Back in the caves...
"How did they hear me?" Keliana asked as she held her chest and tried to quiet the hammering in her chest and ears.
"I am not sure. It seems they are quite powerful. This only proves that you need to be just as powerful or more powerful than them. I will return you to your body now. Be careful with who you reveal your findings. Be very careful of Linos and his family. He may not mean to hurt you, but his son and wife may use him to set traps for your family. Be blessed my greatest granddaughter. " Nanca said as she escorted Keliana to her timeline.
They stood inside of her bedroom with her siblings watching over her. The pink crystal was now blue with a hint of white at its tip.
She hugged Naca and kissed her on the cheek, and the crystal turned fully white, it started to shine bright. Her siblings covered their eyes as the light was too great for them.
Keliana spirit then floated into the air then gradually merged into the crystal and light.
The crystal then seemed to melt all around Keliana and she floated off the bed with her eyes glowing white.
"Keliana, wake up." Khalisa, Jayden and Cayden shouted.
Keliana opened her eyes and floated back to the bed. She blinked her eyes several times before finally focusing on the worried faces before her.
"Khalisa, Cayden, Jayden?" she said in a hoarse voice.
"Quickly bring her some water," Khalisa ordered to the twins.
Jayden quickly went downstairs to get a glass of water and was back in a flash.
"Here, take this and drink all of it," he said handing her the glass.
She took the glass hurriedly from his hand and gulped it down in one go. She then handed him back and said, "more please."
He went downstairs once more taking a little longer, bringing a pitcher along with a glass of water.
He gave her the glass and rested the pitcher on the nightstand beside the bed.
"What happened to you? How did you float and what happened to you?"
She held up a finger to them, signalling them to wait.
She put the glass beside the pitcher and took up the pitcher and drank straight from it.
Once her thirst was quenched, she sat on the edge of the bed. She tried to stand but ended up floating a few inches off the ground.
Her siblings gasped and stood a little away from her. Keliana then concentrated some more and now stood on the floor.
"How did you do that?" Khalisa asked her.
"I don't know. I was only thinking to stand but floated instead."
"Girl, you got powers," Khalisa said as she hugged her sister.
"I had a dream you were going to be special." Khalisa beamed.
Keliana smiled and blushed. She stared into the astonished faces of her siblings and her eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Guys, you are never going to believe what I have to tell you. As a matter of fact. I hardly believe it. I am still wondering if I dreamt it all. "
"Why don't you tell us and stop keeping us in suspense. Jayden said as he sat on her bed beside Cayden.
"Yeah, Keli, tell us already," Khalisa prompted.
"Okay, first of all. We are not warriors..." She started.
"Sorry, princess but you're not making any sense," Cayden smirked.
Keliana paced in front of them, then stopped to look each in their eyes.
"That's it...we are princesses and princes. Our father should have been king. His family was murdered in their sleep, but his father was rescued by an imperial guard and raised to be a warrior instead. We are of the Aurum bloodline." Keliana stopped to take a breather and watch as each sibling's facial expression contorted with mixture of bewilderment, excitement, confusion.
"How? You must tell us everything and start from the beginning. " Khalisa said drawing a chair to sit in front of her baby sister.
" There is more, I need to tell you too. This is going to be more shocking than finding out we're royals."
"Iris, you're killing us here with all your suspense." Cayden wined.
"Yeah, spill already, " Jayden ordered.
" alive!" She announced.
"Drako...our baby brother is alive!" Khalisa squealed.
Keliana nodded her head. Then her brows knitted and her eyes saddened.
"He is trying to kill me. He and uncle Linos son, Dante"
"What? That can't be true. Why would he want to kill you?" Cayden asked.
"To be fair, it's not just me he wants to kill, he wants to kill the entire family. " Keliana continued.
"I don't understand, he didn't even know of your existence, why would he want you dead?" Jayden reasoned.
"Bernara was captured and to spare his life, she gave him up to be raised by demons, especially uncle Mondola and his head demon mistress Zamora." She explained and hugged each of her siblings before continuing.
" We need to save him. If we can remove him from those demonic influences and you guys can remind him of what his family looked like then, maybe you can wake up the human side to him. Maybe with God and mom and dad's help. We can be a family again and start life anew."
"We need to save Benara and Drako!" Cayden expressed with conviction and determination set in his eyes.
"Here is what you do, as soon as mom and dad get in, we tell them. We need to start our journey to rescue our baby brother, " Khalisa started and was interrupted by Keliana clearing her throat.
"Sorry to interrupt you, but Drako is not so little, he and Linos' son looks a little over 7 feet. They could pass for brothers. His eyes gave me the creeps. He seems to love killing as though he relished in it. We may need more help to get him back as they control demons too." Keliana added.
"Well, here is to new Beginnings!" Cayden said as he smiled mischievously.