Chapter 154 - Battle One

Across the known universe, all the high-power beings watched a screen appear before their eyes, and they were left confused. They didn't understand anything, and it wasn't like anything they had ever seen before. The screen looked like a demonic gate, almost as if a demon had designed it themselves.

{Welcome to the Quest for Boundlessness! The entertainment broadcast where we get some of the most powerful beings known to exist and put them through their paces! We create dungeons based on their specialities and completely ignore them! We have to teach them something while they're here!} The message read out to everyone except for Aaron. He didn't know what was going on, but he did know that he was falling. To where? He couldn't tell you.

Suddenly, Aaron's body slapped against the ground, knocking the breath out of his body. Wait a second, he had breath? Aaron looked on, as, amazingly, he hadn't broken any bones. He tapped his chest, only to find out that it wasn't the manifestation of his soul. It was HIM. How had he been transported here?

[System Overridden...]

[Time: Until Completion]

"Completion? What the hell is going on?" Aaron asked himself, to which his overridden system responded.

[You are now participating in the Quest for Boundlessness! This is an event that will help you achieve greater heights in your Boundless Ability!]

<[] is for Aaron's System, and {} is for announcements outside of the game.>

[This is your test. A single fight. It's something you can handle, right?] The system mocked Aaron, its voice sounding almost identical to Memica. Great. He was going to have a Memica copycat insult him.

"I certainly wasn't expecting this today, but it's somewhat pleasant. Let's see how this enemy fares against me." Aaron exclaimed, unaware of the people watching. They were confused, but they started to get excited when they saw Aaron walk towards a strangely demonic gate. It was like they were about to witness a bloodbath, yet apparently, it would be a one against one. It must be an exciting match if it is broadcasted to all the gods. Although, they didn't understand what 'Boundless' meant.

Aaron opened the door, curious as to what was on the other side, and once he opened the door, viewing the arena within, the system delivered him another message.

[Battle Commenced.]

"Wait, what?" Aaron got to say before an attack hit him in the chest. He wasn't able to determine what kind of attack it was, but it knocked him over. Aaron lifted his head up to see who his assailant was, but smoke had gathered around Aaron, so he had to wait for it to clear so he could see who attacked him.

Aaron watched as a red arc of light shone through the cloud of smoke, and the only thing he could do was roll to the side, watching it fly past. He couldn't do anything except dodge as more of these attacks were thrown in his direction.

{Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a treat for you today! These two are both almost equal in power, yet one is abhorrently stronger at the same time! One of them can theoretically destroy the entire known multiverse and all of the relative dimensions at once! Try and guess which one it is! After all, nobody knows of both of them, so you'd just have to figure out who is the stronger one!} The announcer teased, getting people hooked even further into the battle. None of them could see the person flinging beams of red light, but they were all betting on him.

Alec and Crystet also got their own screens, so they were just watching as Aaron rolled around, avoiding those ominous arcs of light. For all anyone else knew, they might be able to instantly erase flesh. Aaron certainly wasn't going to experiment. Aaron's back was against a wall, meaning he had nowhere to move. He didn't want to go too hard on the guy, as he was probably in the same situation as him.

Aaron lifted up his hand, creating a pink spear out of a physical manifestation of his Boundless Telekinesis, and tested out his Boundless Infinity (Status) on the spear, watching as it began to spin sideways, like he was twisting a pen in his hand. Aaron threw that attack forwards and watched as it shredded through the red beams of light. An infinitely spinning weapon. 'That's what giving boundless infinity to an item does, huh?' Aaron thought to himself as he watched the spear slam into his assailant, causing him to shoot blood from his mouth as he went flying to the opposite end of their arena. The spear drove through their body as Aaron watched them slowly unravel. It was as if their cells had become infinitely spinning alongside the spear, forcing them to turn to something like stringy springs. The strings resembled that of a humanoid male demon, although not one that he had seen before. He felt no pity for it.

"So, this is what was designated for me to fight against? Such crude techniques would bear no results trying to battle against someone while just trying to create an illusion of strength will bear no fruit." Aaron taunted as the two stared at one another like tigers taking the measure of a menacing new rival. But in this kind of jungle, you could never be sure where the real danger lurked, and that danger lurked in Aaron, the forest that never ended with one outcome.

Aaron lifted up his hand, creating a large black portal. The stringed Demonoid looked up at the gateway to the abyss as best as he could, and his eyes widened. A giant monstrous face had appeared from the portal as Aaron pointed his arm up to the sky. "Now, it's time to unleash the monster upon you! It is time to forfeit your life, fellow inhuman!" Aaron yelled out as the face extended towards the stringy Demonoid, but just a second before he was eaten, he was moved out of harm's way by none other than Aaron.

"Or maybe not."