the given time, Simon contact us immediately after you are outside the tower."

They nodded with confidence but all of them were somewhat nervous even Simon and Erza. Richter could feel it. Especially Milliana and Wally.

"Alright then, once we reach there move out swiftly. Team CFS for the win. Hip hip hooray!"

Richter held out his hand for the cheer. It was cringe but lucky for Richter, Erza didn't know what cringe was, which saved him from embarrassment as she too held out her hand. And all of them did.

"This is so not dandy like!"

"What's CFS for, mya!?"

"Childhood Friends with Stranger"

"Aww! I don't like it, myaa! How about Childhood friends with friend?"

"CFF it is then? UmU!" Erza agreed.

"Milliana, you are a genius. You're our friend, get it?"

"As a friend, I have forgiven you for what you did to me."

"All right! For our reunion and stopping Jellal's evil plan." Simon cheered too.

"You guys.... Sigh! YOSH! CFF ROLL OUT!"

Erza, Simon and Sho jumped from the ship onto the small island and moved out to carry their mission.

Here, Richter warmed up for his opening attack. His bulky muscles bulged even more. The veins were showing on his neck as he grabbed the air like a tangible thing and pulled it down but with great difficulty and effort.

"Milliana, Wally grab something." He shouted.

"Mya!? Myaaaaaaa!!!!"

"Hmm....Whaaa!!? What the hell did you?"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! It's my favourite ability I copied from a certain bearded man with no beard. SHIMA YURASHI!!!"

"It doesn't make any sense! Myaaaa!!!! I am falling!"

But before she fell, Wally grabbed her using his polygon magic to detach his arm and catch her.

Whereas On The Way To Tower,

"What in the world's happening!?" Sho asked panicking.

'Did Jellal do something?' Simon too internally panicked.

"Richter!!! That asshat! He always goes overboard. Damn it!" Erza shouted out with frustration.

"Richter? Wait! Is this what he meant by "opening attack to draw attention"?" Simon asked. He never thought it would be this grandeur. That man, what is he thinking pulling this off?

"Is he thinking of sinking the whole Island?" Once Simon had thought about that, he was terrified. "Quick we must move fast."

Inside the tower,

"An Earthquake that's unusual?" The blue hooded man said.

The door to the room was opened as a guard came running tumbling down due to the tilting and shaking of the tower. He looked towards the man with fear in his face, "Jellal-sama! You have to look outside. The seas, the sky, the island everything is tilting." The fear wasn't because of the hooded man, it was because of what he saw.

"Hmmm!!?" Jellal grunted as he stood up and walked towards the window. As he looked outside, his eyes were wide opened with bewilderment. He quickly flew outside through the window. Then he got the full picture of the horror. The sea, the sky, the island, everything was split into multiples and tilted. It was as if the world was coming to the end.

"Is the world really ending? If it's due to magic, why don't I feel any fluctuations in Ethernano?" Jellal spoke.

"This is impossible to cast without magic, I believe it is indeed a world disaster." A woman flew beside him.

"Ultear. Is it possibly him?"

Ultear answered, "But a magic of this scale and no fluctuations of Ethernano. Even then, if it was truly him casting this must have taken a lot of effort. How stupid!"

On the ship that somehow is still afloat,

"HAHAHAHA!!! I might have gone a bit overboard but I have to let loose sometimes, you know".