Into the dark abyss of the universe, vast and infinite, a space galactic ship constantly floats on the ideal grounds of the anarchic galaxy. And unto which is resided by a several astronauts navigating back and forth attending their respective responsibilities within the ship.
Look inside and you can see an impossible picture. The vessel is overloaded with spiraling antechambers, walls drilled with dozen holes that connect to the different scopes, and a humungous ball of combined hexagon rooms lifted above the center ground. So inside, is like an ant territory synthesized with a ball of honeycomb at the core.
And therein in Section 14 D, a group of space exploration volunteers are hooked up for the ultimate step. That is to track the Bunnyterrian thief King Codemus who was loosed out in the galaxy. They were nine in total and everyone seems to be prepared to whatever may come along their mission.
"(Exhales sharply) It's good to be back. Now tic-tac everyone! Take whatever you will need in this mission. Be sure to fill out your spatial pockets and re-update your modified suits to your registered identities." Dr. Chan commanded as he walked through the gallery with the team.
"Copy Doc, we are trained for this. Now, let's go team!" Matt replied as he called out to his team to separate with Dr. Chan.
"And you young lady, are going to stay with Matt and the others. While I do my part and double check our super ride in this mission. I know the ship always do its daily maintenance, but it's better to be sure. So, I'm on my way then and see you next time. Bye-bye!" Dr. Chan instructed Dwaine and went away making a face.
"Pff, now I was told around like a kid. 'Adults'…" Dwaine muttered to herself as she waved a good-bye at Dr. Chan who was drifting away to another path and she followed the others.
The group went into a hole and arrived at a hexagonal room. It has a curvature transparent window, which makes the outer space visible them. One of the team went directly close to the ivory walls and automatically a bunch of drawers were opened. There were unlimited space ammos, space weapons, and modified space suits.
While they were busying to and fro, Dwaine looked around and silently peered on what they are doing. The group was carrying these yellow funny packs and pressed something on the bag that makes whatever they touch become holographic and shrinks into the bag.
They were storing their materials like there was no trouble at all. One took the heavy space machine gun, the other took the space bazooka, and another a dozen of space artilleries. All of these are just shrinking into the funny pack like a science magic box. And more things were stored inside but the bag is amazingly weightless.
Not long and one of the women of Matt's team noticed Dwaine who was behaving herself on the corner like a stranger. She finished her business and decided to walk towards Dwaine to start a conversation. Everyone in the room was so busy that they didn't noticed this and not even Dwaine who was so focused at watching.
"Hi! Nice to meet ya! Sorry about not to introduce ourselves earlier. By the way, I am Judy Smith. And you're Dwainecell Kingsleigh right?" a tall pretty Brazilian-American lady named Judy greeted her.
"Yeah, I am, nice to meet you too." Dwaine politely replied.
"Me third," Judy pulled a joke.
"Pff," Dwaine let out a repressed laugh.
"(Smiles) so, how was your first experience to space? Isn't it remarkable?" Judy continued.
"Yeah, it was. So, what are those funny packs anyway? Are they like science magic storage box?" Dwaine began to ask.
"Pff, they're not. They're called spatial pockets. And whatever you put into it became holographic and weightless. Isn't it too convenient?" Judy briefly explained.
"Super convenient," Dwaine commented.
"You want one?" Judy handed her out a funny pack.
"No, I mean… can I have it?" Daine hesitated.
"Of course, after all you're part of this expedition right? So, you must arm yourself too. So, here take it." Judy convinced her.
"Well, thanks… this~ is soo~ cool." Dwaine happily received it.
"Hey, guys! How about a care for a little introduction to the poor kid here? She will feel lonely if you alienated her." Judy invited her busy companions.
"Sorry kid, were so busy in this stuff that we forgot to introduce ourselves." An appealing Japanese guy greeted her as he went close.
"Oh no, it's fine." Dwaine accepts the apology.
"Oh, don't be kid. We know we are at fault. Anyway, I am Hamada Kiryu, nice to meet you." The Japanese guy named Hamada introduced himself as he reached out a hand shake.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too Sir," Dwaine politely replied and shakes Hamada's hands.
"Well, that's our Hamada. The prim and proper man of the rising sun! Yo, I'm Team Leader Matthew Evans, Matt for short. And welcome to the c-r-a-z-y family," The jolly Negro team leader named Matt went to greet Dwaine all of a sudden.
"Pff, thanks. I've heard your name before in the assembly room Sir." Dwaine gladly accepted him.
"Well that's very polite of you. Unlike to Mister Genius, suck-attitude here is so grumpy all the time, Johny Jacobs. Ha-ha-ha! Well ain't I right Johny boy..?" Matt kiddingly introduced the Jewish man named John as he latches his arms on John's shoulders.
"Ugh, get off me idiot." John let out a harsh attitude as he frees himself from Matt's arms.
"Tch what a buzz kill," Matt exclaimed as he scratched his head.
"Hey, Tamako..! Are you done there girl? The kid can't wait here, Taco..!" Judy pulled a joke on the Hindu-looking woman who was also part of their team too.
"Sorry, young lady. I was so occupied about what to bring and what to not, because honestly… I want to bring them all." Tamako replied as she was so hooked up with the space devices.
"O come on gal, you know you can't bring them all. Just pick whatever you need. And don't keep the kid waiting, Taco!" Matt called out to her.
"Alright, I'm coming. And stop shortening my name to Taco. Don't turn me into a Mexican food Matt." Tamako replied as she went close to greet Dwaine. "Hi, my name's Tamako Ghandi. Nice to meet ya." Tamako gladly introduced as she shakes Dwaine's hands.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too Ma'am," Dwaine replied.
