I have been told that explaining a joke makes it not funny, but in future stories me and my sister will bring up this inside joke and it's a lot more funny if you understand the refrence. So sit back relax and Let me tell you the story of the first inside joke me and my sister ever have.
As I've said before, I live on a dead end so me and my sister were really casual about just playing in the street. It was like mid-summer is and it was a little before sundown when the sky gets like really pretty. We of course were to busy to notice the picturesque view as we attempted to stab each other.
Me and my sister were "fencing" down the street using a plastic LittleTikes(#notspon) baseball bat and an extended pool noodle water gun. This happened when I was either thirteen or fourteen, but I don't know what it says about me that I can look at a hollow plastic baseball bat and an extended broken pool noodle water gun and see fencing swords. I don't know if fencing swords have an actual name but I honestly don't feel like looking it up because its probably either hard to say or hard to spell. And I just don't want to have to deal with that. So me and my sister
Neither of us actually knows how to fence, we just tried to "stab" the other in the stomach and stay en guard. You probably could tell I don't know how to fence since I called an epee (I was right) a fencing sword but I just wanted to make that clear. Somehow I was still more experienced because my sister repeatedly called the sport jousting instead of fencing. In her defense both of these sports are people trying to hit each other with sticks so I can see how they could be confused. Now lets start the actually funny part of this, and yes the funny thing isn't the visual of two children play fencing in the street. Okay one child and a teen.
So we were fencing, I had the advantage of using the plastic baseball bat, which had better reach, but my sister kept complaining that this was unfair. So we switched, and I immediately realized that it had been one of the only reasons I had been winning. Rosemary noticed this too and pointed it out, which put me in the position where I had to make it clear that it was in fact not the case. So I used my superior intellect to my advantage.
"Get out of the road there's a car coming dumby!" I said pointing behind her and she looked, i took the second to jab her in the belly and gave a holler of triumph.
"Not fair you cheated!"
"I did no such thing, its called strategical misdirection. Its the oldest trick in the book." A few minutes later after we had made our way a bit farther down the hill and were now a few houses away from my friends house
"Oh look its Joan!" Rosemary said pointing behind me at my friends house. I fell for it since I had texted her and asked if she wanted to referee since we needed someone to keep score.
"Oo look is a hawk! Look at how majestic it is" I said pointing behind Rosemary. Rosemary didn't fall for it, I continued, "No really Rose you gotta see this I'm being serious!" She still didn't take the bait and we went back to quick dancing movements. A few minutes later,
"Oo look is a bird" said Rosemary but my dumb-ass heard "Oo look, Irrelevant!" AND I STILL FELL FOR IT! I consider myself a smart enough person, but it takes me a moment to process things sometimes. Especially when I say things, I have never understood how people have the time to think about things before they say them. In my experience doing that only means that by the time you say it the conversation has moved on. So I just say whatever pops out of my mouth, which predictably has gotten me into some... interesting situations.
So if in a future story Rosemary randomly says "Irrelevant" and starts laughing at me, she's referencing this.
That's all for now!
Love Ya,