"What?! it's some sort of glitch or something?" Says Rinai.
"They're all acting weird. Should we end the party, or maybe we should just go?" Says Geneva.
"They're not comprehending, they wouldn't leave either way. We should just leave, I think. Let's get Lucas and let's all just leave." Says Rinai.
"We'll just stay in the car for the rest of the night since we're heading out in the morning anyway." Explains Geneva.
As they were talking Lucas runs up from behind them.
"Did you guys see what happened? The lights went out and everyone...." Says Lucas
"Your so late, we already discussed this and we were just leaving." Says Rinai.
"I agree, I'm coming as well." Says Lucas.
The three of them head to the car. As they make their way outside they see that everything is disfigured. The trees look as though they were chopped in perfect half by a perfect hand wielded katana sword. The ground is also cut in half where one end of the street faces up and the other half of the street falls in.
"Really? How are we gonna make it over to the other end of the street now?" Cries Geneva.
"It will be okay, we'll make it over." Says Lucas.
"Yeah, we can just take this side of the road and follow it out. Getting out is what is important for now." Says Rinai.
"Okay, you guys are right. We can just leave for now, and take another road to the capital in the morning then." Says Geneva.
They make it away from the motel and parks their car in an empty parking lot for the night.
30 minutes later, while sitting in the car.
"I heard something strange... earlier tonight, I heard something strange." Says Lucas.
"Really? What happened then?" Geneva asks.
"I was in the restroom in the motel and from the hallway I overheard a weird conversation between two people. I didn't get a look at who exactly was saying these things." Explains Lucas.
"I've come across some bizarre occurrences myself but I always have. What were they saying?" Asks Geneva.
"They mentioned something about a video game and something about the rules of a video game. They sounded very worried or afraid which is why I thought it was strange and right after this conversation, that's when everything went black. The lights cut off and I thought I heard someone screaming. When I walked out, I didn't see anyone screaming but the sound was still very much there. That's when I ran into the two of you." Explained Lucas.
"A game? What was the name of the game they were talking about?" Says Geneva.
"I don't know, they didn't mention a name exactly, just the rules. I heard the rules and that was all." Says Lucas.
"Hmm that is very strange and they spoke of these rules with fear in their tone of voice?" Says Geneva.
"Exactly, that's odd right? Why would they be afraid of rules in a video game? It ain't like it's real." Says Lucas.
"The things that go on in this city. I just hope when it's all said and done, the very things that give us scars can give us meaning. Isn't that just wishful thinking? Hmm, is life just a game or something?" Says Geneva.
"Ok, ok, I get it. It's not like their is someone reading out our every word as we're speaking them now. That's insanity." Lucas says humorously.
Just as they were speaking Geneva's phone dies.
"It's okay, we don't have to talk. You look cold, take my jacket, and I'll turn the car on so we can have some heat." Says Lucas.
Geneva nods in a nervous manner. She gestures for Lucas to give her his phone.
"Thank you Lucas, your very kind." Geneva says.
Lucas gets extremely nervous as he looks up and sees her eyes focused so deeply on him. It's like she can see exactly what he's thinking and he can see her as well. Their hands accidentally touch and they both quickly pull them away.
"Now it's hot in here." Lucas says.
They both grin nervously with a tiny smile. The atmosphere is heavy and Geneva can't stop shaking her leg in nervousness. Lucas keeps a look out the window as he tries to avoid the stronghold that is Geneva's gaze again. Not long after that Rinai returns to the car with their food.
"What's up with the two of you?" Rinai says.
"Nothing!" Lucas says as he jumps in surprise.
"Okayy, why are you being awkward?" Rinai asks.
"I'm not, I'll fill the car up with gas, so we can head out in the morning." Says Lucas.
"Does he even realize I already filled the gas. He just wanted an excuse to leave." Rinai humorously says to Geneva.
The next morning as they wake up, Lucas opens his eyes to see Geneva shirtless as she is changing. Though it was only a split moment, he began to get curious. Geneva is the most beautiful woman in the city. He pretends to be asleep.
"Are you pretending to be asleep?" Rinai says obnoxiously loud to get Geneva's attention with a slight smile of amusement on her face.
"No! I just woke up" Lucas says while rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"It's fine, he just woke up anyway." Says Geneva.
"Hmm yeah sure. Anyway it's already 8am, let's get breakfast and head out." Says Rinai.
They gather their belongings and head for the road.
"How long is this drive?" Says Lucas.
"Not that long, we were already near the capital when we were at the motel. So I would say about a two hour drive since we have to take a new road." Says Rinai.
"What song will we play?" asks Rinai.