Roland managed to get back the the door without any problem and used the keys to unlock the two remaining locks. As he entered this room he noticed many things he would never have guessed Garen posseses. A fancy armor hanging on the wall, a throne carved out of stone on another one but the thing he came to get was right across the door. A sword sitting in a glass display. Roland instantly noticed that it wasn't an ordinary sword but couldn't quite grasp why he felt that way. He slowly moved through the room, careful not to make any noice getting closer and closer to the display. As he reached the sword and was able to get a closer look at it he finaly confirmed his guts. It was a broadsword which had a mechanism to split right down the middle to transform into to longswords. "It would be hard to get this out of here if it wasn't for this" Roland said as he rummaged through his pockets. He pulled a old dusty pouch. "Luckily i came across that mage." It was a pouch which was capable of storing up to six things no matter the size. He quickly picked the lock on the display case and stuffed the sword in the pouch. "Time to make my getaway."
He left the room and was on his way to the entrance when suddenly "WHO ARE YOU! HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" a voice called. Roland looked behind and saw the new guard. He didn't account for the fact that the new guy would forgett his route or even that he would wander in this place. "You don't need to worry about me. I just picked something up Garen owes me. I was just about to leave." Roland said while looking at the guard. "As if I'd believe that. State your name and buisness and we might only imprison you." "I've already told you" Roland said calmly keeping one hand behind his back. Before the guard could reply to Roland, he smashes a smoke bomb on the ground. The guard coughs and screams for back-up. "Of course it wouldn't be this easy. What was that guy even doing there?" Roland thought to himself, running to the door.