Sixteen years later, Rishi has lived a difficult life with his adoptive parent's, uncle Azeem and aunt Narmada, a dreaded grumpy lonely as a mute seventeen years old boy with wispy curly hair and blue eyes Rishabh Bakhshi who never got along happily with either his uncle or aunt.
Ever since he was a child, a recurring nightmare haunted him. Rishi felt as though if he been in the same nightmare sixteen years ago of the horrifying fire in a city on a dark night of terrifying figure of a dark man killing people.
Just as the sun rose, Narmada a housewife Aunt and Mother she came and knocked on Rishi's bedroom door "Rishi, time to get up!", Rishi let out a giant yawn, and got out of bed , he came and had breakfast , Rishi just gorked ,while having breakfast, Narmada come in the kitchen, while washing the cups and dishes "Rishi come on we got to go to the head teachers meeting! Chalo we got a meeting with the head teacher!" says Narmada.
Rishi had breakfast, washed up and changed. They drove off to Rishi's old High School.
Rishi Bakhshi A Rendered Grumpy Mute
After that fiery incident, Rishi´s rendered voice box has resulted him as a mute with a learning difficulty after being by a group of wanted criminals who attacked the young boy at twelve to thirteen years old he was diagnosed with autism suffering severe trauma to mind and body causing to be bullied by school children and other people which has him drawn into fights a number of tantrums which later lead him to be bullied by other children reacted at him fight back.
When they arrived there, in the Head Teacher's office of Rishi's grades " Mrs Bakhshi, Rishi's low grades during the End Of Exams his school work is a good work but in the exams his grades were appalling which means he has to enrol on a low Grade Course due to a lack of progress. These are the courses he should choose only four to be exact, which Art would be the best of talented course in his studies". Narmada replied "Well if it that suits him then surely he'll get good grades". When the decision has been made they enrol Rishi at Casely Light Wills College.
Rishi was told by his mother to pick at least four reading through the list of courses he had to chose, once decided, Rishi chose Arts And Design, Resistant Materials, History and Law,
Casely Light Wills College
Four List Subject Courses Teachers
Art And Design Teacher Mrs Jane Roque
Resistant Materials Teacher Mr Donald Meads
History Teacher Mrs Jennifer Flaxman
Law Teacher Mr Sherlock Ward and Teaching Assistant (T.A.) Mr Williams Jenkins
IT Teacher Mrs Kirsty Griffith
English Teacher Mrs Henniretta 'Henny' Horton
Maths Teacher Mr Nick Parsons
Narmada came in and asked "Have you decided Rishi?". Rishi responded with a nod a saying yes he shows her the his chosen list, Narmada didn't seem delighted, by but was pleased. Later that evening Azeem Bakhshi a graphic designer and manager who worked at a local company, he is Uncle and Father who works long hours at his company. Narmada told him about to the meeting Rishi's High School however, Azeem didn't seem not happy but satisfied with Rishi's lack of progress of low grades and was more anxious for him to get the knack studying harder. Rishi was really put off, all his life by bullies during his School years and by his parents and hardships taken out on him.
Rishi´s adoptive parent's, uncle Azeem and aunt Narmada.
Rishi grew grumpy because his rendered voice box he was not loved, liked or befriended by anyone else, over the years when was growing up Rishi never had smiled nor showed any expression of being happy. It was just that grumpy look on his face, at school he never played with anyone, he just drawn pictures of his own creativity and got good talent in art, he never drew any drawings of people at school.
The next day Aunt Narmada and Rishi went out shopping buy to essentials and supplies. In Oakfield Town in few, shops for his College Work, once that was over with they went home.
As September 1st come by, a breeze came blowing the leaves, Narmada driving Rishi to college Rishi is being often annoyed by the adoptive mother's talking, aunt Narmada.
Aunt Narmada drives Rishi to College, Rishi had no idea what College was going to be like for him. Aunt Narmada, was giving him details and instructions when going into College. When they arrived Aunt Narmada says to Rishi "Okay Rishi you do well in your studies". Rishi nodded saying yes. "Come on, give me a smile" Aunt Narmada says trying to express but Rishi grunted getting out of the Car and shut the door and left appearing on his First Day At College, when entering the College he was shocked at how many students and teachers there were.
He then finds the Art And Design Section and there he saw a Coptic Christian Boy who wear round glasses his height was four and a half feet tall in height and is the same age as to Rishi, Rishi had no idea who he was?
