A calm, and soft gently voice up, through and endless void of stars, as she began to explain, the world, it's creatures and the realm she's within. through flashes and images, there was detail with every moment her lips parted.
"this world is kind... but also unforgiving... I favor no one... I live among gods... and one of the many few that hold true power over our world. The World, as we know it, Tellus, is made up of my many children and life. Creating them wasn't easy, one had to imagine the creature... makes sure the earth is habital for all of its needs... what becomes predator and prey... and of course scavengers... life isn't created exactly, but rather all I do is give it a push, help it grow... giving it ideas, a mind. a soul and a heart. slowly, over time. these creature evolved. becoming there own kind of races, reaching a state they believe is worth being called perfect, or a state they believe is enough."
"it's amazing is it not...? seeing these microscopic beings, evolve into such ways... some being mere man... other into something unique such as elves, Demon, merkfolk, orcs all many more unique species of life! is amamsing watching them live and progress all on there own..."
'but... they just fight... and kill... take and never give... no peace... only war' a voice unknown, spoke up telling our goddess of life. this voice, becoming a spark for many and other gods. because is the mind of those individual beings, that they come up with God's. Humans, create God's, just by believing in something greater than them. someone greater to follow and look up too.
"hehe... true... they do bicker... argue... kill... steal... lie... all the sins one could imagine... and they master these things from the day they are born and greater greater sins. But I suppose a sin is still a sin. greater or lesser.
'so why admire them?' the unknown voice asked.
"because... I have hope for them... they are all still my beloved... I gave then the push they needed and watched over then for millenias... and they still move forward. I have hope in all of my life's down on Tellus, that they will one day love and find peace... it's selfish to say such things isn't it?"
'it is... but... we'll hope with you'
The voice faded away, and our goddess of Life, Jessica, continued the watch over every life on their world. She was, and always had been the First God.
laying the foundation for the realms, regions and all life and its territories, she had a connection to it all.
The tree of Life and Titans that came after to give there bodies to form the skies, realms, oceans and lands for every creature that became of our goddess. the mythical creatures that guided the stars and sun to help build the world the goddess wanted for her creations. a world where they can ever so live and freely with all the space they wanted. the goddess of life, as well death, was the root that gave birth to all matter of life.