This a story of a young boy who lived dreaded life of loneliness as a mute seventeen years old boy who had a learning difficulty after being by a group of wanted criminals who attacked the young boy at twelve to thirteen years old he was diagnosed autism suffering severe trauma to mind and body causing to be bullied by school children and other people which has him into fights a number of tantrums but then one day he learnt truth of his parents who were murdered by the notorious mass murderer the man of hatred, after destroying WestEasternSton The Bright Light City based on a true story by the Comic Artist himself of his experience. In society criminalisation in everyday problems in life young children, young people and people of all ages with learning are bullied other people, Throughout his history, throughout his time and throughout his legacy.
My name is Jaswant Birdi and I'm a Artist, Story writer, and Illustrator (A.K.A The Story Artist, someone who writes stories and draws illustrations). My Notable Works I am writing is Crashahurtz 1 The Cobra Thugs. A Superhero fighting hate crimes involved in thugs aggression obsession, vengeance and despair. I am also intrigue by society of Everyday Life Problems In Society, Real Life Crime Investigations, Incidents, Good triumphing over Evil, one of my favourite biggest Intrigues.
Today Society has their result of answer hatred, now hatred was a common problem Every Day Life Problems in the a over history last of crime over the last 300 years, when people jealousy to leads hate, hate leads violence, leads violence to suffering, a suffering leads to revenge, revenge could lead to despair, despair could lead to murder and murder leads darkness.
In many causes this lead problem to the other people.