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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

In the city of Jerry's land, things were rough for Theo Hicks, living in a dangerous neighborhood with his little brother, Jack, and his grandma Lois in a two-story apartment.

''Grandma Lois! Theo is messing with me," said Jack.

"No, I wasn't I was just fixing this air conditioning", said Theo.

"Theo, it's time for you to take your little brother to school, and don't you forget to buy some chicken for dinner tonight. Love you and be safe," said Grandma Lois.

Theo picked out his mini afro and pulled out a toothpick and put it in his mouth and walked his brother to school. Theo is 6ft and skinny and wears gothic glasses and had on a leather jacket.

"Yo, Theo, wait up," said Frankie.

"Explain to me how we are best friends", said Theo.

" I don't know you probably need someone to talk some sense into that big head of yours", said Frankie. Frankie had this long thick blond hair and was an inch taller than Theo. They have been best friends since they were five. Theo and Frankie were heading to their high school Jerry High. Jerry High was a very big school it kinda looked like a mansion as the two guys walk into the school there were kids everywhere. Everyone was just doing what any other kid would do in high school which was staying on their phones and hanging out with friends. Theo and Frankie were heading towards their science class and a split second someone grabbed Frankie by the shoulders and slams him against a locker in the hallway. The kid starts to punch Frankie in the face with his solid fists.

"Tommy stop it!", Theo shouts as he was walking towards Tommy. Tommy picks up Frankie and slams him into the nearest locker that he could see. Theo throws a punch at Tommy but Tommy grabs Theo's fist and gives him a smirk and head-butted Theo in the forehead. Theo fell slowly to the ground.

"GET UP PUNK! GET UP!", said Tommy as he was kicking Theo in his stomach. Theo sees a science textbook on the floor and as Tommy is looking at the crowd of students Theo picks up the textbook and slams it into Tommy's face and shouts,

"WHO'S THE PUNK NOW!" The whole school went super quiet the whole school started to hear crickets. Theo stares at everyone and runs out of the school and Tommy said,

"Get him", as he was trying to catch his balance. Soon as you know it Tommy and his gang were after Theo. Theo was running like he was on fire he ran past the busy streets of Jerry's land. Theo finally stopped at a woodshop near the Jerry river. Theo could hear Tommy and his gang coming towards the woodshop. Theo started to search for somewhere to hide, but it was too late one of the guys that are in Tommy's gang spotted him.

"You thought you were slick", said Tommy as he was walking up towards Theo then kicks him in the face and takes out this pock knife, but the blade was black. Tommy pulls his long reddish-brown hair back and looks at his best friend Vic says,

"Stand him up!" So they did. One guy grabbed Theo's left arm and the other guy grabbed the right and the next thing you know Tommy grabs Theo by the shoulder and stabs him twice in the stomach and Theo died instantly. Tommy looks at Theo's soulless body and says,

"How do you like those apples!", One of the gang members walks up to Tommy and said,

"What should we do with the body"? Tommy looked at the gang member and said,

"Dump him". Four guys picked up Theo's soulless body and dumped him into the river. Tommy watches Theo's body float along the coast. Tommy started to laugh and left the woodshop. The next day

"Have you seen Theo, Frankie?", said Grandma Lois looking at Frankie with a worried look and turn to Jack. Frankie walked up to Grandma Lois and said,

"The last time I saw Theo is when Tommy and his gang were chasing him." Grandma Lois had brown eyes and young for a 54, year-old.

"Momma where is Theo, Is he okay?", Jack said looking worried.

"Jack come on I'm going to take you to school today", said Frankie staring at him with an okay grin and turned around to Grandma Lois and said

"Don't worry we will find him.", and left. Jack is 15 years old has black eyes hair is short and brown was wearing a blue jean jacket. Jack stared at the burnt buildings and turned to Frankie and said,

"Is Theo dead?", as he was looking scared. Frankie bend down on one knee and said,

"I hope not"., and they kept walking. It was getting dark and cloudy in jerry land, there were heavy clouds in the sky. Something was happening in the jerry land river there was a bolt of lightning slamming against the water and memories was hitting Theo's dead body and a man was calling for Theo and telling him to rise from the dead and punish those who cause him pain and to protect others who can't protect themselves. The man told him that he will give him the power of a werewolf, vampire, speedster, and the ability of a telepath. As the man stands over Theo's dead body and screams

"RISE CRAVEN RISE!" as the thunderstorm was getting louder the lighting slam against the water and Theo leaps out of the river and lands onshore and roars. Theo's eyes were glowing golden yellow and had claws sticking out from his fingernails and his fangs were super sharp. Theo slowly raise his hand and saw that he had claws and look at the river and said,

"What is happening to me."And starts to run to his house in a second. When Theo walk inside the house he looks around the house and screams

"JACK, GRANDMA!", Jack was peeking out of his bedroom door and look at Theo and said,

"Theo"? Theo nodded and said,

"It's me, Jack". Theo walks up to Jack and hugs him. Grandma Lois came out of her bedroom and said,

"Jack what was that noise", as she was walking in the living room and all of sudden she started to burst into tears and ran to Theo and holds him tight. The next day Theo woke up and puts on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Theo went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then he starts to hear Jack's thoughts and that started to freak him out and then his eyes started to glow yellow.

"Theo, are you okay honey?" Said Grandma Lois while knocking on the bathroom door. Theo looked at the door and said,

"Yeah mama I'm okay I will be out in a sec". Claws start to rise from his fingernails and, he caught a painful ache in his mouth, he started to feel on his tooth and felt a fang growing inside his mouth.

"What's happening to me?" said Theo as he started to put his head down and look down at the sink and close his eyes for a second and rose his head up as fast as he can and look at the mirror and he looked normal again. Theo's eyes were still yellow, he stares at himself for a minute and then started to close his eyes and thought about his parents. For a minute Theo open his eyes and there were back to normal and he started to put on his glasses and went to the living room and saw Jack talking to Frankie.

"What did I miss?" Theo said as he was walking towards Jack.

"Nothing much, are you okay", said Frankie while patting Theo on his back. Theo look at Frankie and said

"Let's go I have to walk Jack to School today."

"No, you're not honey, I'm dropping Jack off at school today.", says Grandma Lois while she was looking at Theo and hugged him. Theo looked at Grandma Lois and said

"I'm an okay mama." Theo kissed her on the cheek and left the house. Theo and Frankie started to walk to school until Theo started to turn to Frankie and said,

"Did you hear that?" Frankie look at Theo and said,

"No way." Theo looks at the corner store down Baker Street and started to hear screams getting louder and louder. Theo turned back to Frankie and said,

"Go to School without me." Frankie started to look confused and said,

"What about you"? "I meet you at School don't worry about me go." Frankie started walking down King Street and said,

"Stay safe Theo."