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Red Riding Hood’s Baby

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A Reimagining of the classic fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood. Poppy, a young woman who always wears a crimson red cloak, has a secret love affair with a werewolf named Kylo. If word got out that she was loving with a werewolf, Kylo will be killed while Poppy will become an outcast. They thought they could keep this secret forever until one day, everything had started to change. After spending a romantic evening together, Poppy finds out that she’s pregnant...and Kylo is the father. This leaves both Poppy and Kylo on a struggle to keep this a secret with a new baby on the way. However, things get complicated when Hunter, the town’s woodcutter asked Poppy to marry him just to save her from shame, now what will she do?

Chapter 1 - Chapter One: The Cottage

A young woman dressed in a red cloak arrived at the cottage that belonged to her grandmother in the deepest and darkest part of the woods in the dark of the night. Carrying on her arm is a basket with a bottle of wine, grapes, a loaf of bread, a pot of soup and cakes. She gently lifted the latch on the door, moved the handle back and forth and the door opened. She walked inside to find everything completely dark. She lit up a candle, walked through the cottage, looking around to find the place empty, not a soul to be seen, not even her grandmother. She can feel the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach, her heart started to pound harder. Taking the candle with her as her source of light, she climbed up the stairs until she comes upon a bedroom where she entered. At the furthest corner of the room lies a bed with a canopy draped over it. The only light that was in the room was from the moonlight shining through the uncovered window. Within the shadows of the canopy, she saw what looked like a pair of glowing fireflies.

"Poppy," a raspy voice growled. It sounded rather deep and guttural to belong to her grandmother.

"Here I am," the young woman named Poppy acknowledged.

"Come here, my dear," the voice commanded.

As Poppy stepped closer to the bed, she noticed that they weren't fireflies but instead glowing yellow eyes as bright as stars. She placed the candle on the nightstand beside the bed. With the help of the candlelight, Poppy can see the silhouette of the figure that lays on her grandmother's bed. Her brown babydoll like eyes widened. It looked nothing like her grandmother but instead it was more Wolf-like, a werewolf. His frame was massive with distinctive muscle tones through his fur that is black as the night sky, gleaming from the moonlight, his teeth were big and sharp as knives. Poppy reached up to one of her red braided pigtails that rested on her shoulders and stroked it.

"I-I've brought wine, some grapes, a loaf of bread, a pot of soup and cakes," Poppy announced, holding the basket up, unable to hide the fear.

"Just set it down on the nightstand," ordered the werewolf. Poppy set the basket on the nightstand with the still lit candle.

"Now undress, my dear," the werewolf ordered again, "and climb into bed with me."

"W-Where shall I put them?" Poppy stuttered.

"Just tossed them aside," the werewolf casually answered.

Poppy did as she was told. One by one she removed her clothes —first it was her red cloak, then her dress, her shoes, her socks, her bra and finally her panties— and neatly folded them on the floor including her beloved red cloak that was a gift from her grandmother. The werewolf hungrily eyed at her the whole time. She now stands before the werewolf completely naked, the moonlight outlining the shape of her figure. The cold hair that breathed on her bare skin made Poppy tremble, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. The feeling of butterflies in her stomach started to grow stronger.

He reached out his large clawed hand towards the young woman's face. First he played with one of her pigtails before his dark fingernails gently stroked her cheek that's burning red. Poppy swallowed with apprehension and felt her heart beating ever so faster. The feeling in her stomach kept growing stronger and stronger. His other hand also reached out and along with the first hand slowly stroked her body. Poppy felt a prick of panic in her bones as the werewolf touched her soft peach skin. Admittedly, his fur covered hand does feel soft and warm. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist before pulling her into bed with him. A loud scream was heard.


The young wolfman was laying casually next to the large window, staring into the night sky. He is now in his human form though he still has his wolf ears that's protruding out of his long sleek black hair, his bushy tail and his long black fingernails. The only thing that covers his ivory skin was the thick blanket. In his hand was a glass of wine the girl named Poppy had brought with which he took a sip to wash down the delicious meal he had and ate one of the grapes that rested on his hand.He heard a moan from underneath the covers and turned his head.

"Mmm...Kylo," a soft voice moaned.

Something shifted from beneath the covers and a red head poked out. Her pigtails were now sloppily undone and her delicate body is now covered with bruises. There were also bite marks on the upper part of her torso including one on her clavicle but fortunately none of them are fatal. She looked up at the wolf-man named Kylo with sleepy brown orbs.

"Poppy," Kylo replied, lovingly gazing at her.

"Must you always be so rough when we make love?" Poppy groaned, feeling the soreness coursing through her whole body.

"You know I can't help it," Kylo grinned, "After all, I am a werewolf."

He leaned over and gave the red haired girl a passionate kiss. Poppy kisses back and sat up, hissing at the pain at each movement she makes. He handed Poppy his wineglass half full, which Poppy happily accepts and finished off the rest of it. Kylo held the last grape towards her pink lips which Poppy happily popped it into her mouth.

"You see, that wasn't so bad," said Kylo, leaning back against the pillow.

"It still hurts though," Poppy mildly complained, wincing at the throbbing pain between her legs. She placed the now empty wineglass on the nightstand next to the bed and grabbed a piece of bread to nibble on. On the nightstand was a half bottle of wine, an empty pot of soup with two empty bowls, a half eaten bread, a very few grapes and two untouched cakes.