"She's actually a Jap," Judy whispered to Dwaine.
"Really," Dwaine said in disbelief. "I thought~ you're a Hindu..?" Dwaine continued while staring at Tamako.
"I am, and also a Japanese." Tamako clarified.
"Oh, so you're a Hindu-Japanese," Dwaine guessed.
"Correct!" Tamako happily replied.
"Wow, you're team is so… so…" Dwaine hesitated to finish.
"Diverse," Judy filled in.
"Yeah," Dwaine agreed.
"But so unified," Tamako added.
"Exactly," Matt supported.
"Wonderful," Dwaine finished.
--Everyone snorts and laughed—
"A-ahem..!" someone purposely coughed behind the entrance hole.
--Everyone stopped laughing--
"Hey, Matt..! Hi, everyone…" Dr. Holly awkwardly waved a greeting to the crowd.
"Oh hey, Dr. Holly..! Hey, I thought you've been following behind us, weren't you?" Matt greeted her.
"I-I was. But Mr. North here, you see, he wants to get changed. So, here he is," Dr. Holly explained as he gestured to Noirren to reveal himself to the team.
He slowly entered the room and appears himself in his human form. This amazed everyone and more amazed to see his new outfit. He was wearing a fitted iconic tux, polished shoes and an iconic hat. Overall, he was like a revived handsome king of the pop, Michael Jackson. Everyone was so flustered about this but his godly features never seize to amaze Dwaine.
"Whoa~ you can turn yourself into a man?" Matt asked in surprise.
"Well, yes, after a great discovery." Noirren replied.
"Amazing..! And you even turned yourself into an iconic king of the pop MJ. You nailed it man." Matt praised him.
"Yeah, you bring him to life Mr. North." Hamada happily added.
"Thank you everyone. I am very grateful to your… genuine appreciations." Noirren for the first time became serious.
"Well, aren't you supposed to wear to a space suit Mr. North?" Tamako asked.
"No, I don't need it. I'm actually pretty breathable to any kind of gas or atmosphere." Noirren politely explained.
"Wow," Judy slipped a reaction.
"Hey, one minute everyone. Tic-tac, tic-tac..!" Dr. Chan interrupted the get-along conversation as he reminded everyone to start moving again. "Oh and um… Dr. Holly!" Dr. Chan remembers before he could leave again.
"Yes, Dr. Chan!" Dr. Holly alertly replied.
"Please pack my things for me," Dr. Chan kindly requested.
"Sure," Dr. Holly agreed.
"Thank you! And everyone..! One minute, ok?" Dr. Chan gave his thanks and reiterated his reminders as everyone began to get busy again.
"Sure Doc," Matt replied as he continues his packing.
"Oh hey, before I forgot, I was actually meaning to give you this back. This is yours right?" Judy handed her out a shattered clock locket that she have.
"Yes. I-I don't understand… ho-how did this get to you Ma'am?" Dwaine took the clock locket in disbelief.
"You've forgot it in the comfort room kid, have you forgotten?" Judy reminded her.
"Oh, yes, I was. Oh, thank you so much Miss Judy." Dwaine gladly thanked her.
"Just Judy," Judy welcomes her in return.
"Thanks," Dwaine reiterated.
"You're welcome. So, let's get going then?" Judy invites her.
"Of course," Dwaine replied.
The get-along conversation ended as they started to get busy packing again. Matt and his team took all the things that they are going to need in this mission. And Dr. Holly also packs her things and Dr. Chan's to their own funny packs. While Noirren decided to keep aside silent for the time being. And Dwaine willingly packs her things too.
A minute after and everyone decided to leave the room. But now they are more than ready and they proceeded to the next chamber where Dr. Chan was waiting. They went into another hole in Section 14 D, and this lead them to a specialized garage of the ship.
There they saw and stand in awe to see the latest modified space jet waiting to welcome them. It was way bigger than the last rocket and much customized than the usual baby ships. It's still remodeled after a gliding penguin but this space jet is way cooler than the rest.
"(Whistles) we're coming mama," Matt whistles in excitement.
"Gather around everyone!" Dr. Chan called unto them from behind.
Everybody responded and they made a big circle. They looked at each other and everyone's fear and excitement are revealed in their faces. Some are giving off a jiggly vibes and others make it too obvious. They were a mix of expressions and emotions within that moment. And everyone is antsy hoping to finish this mission safe and successfully.
"May it be God, Buddha, Shiva, Mohammad, or Lord of the Universe, let us ask for their strength, and fortify us with their guidance, for without their wisdom we will be ill-advised in this journey. The Mission Code 007 begins with us, so let us end this war with us also. Now, are you ready Team..?" Dr. Chan tried to stir up their morale.
"Aye-aye Captain!" they replied.
"I can't hear you..?" Dr. Chan mimicked the Spongebob Squarepants opening theme.
"Aye-aye Capatin!" they replied even louder.
"Best of luck everyone. Now, to infinity and beyond," Dr. Chan finished his speech and gestured to everyone to get on board the ship.
They were systematically lining up to enter the space jet, when Dwaine and Noirren crossed paths coincidentally. There was a heated vibe and each of them is trying to give off a silent treatment. But Noirren took the line and Dwaine has no choice but have her line behind.
"(Scoffs) Copycat…" Dwaine purposely back stabbed Noirren from the back as she crossed her arms and rolls her eyes over to irritate him.
"Excuse me Missy; it's not a copycat but a fashion. You should try one some time. You seem too off with your style." Noirren calmly pissed her off as he returned to his line composedly.
"(Scoffs) it's a space suit big guy," Dwaine tried to defend.