The Art And Design Teacher leads them and the rest of the other students in the gathering crowd into the Art Room, Herbert De Costa, a Coptic Christian Boy wearing round glasses then said to Rishi.
"Hello My name is Herbert De Costa it's my first day at College?".
He first encountered Herbert De Costa.
He then asked Rishi "What's your name?" Rishi showed his ID Card, to him with his name 'Rishabh Bakhshi' photo of him and his number 07051994, Herbert then showed his to him his ID Card number 29051995 as to his to concern Rishi had never thought how nice he was?
In front of the gathering was the Art And Design Teacher Mrs Jane Roque A Franris BenLandonish Born Art And Design Teacher introduced herself, "Hello everyone my name is Mrs Jane Roque and I'll be your Art And Design Teacher, I'll show you some Art Techniques and a variety of mixed media and of a concepts of other Artist's ability that you'll be using to develop throughout your lessons".
Rishi's first subject course he chose Art And Design he can draw realistic portrait, landscapes of people and objects. He was sat next to Herbert De Costa, sitting next to him in class was tempting to get Rishi's attention looked below at him. He then just thought he was being distracting.
Rishi was to pick one photo and went for a photo of a dragon flying in the sky Rishi drew it on A3 paper was positioned as landscape for the picture which take one hour to do, the Art teacher told to the students that their unfinished work is to be completed by next week on Monday for homework.
Rishi's second subject course chose Resistant Materials, in the crowd was the Resistant Materials Teacher Mr Donald Meads, A BenLandonish Born Resistant Materials Teacher introduced himself "Hello everyone my name is Mr Donald Meads and I'll be your Resistant Materials Teacher, I'll show you some variety of materials and fine unique detail that you'll learning to make objects of other inventors from other creations during your lessons".
Rishi's thoughts be would learn to make out of a variety of materials anything that can create with the ability of his artistic skill. He had the same Coptic Christian boy sitting next to him, Rishi in class felt at though he was following him. Rishi was to design a basic candle holder as to learn how various materials are built for purposes a simple block of wood and cornered bended acrylic is mounted together. He then must design another candle holder as homework by research off the internet of eight candle holders photos and blend the ideas for next week on Monday for homework.
Rishi's third subject course decision was for History.
Rishi's concern attentions brought him about real incidents, famous people, evolution, revolutions, war and industrial revolution. He chose History as part of learning to research topics of these, interests to explore.
Again! He had the same Coptic Christian Boy in the class door room!
From the top of his mind he says "Is he just following me, just who in the fishes name are you?" As he snarled out of annoyance!
Rishi felt as though he is being stalked. He felt as though, he never wanted friends all.
Some of the goony boys looked at Rishi, and Herbert, they stared and sniggered at them in jealously, Rishi assumed he was just trying to humiliated him in front of everyone. Some of the students stared at Rishi because of his Blue Eyes, "Look at that Blue Eyed Boy".
Sitting next to him was Vijay Bachchan and next to Vijay was Suraj ´Guru´ Singh Dhillion they watched of they as they spotted what was going on, the two looked at Rishi's Blue Eyes, unusual to them never had they seen A Grumpy Hindustani Boys with a expression.
Rishi looked at Vijay and Suraj who didn't to take any notice their of attention. From his mind he says
"What they looking at! Those Fishholes! The Stupid Smackers! The Snarlers!?" As he snarled out of annoyance!
The History Teacher Mrs Jennifer Flaxman, arrived.
In the History Room was Mrs Jennifer Flaxman, A BenLandonish Born History Teacher introduced herself "Hello everyone my name is Mrs Jennifer Flaxman and I'll be your History Teacher, I'll show you some teaching about real life incidents, famous people, revolutions, some of war criminals, and evolutions of industrial revolution. History as part of learning to research topics of these, interests to that you'll be explore throughout your lessons".
Rishi was to write an topic on a Evil Dictator's Biography in his own words which take one hour to do, the History teacher told to the students that their unfinished work is to be completed by next week on Monday for homework.
