This woman was entirely different from the woman I saw for the past two days. I could see that she adores her daughter more than anything in this world.
Maybe she was not all that she let people see.
"I won't be taking her next weekend, I'll be busy." The guy informed my lady boss, nodding at the little girl in her arms.
"No problem," she tried to remain expressionless but I could see right through her eyes that she was pleased about it.
"Bye, bye, daddy." The little girl waved at the guy. He must be my boss' husband.
Adeline's Pov~
Without Arsenio, my apartment looked dreary and forlorn. I didn't realize that his presence was the closest to having a family since my granny's death. I think I would be missing his tease, laughter, and companionship from my boring, everyday life.
I was standing in front of the devil's hell. Today I'll be officially taking the position of Jedrick's secretary. I made my way into the elevator and clicked on the sixtieth floor.
I was a bundle of nerves, the door dings open and I made my way near the receptionist desk in front of his room. There was a guy around his early thirties typing away something on his computer. On sawing me walk towards him, he stopped his work and gave me his sole attention.
"How can I help you, Mister…" he trailed off waiting for me to give him my name.
"Sandros, Reynold Sandros." I filled him with my name.
"Mr. Sandros."
"I'm here to take my position as Mr. Jedrick's personal secretary," I informed the guy.
"Oh, I was informed earlier by Mr. Deodros. Welcome to Jedrick & Co, I'm Nova Black." We both shook our hands and he handed me my personal access card. He then collected the office card from me which was given by the brunette at the front desk, downstairs.
"Thank you, Mr. Black. Is Mr. Jedrick here?" I enquired.
"Yes," he turned serious suddenly. I gave him a single nod, which I noticed from many dudes doing it with other men around them as a form of communication. I took a deep breath and knocked on the devil's door.
"Come in," there comes a powerful voice. I opened the door and closed it behind me with a soft click.
"Good morning Mr. Jedrick, I'm your new personal secretary," I informed him politely.
He was typing away something on his laptop when I entered. He looked handsome yet deadly. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows; the first button of his shirt was undone. And there was no tie, only a black blazer over his shirt.
He looked aristocratic and his clothes were so supercilious.
He stopped his work to my voice and scrutinized his gaze to the length of my body, which made me squirm on my spot uncomfortably. His gaze was so intense and my skin started to tingle. Finally, his eyes settle on my face with a slight frown but it vanished too soon, which made me wonder if I saw it in the first place.
"What's your age?" he asked me and started to type away in his laptop, without a single ounce of emotion on his face.
"I am Twenty four years old, sir," I replied him softly. As soon as he heard my voice his hands stilled what they were doing.
Oh my god! Did he found out I was a woman?
"I…I may… look young but I'm very much capable of doing my job." I straightened my shoulders and made my voice a little rougher.
"Sir," on a second thought I added it at the end and laughed awkwardly. He didn't say anything. He just raised his eyebrows at me and slowly stood up from his seat and made his way towards me. He did all these things still maintaining his eye contact with me.
I gulped down in trepidation. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, I wondered whether he could hear it. He stopped in front of me and looked down at my face. He was towering over me. I was five-five and it was an average height for a woman but I was rather short for a man.
"Let's see what you are capable of." He told me in his deathly calm voice and tucked his hands inside his slack pockets. I gave him a single nod as if, I was in a trance, and I couldn't break away my eye contact with him. I felt like I was drowning in the depth of his black orbs. It was almost like a black hole that swallows everything.
He broke away his eye contact with me and moved to the side of his room, where there was a small room adjoined to his. I blinked few times to regain my consciousness of my surrounding. I followed behind him and entered the room with him, probably my room.
"Your work here is listed there." He motioned to a stack of paper on the desk. I nodded my head at him which made him raise his eyebrows at me.
"Words, Mr. Sandros." He stated.
"Yes, sir," I responded, standing straighter on my spot.
"You'll be at my office sharp at eight O'clock with my black coffee."
"Yes, sir," I replied stiffly not moving an inch from my previous position. He seemed satisfied with my response and hums softly, making his way out of my room.
After I made sure that he left my room, I released the breath that I was holding in and slumped on my chair.
My room had a desk and a chair. There were racks and racks of folders arranged neatly. I noticed that my room also had a main door that opens to the corridor where Mr. Black's desk was located.
The day dragged with me answering his mails, fixing his meetings, bringing him files, answering his calls, and so on. Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I was stretching my limbs when the phone on my desk rang loudly startling and made me nearly tumble on the floor.
"Mr. Jedrick's office, ho…"
"My office, now!" I was cut off by the devil's voice.
I swiftly made my way to his office, standing in front of his desk. "Sir, you requested for me."
"I don't request, Mr. Sandros." He calmly replied to me without any emotions on his face.
"Of course, sir, my mistake," that son of a statue, wait till I expose all your deeds. I was waiting for the day to break away from his façade in front of the public.
"Don't make it a habit, Mr. Sandros." He buttoned his blazer and stood up from his seat.
"Yes, sir, how can I help you?"
"We are going to attend a meeting, fetch the file about our new project, and follow me." I almost reminded him that it was lunch break but I knew better not to bring it on, so I shut my mouth and changed my response.
"Yes sir, immediately sir." I made my way to my room and looked for the file that he as… no, commanded for; it took me an entire two minutes to locate it from the rack. As soon as I got my hands on them, I returned to his room.
We both made our way to the elevator and he pressed the button to the lobby. The ride on the elevator was agonizingly slow. I could smell his masculine scent and aftershave from where I was standing. I was so tense. Suddenly he started speaking.
"Mr. Sandros,"
"Yes, sir."
"I expect you to be fast next time."
"Of course, sir, I apologize, sir." The elevator dinged open and he exited it first, followed by me. People absconded at the sight of him as if; they saw a devil coming to snatch their soul. We both exited his company and reached his SUV.
The driver opened the car door for him. I was contemplating with myself. Whether I should take the back seat or the passenger's seat. I made my decision and tried to reach for the passenger's seat door. The keyword was tried.
"Mr. Sandros."
"Yes, Mr. Jedrick."
"Take a seat beside me," he ordered me unfazed.
"Right away, sir." I clutched the file to my side, opening the back door, and seated myself beside him. As soon as I took my seat, the car started to move. I was hungry and the powerful presence beside me was not helping me either. So I looked out the window, trying to distract myself from my sour situation.
"Mr. Sandros," his voice made me snap my head in his direction. He didn't say anything; I looked at him with a dumb expression. He motioned me for the file in my hand.
"Oh," I handed him the file immediately and my stomach decided it was the perfect moment to embarrass me. He raised his eyebrows at the grumbling of my stomach but he didn't say anything.