Chapter 142 - Blair

Aaron stared at the base of the Superior Flame Guardian, whose name was unknown to him. He wanted to see how far they had gone, according to Monument. The base the Flame Guardian resided in could only be described as a palace. It was large enough to house around 100 people comfortably, although much more was possible if you crammed everyone together. It was decorated with many jewels, as Aaron recognised some. Diamonds, rhinestones, and pearls all lay around the outer walls as decoration. It was a flaunt of wealth, as Aaron stared at the house with all of the unnecessary wealth plastered onto it.

"How much do you want to bet that either a king or the Guardian lives here?" Aaron asked Monument, proposing up a little wager. "Both. I'm telling you right now that both of them are living here." Monument quickly replied, taking his chances with the bet. Aaron smiled as he walked towards the double doors leading to the house. "Playing both sides. Smart." Aaron commented as he kicked the double doors, sending them off of their hinges. The doors slammed into the hallway as a scream rang out. A woman in a maid's outfit was lying beside one of the heavy doors, her leg caught under the weight of the hinges. Blood spilt out from underneath the door while the woman tried to pull her destroyed leg out from under it. Aaron decided to help her, as she wasn't part of why he was here. He walked over to the maid, a happy smile on his face. He lifted up the door and said a single word.


Fear crept into the maid's eyes as she pulled her leg away, looking upon it in horror as it was brutally mutilated. She stood up on one leg and, with tears of pain in her eyes, hopped away, wanting to escape the monster that was 'The Door-breaker'. She didn't know his name, so that's what she'd call him. Aaron watched as she hobbled off like the cripple that she was. It was interesting seeing pain be afflicted upon someone. He didn't mean to do it, but doing it added little to nothing to his plan, so violence wasn't necessary here. Although it will be in a little while.

Aaron looked around the lobby of the palace as Monument walked in, staring at the walls decorated with art pieces and large gems. "How the hell did they even get all of these gems?!" Monument yelled out in confusion, dragging the attention of a person at the top of the stairs. "Oh, look who it is! It's the bitch Guardian, Monument! How does it feel, guardian over the weakest people?" A voice yelled out. "You really shouldn't be out of your cave, Monument! The citizens are probably getting attacked, and you aren't there to save them!"

A person made of white-hot flames walked down the stairs, the gold not melting. It must have been some strong gold that this house was plated with. "Oh, sorry. I can't keep track of all of your names, so what is your name, dickhead?" Monument asked, taking the piss (Messing around) out of the situation. He was able to insult somebody and also get them to say their name. Perfect.

"Oh, so all those years of peace has caused you to become a dull blade, Monument! Have you forgotten me, Blair? The Superior Guardian of Flameroyle? The Guardian of Fire?" Blair asked, returning the insult. Aaron wasn't going to deal with this back and forth banter that would probably ensue, so Aaron used his speed to create a ripple of air between him and Blair, going at an insane pace. Aaron appeared behind Blair, almost like teleport action. The wind whipped at Blair's face as Aaron landed a devastating heel kick to the back of his head. "We aren't here for chatting, Monument. I want to see how strong this guy is and if he's as strong as you. If he is, I won't take too long. If he's weaker, that just makes my job easier." Aaron commented, sending Blair through the open doorway and out into the barren fields. They were surrounded by fields, as the Flameroyle King wanted to keep Blair away from the citizens. Even he was aware of the power Blair had, and he had proven it by bringing all the crops in a '1000 meter area', although it was really just a 50-meter radius of where he had been standing. He really wasn't the smartest when it came to measurements.

"You bastard!" Blair yelled out, letting his rage come out to the forefront. He was prepared to beat the shit out of Aaron, but then a question racked his mind. "Wait a the hell did a plain human hit me?! My skin is white-hot! Literally! How in the hell did he kick me?!"

Alec stepped out from the building as he shook his foot out. "Nobody is fully human. We all have some form of barrier to stop us from truly reaching our potential. You, Blair, have failed as a human. You let your seal break, and now look at you. Reduced to a human's husk, forced upon the flames of your fiery attitude." Aaron mocked Blair, causing Blair's flames to rise even higher, his humanoid shape becoming lost in the white flames.

"So what if I'm no longer a human?! Neither is Monument! He wasn't even human-sized before now!" Blair yelled out as Aaron sighed. "You talk way too much. I'm sick of you and the other Guardians fighting, so I'm going to do something about it. Have fun feeling the embrace of death, Blair!" Aaron manically screamed, pulling his arm back. He let fly a punch coated in a black mist. As the attack landed, the black cloud opened as blue electricity spewed out, sending shocks towards Blair's real body. As it shocked him, the flames went away, his body falling unconscious. In the single second that Blair spent falling to the floor, Aaron appeared above him, using his speed to simply land a punch. This punch sent his body parts flying everywhere, as he was left to revive in 24 hours.

"Don't talk shit unless you can follow up on it." Aaron stated, spitting at the dead body of Blair.