Rishi's fourth subject course Law as he was sat next to Herbert and sitting beside him was a Hindu boy Vijay Bachchan, the son of a wealthy family, the Bachchans next to Vijay is a Punjabi student, Suraj ´Guru´ Singh Dhillion one of the most religious Punjabi Sikhs in the Dhillion family who would one day tackle society, criminalisation, hooliganism, economy and corruption and in everyday life problems and have the upper hand over every crooked person to protect people with learning difficulty in every environment and only to show them who´s good and that no jealousy is sworn against them. Rishi is wanting to rise an anti bullying campaign that would bring an end to injustice. Herbert was more bullied than ever in his life and that he is more determined than ever.
In the Law Classroom there first arrived was the Law Teacher Mr Sherlock Ward and alongside his friend and colleague Teaching Assistant (T.A.) Mr Williams Jenkins, both BenLandonish Born Law Teachers, Mr Sherlock Ward introduced himself "Hello everyone my name is Mr Sherlock Ward and alongside this is my friend and colleague Assistant (T.A.) Mr Williams Jenkins, and I'll be your Law Teacher, throughout your lessons you'll be learning how court cases of crime, murder, assault, hatred and allegations not only you'll be learning Law. You'll practice the skills of a Detective to search and find clues for you to investigate and if you need any help with your work Mr Williams Jenkins will be your assistance."
Rishi was to write an court case on a Mass Murderer's Biography in his own words which take one hour to do, the Law teacher told to the students that their unfinished work is to be completed by next week on Monday for homework.
Rishi then encountered Raid Puri and his five buddies Kuljeet Sood, Zafar Dass, Rajiv Balwant and Brijwa Guntas a group of gang known as the Wrath Gang. Raid stared at Rishi, Rishi gave an angry look at Raid turned away and smirked.
For IT.
IT Teacher Mrs Kirsty Griffith
In the IT Classroom the students were sat in their seats chattering nonsense talks to each other, Rishi and Herbert sitting together, next to them was Vijay, Suraj they watched of they as they recognised the two familiar students and looked at Rishi's Blue Eyes, uncertain to them of their character.
But this time!
Some of the goony boys (from the History Class) spotted Rishi and Herbert.
"Look it's that Blue Eyed Boy, what's he doing here!"
Herbert then asked him "Why do you think they're laughing at us?".
So did Raid and his five buddies the Wrath Gang. They laughed smirked saying "Blue Eyed Boy!? Blue Eyed Boy!? Blue Eyed Boy!?" and sniggered at Rishi and Herbert.
Rishi gave an angry looks at them and turned away smirked.
From his mind says "Just what in the fishes name are they laughing at!?"
Later that afternoon.
Then came the IT Teacher Mrs Kirsty Griffith, A BenLandonish Born IT Teacher introduced herself "Hello everyone my name is Mrs Kirsty Griffith and I'll be your IT Teacher, I'll show you some Information Technology a variety of professionals studying, designing posters, leaflets, book covers, logos and websites. Implementation, supporting and manage computer-based information systems, including both software applications, programming, computer hardware and file storage transfers. In addition you will need on your CV for your job career."
"I rather be an Artist for my job role I have no other options for not achieving higher HSEC Level, except I only got a Pass in ICT!"
Angrily saying from his mind.
Rishi had to go through the tutorials until the end of the lesson.
For English.
English Teacher Mrs Henniretta 'Henny' Horton.
But this time!
Herbert nor Suraj wasn't in the English Class.
Vijay was there right beside Rishi recognised the familiar students from his Classes in History, Law and IT.
He was also uneducated as to Rishi.
Not been able to achieve a HSEC Level (Higher Standard Educational Certificate) Level during his High School Days which has left Rishi embarrassed.
"English is just full of words nothing I can clear sentences a lot more understanding I can't stand struggling with the words the only thing I'm good at is writing summaries and short stories to improve my grammar just so I am able to obtain my reading and writing skills!"
Growling his words from the mind.
From his mind Saying.
The goony boys (from the History Class) spotted Rishi.
"Look it's that Blue Eyed Boy again!" They pointed out at him.
Vijay then asked him "Why are they're laughing at us?".
Then the English Teacher Mrs Henniretta 'Henny' Horton showed up a BenLandonish Born English Teacher introduced herself "Hello everyone my name is Mrs Henniretta 'Henny' Horton and I'll be your English Teacher, I'll show you some learning English literature to up a world of inspiration and creativity, while you learn literature you will also develop skill s that are essential for today's global environment. English Literature studies give an opportunity to discover how literature makes sense of the world through stories, poems, novels and plays".
Rishi then had to learn the Literature when the lesson ended.
