Chapter 106 - The League

Aaron looked at the male elf standing against the wall, slowly edging away from Aaron in fear. He needed to tell everybody what happened! It was a world-shaking incident! He sprinted away from Aaron, trying to get as far away from him as quick as possible. Aaron teleported himself in front of the elf, placing his now-armoured hand on the elf's face.

"You were going to tell everybody about what just happened, weren't you?" Aaron asked as his eyes glowed a bright blue. The elf began vigorously shaking his head from side to side, trying to say he wasn't, but this just caused Aaron to laugh. "Do you realise how stupid you look, trying to deny what you were doing? I know you were going to tell everybody, and I'm going to tell you one thing. If you say a word of this situation to anybody, I'm going to find you, and I will kill you. Do you understand?"

"Yes! I understand! Now just let me go!" The elf replied, trying to pull himself away from Aaron but failing. "Good. Now we both know where we stand." Aaron confirmed, letting go of the elf. The elf stumbled backwards a bit, but he quickly regained his balance and ran off down the corridor, letting mana-infused air fill his lungs. It wasn't nearly as bad going back the way as it gets lighter the further you go.

"It's really annoying being mean like that," Aaron admitted to himself. "Someday, I'm bound to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and have my head smashed in."

Monument stated, making his presence known. 'Oh! Sorry Monument! I got a little too distracted with the elf!' Aaron responded, temporarily forgetting about Monument.

Monument explained, seeing what Aaron thought of the idea.

'So, in short, you think it would b a good idea to take on what would essentially be three gods and then become like the final boss of all bosses?' Aaron asked, trying to confirm what Monument was saying.

"Honestly, there's not much else to do, so let's do that then!" Aaron stated out loud as he began to walk out of the room. Monument encouraged Aaron, excited to see how this all played out.

Aaron grabbed his helmet from the ground before leaving, placing it on his head while he walked along the corridor back to the doors to the guild. He had forgotten why he had even come to the guild in the first place. It was too disinteresting for him to remember. He finally got to the doors to the guild, which he had walked through to get to the mana-infused corridor. He walked through the doorway, only to find a trio of staff members staring at him, holding a case in their hands. It was like a box designed for storing glasses, but rectangular and thin.

"Your rank has been decided, sir. We have not gotten a name from you, so we have not fully prepared this box yet, but your faction, otherwise known as a group of ranked individuals, has been determined as 'Unknown'." A female elf stated, handing him a box. Inside it had sixteen strangely shaped notches. "This is where you will store your 'Keys', which are like badges you get as a victory against the leaders. There are Minor Leaders and Major Leaders, four of each. Then there are the guardians, which number eight, four lesser and four higher. I'm sure you've already heard tales about them, as one of them is in there! Each of them has a specific key that they give, each of them small, so they stay in this little case, which also holds your ID as a challenger."

"Alright, I understand that, somewhat, but would you mind explaining to me why you have designated me as 'Unknown'? It makes me curious." Aaron asked, requesting specification. "Well, It's because the attendant who was with you while you were down there, Mike, wasn't able to gauge your power level, so you have to start from the bottom, going into higher ranks the further you go." A male human staff member stated, confirming Aaron's suspicions.

"It makes no matter to me. It just gives me more training for the later stages. Although, I'm just wondering. Is it legal for the summoner to join in the fight with their summoned monsters?" Aaron questioned, seeing just how far he could go with this. "Well, I mean, there is nothing that says you CAN'T, so I would probably go with yes." The female elf responded, confused as to why he asked. No summoner would be so stupid as to run into battle with their own monsters, right?

"Oh, that's good. Now, about the ID." Aaron contemplated. It caused everybody to remember that Aaron wasn't the only person here, so they started rushing off to do their jobs, leaving only the female to register the ID. After about half an hour, due to Aaron refusing to take off his helmet, he had fully registered himself with the guild with everything he needed to absolutely beat the shit out of everyone who stood in his way, and his first opportunity was right here.

"What's this? A newbie summoner?" A female voice called out to Aaron as he took a few steps out of the guild. "You must probably think you'll be the talk of the town at some point! Nope! I challenge you to a duel, you armour-wearing newbie!"

"You must really be an idiot to be challenging me." Aaron ominously stated as his voice got slightly agitated. He didn't want to cause too much damage to this woman, but if she wanted to be cocky, he would beat her to a bloody pulp.

It was also a chance to test out his summoning, and he wasn't going to pass this up.

Chapter 66, Execute Command 66