"Maybe if you had relaxed and let me do my thing then it wouldn't hurt so much," Kylo teased, stroking Poppy's hair.

"Well, it's my first time," Poppy explained, "this kind of thing makes me nervous. Not to mention that you grabbed me by surprise, so of course I'm going to be all tensed."

"You're a pretty good cook, though," Kylo complimented.

"Thanks," Poppy smiled, shaking off the pain,"Mother had taught me how to cook when I was old enough to help around the house."

As Poppy continued to nibble on the bread, her smile slowly disappeared and stared moodily into space. Kylo noticed something is bothering Poppy.

"What's eating you?" Kylo asked, chuckling at his own joke.

"I still think it wasn't a good idea," Poppy said.

"Oh? And why is that?" Kylo mused.

"It's still too dangerous to be doing this," Poppy explained, "It's bad enough that I had lied to my father that I was going to visit grandmother and stayed the night when in actuality she's out of town visiting an old friend of hers while we're using her house as a place to have sex."

"What's the big deal?" Kylo asked, "We've been sneaking off to see each other all the time. This is nothing to be ashamed about."

"But this going too far," said Poppy, "father is expecting me to have a quiet evening with grandmother. If he finds out that I was actually sleeping with a fact, if he finds out that we've been seeing each other all those times, you'll be killed and I'll be an cast out from society. And if your clan finds out that you've been seeing a human girl... I don't even want to know what they'll do."

As soon as she said those words, Poppy drifted her gaze away from Kylo, completely lost in her sad thoughts. Kylo thought about it for a while. Actually, Poppy is not exaggerating. Kylo's clan too find it forbidden to form a friendship with humans let alone a romantic relationship for they only see humans as prey. If they saw Kylo with Poppy and he didn't eat her, they would deem Kylo as human and eat him too.

"You have a point," he sadly agreed, but immediately shook his head.

"Poppyseed, you worry too much," Kylo assured her with a soft and gentle kiss, "I think you need something that will get your mind off of it."

"Like what?" Poppy asked.

"Let's do it again," Kylo eagerly suggested, "The night is still young."

Without warning, Kylo then shifted his body on top of hers, his sexual appetite growing again. Poppy was reluctant about it at first, not wanting to experience another thing of pain again. Then again, an act of sexual pleasure does sound like a good idea to use as a distraction. Poppy nodded in approval.

Kylo leaned his face towards Poppy's and laid a tender kiss on her lips. As they kisssed, he slid his hand and placed it on top of one her breasts and gave it a firm squeeze. Poppy let's out a moan through her pressed lips. They broke away from the kiss to give each other some air. As Poppy was gasping for air, Kylo started kissing her neck, then her clavicle, followed by her breast with the tip of his tongue licking her nipple and finally her abdomen. Then he pulled his head back up to where Poppy's is and breathed a hot breath against her neck. Poppy let's out another moan when she felt his teeth gnawing at her skin then damped it with his saliva. Poppy bit into one of Kylo's ears, causing him to yelp. She flinched, fearing she might have upset him, but to her surprise he actually just growled with ecstasy.Poppy then can feel his member going into her entrance again and then out. In and out. In and out. In and out. It didn't hurt this time, instead the sensation was...amazing. Her body had finally learned to relax and not to fight it. She begged Kylo not to stop but keep going, move faster. Kylo began to pick up the rhythm; his hips thrusted against hers much faster. Poppy clutched her fingers into Kylo's dark hair. She let out a great big smile and a cry of pleasure as she felt the essence of her beloved wolf fill her body. She started gnawing on Kylo's clavicle, hearing him let out an ecstatic groan. They continued to pleasure each other until they feel they don't have the energy to go on anymore. As soon as Kylo was done, he rested his head on top of Poppy's breasts, both of them once again drenched in sweat and panting heavily for air. Poppy wrapped her arms around Kylo's head, absentmindedly stroking his smooth hair. Then Poppy reached over to the nightstand and held the small cake between their lips where they took a bite on each end and ate their way until their lips meet again. Eventually, the two of them drifted off to sleep.


They woke up to find that the sun is almost rising. Poppy had to return home before her father becomes worried and go looking for her. They hopped out of bed and started getting dressed. While Poppy slipped on her clothes including her red cloak, Kylo slipped on his. His clothes were leather and clad in black. His long sleeved, velvety jacket covers him to his knees and is barely tied with a string at the right side. The sleeves of his jacket are incredibly form-fitting and reached down to just above his hands, they're decorated with several thread linings from top to bottom. The jacket has a deep V-neckline which revealed most of his chest underneath and is worn with a thin leather belt, which is held together by a small buckle. The leather belt is entirely decorative and a way to show off. His pants are simple and quite narrow and reached down to his bound boots. The boots are made of fine leather, but are otherwise quite simple. On his fingers he slipped on his three rings, each of them has a jewel on them. As soon as they were dressed, they stepped outside of the cottage together to find that the sun is almost up.

"I'll see you again, Poppyseed?" Kylo asked.

"Until we meet again, Wolfie," Poppy bade farewell.

They share one last one last kiss before departing from each other. Kylo ran off towards the woods, transforming into a giant wolf and disappeared into the woods. Poppy watched Kylo disappear into the forest before making her way home with the sun as her light.