For Maths.
Maths Teacher Mr Nick Parsons
Vijay again was right beside Rishi recognised the familiar students from his Classes in History, Law and IT.
Later last lesson of the day the Maths Teacher turned up in was the Classroom, the Maths Teacher Mr Nick Parsons A BenLandonish Born Maths Teacher introduced himself "Hello everyone my name is Mr Nick Parsons and I'll be your Maths Teacher, I'll show you some Mathematics, now Mathematics is a subject that deals with numbers, shapes, logic, quantity and arrangements. It teaches to solve problems based on numerical calculations and find the solutions. Also there are Logical sequence, Applicability, Mathematical systems, Generalization and classification, Structure, Mathematical Language and Symbolism, Rigor and logic and Abstractness. You will understand the body of knowledge and practice known as mathematics is derived from the contributions of thinkers throughout the ages and across the globe. It gives us a way to understand patterns, to quantify relationships, and to predict the future. Math helps us understand the world and we use the world to understand math."
"Maths is just numbers and factors that are add, subtract, multiplying and dividing numbers this skills something I'm not able to get accurate in my calculations! All I did was to practice add, subtract, multiplying and dividing numbers which I can only do just to improve my Maths!"
Furiously much at from his mind Rishi then had to practice a start off of numbers and factors until the lesson ended as the lessons finished at the end of the day some time later in the Afternoon.
Rishi is being often ridiculed by the students.
Some of the students laughed smirked saying "Look at that Blue Eyed Boy!? What's that Blue Eyed Boy!? What's he doing here, Blue Eyed Boy!?" They bullied.
Rishi gave an angry looks at them and turned away.
To make matters worse, one of the bullies came up to him and told him that blue eyes were not allowed, which would result in public humiliation, much to Raid and the gang's amusement who laughed themselves silly. This proved to be the final straw. Rishi snapped at this even further lack of respect and lashes out at the gang.
The teacher scold the gang on his for bullying Rishi for having blue eyes and making a problem out of it.
He went stomping off, Rishi was then setting off home.
Not knowing where he's going?
Rishi walked into a place which looked like Gauntlet.
Raid and his five buddies attack Rishi, as the new student, Rishi immediately went for the barrels. He ran at the see-saw, but missed, driving over the end of the ramp. Turned around, and ran past the see-saw, then ran into Raid. The gang pushed him away, into the see-saw, and as Rishi tried to push past the see-saw, Raid held the see-saw down with his lance, trapping Rishi. Raid released the see-saw, and Rishi quickly ran around Zafar to hit the dart board target. As he did so, knocked into a loose barrel, which rolled and hit the multi-ball release.
Rishi immediately toppling to the ground, before dodging Raid and Zafar to hit the dart board target. After briefly getting his arm stuck under the target, but was freed by Zafar and hit the multiball release, scoring more points and pressing one of the balls against the latter until it exploded.
After missing the target with his initial charge, Rishi turned, but Zafar blocked his path. Rishi ran away, but was caught by Raid, who pinned him against the multi-ball release. Rajiv also helped to trap Rishi, and as Raid backed, Rishi tried to back out of Rajiv's grip. However, he was still caught on one of Rajiv's claws. Raid pushed him into the wall, but in doing so, pushed Rishi into the dart board target. Raid sliced through the front of Rishi with his claw, but Rishi was able to escape. Ran at the car door gate, but ran into the frame.
Turned and for another charge, but ran into the frame again. After getting caught on the frame, Rishi tried again, but ran into the other side of the frame. After turning away from the gate and headed for the other dart board target. However, Rishi ran straight into Kuljeet who pushed him into the corner and axed Rishi repeatedly, puncturing and crumpling the top. Rajiv also came in and cut into Rishi with his saw.
However, Rishi immediately hurtled across the arena, ran close to one of the pits and hit the wall, before abruptly ending the run by falling into the second pit.
The two gang members kept Rishi trapped until he was gotten rid of.
He was left on a rocky grounds in a forest.
"Will anyone beat that?" Raid exclaimed, after the fight ended, they made evil laughed left him to die.
A thunderous lightning storm which zaps Rishi, even so, Rishi still alive. The attack changed him into a extraordinary human being with the ability to control Air containing thunderstorms, lightening, wind and snow. An Air Storm creature named Kabam enter Rishi's subconscious and meets him inside his mind.