Chereads / ShadowStrife / Chapter 45 - Chapter 16: Monster

Chapter 45 - Chapter 16: Monster

(3rd Person POV)

Chaos ensues in the carnival, people running and screaming all while being terrorized by embodiments of darknesses, consuming and infecting everyone in their way.

A little girl seen running, screaming for her mother. But she tripped and ended up being cornered by shadow figures. They lunge at the girl and she closed her eyes waiting for the end. But it never came, a sound of a blade swinging can heard and the growling stopped. The girl opened her eyes only to see the shadows are gone and replaced by a pale skinned teen in a black poncho wielding a scythe-rifle. She eyed at her saviour for a brief moment until a melon blonde haired girl in a white dress approached her.

"Hey are you alright?" She asked.

The girl nodded as Lana helped her up. Then they heard a woman's voice calling out to the little girl and she called out mother and and ran to the woman for an embrace. The mother nodded as her thanks and ran off with her daughter.

"We have to get these people out of here!" Lana called out to Alex.

"Got it! Let's go." Alex agreed before they ran.

They both ran in certain while Lana helps people up and tell them to get out, and Alex fights off the shadows. Some time later they ran into a familiar face.

"Ms. Edna! Naomi!" Lana called out.

"Lana! You're alright!" Naomi cried with absolute worry.

"I am. Are the children safe?" Lana asked with worry of her own.

"Most of them are back to the bus but some haven't come back, not even Mari." Edna answers.

"Okay, will go back and watch them? We'll find the rest of them."

"No it's too dangerous!" Naomi exclaimed.

"Someone has to! And besides, I'll be fine. I got Alex with me."

Alex just strikes off the shadow figure. After a brief moment, both ladies reluctantly agreed.

"Alright. But come back safe, both of you."

"We will."

The two nodded then both Naomi and Edna left. Then Lana joins Alex.

"Alex, we have to split up find the children, only few of them."

"And leave you alone?! Not a chance! We'll go together!" Alex rebuked.

"There's no time, it's much faster this way. And besides, I can handle myself."

Lana opens her palm and white orb of light levitates. Knowing she has the power to protect herself did give a little sense of security. But still...

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive." She answered with no hesitation.

With a heavy sigh, he relents. "Alright, I trust you. I'll come find you once I'm finished.

As an act of thanks, she pulls him in for hug, which he returns. Once they separated, they ran off in separate directions.


Alex sprints through the fiery chaos, cutting down the shadows in his way, then he stopped by in the open, where three civilians were surrounded by three shadow figures. They were screaming while the shadows are getting closer.

Alex had to intervene. He ran while shooting his gun, little effect but at least it got their attention. He then slash diagonally with his scythe bayonet before returning with a horizontal slice, cause the first shadow to dissipate. Then he spins around to avoid the swipe from the second shadow before stabbing it in the back and it also dissipates. Then the third tried to charge, which Alex grabbed its arm and threw it to the ground before stabbing it in the the neck area before dissipating.

Once the threat was eliminated, Alex turns to the civilians who stared at him in awe.

"Everyone okay?!" He asked.

"We're fine but we can't get out." One of the civilians responded.

Alex looks around for a passage through, and managed to find a huge tub of water next to a path that's set ablaze.

With a nod, he takes aim and shoots the tub, which the water expectedly flow through the hole and extinguished the fire.

"This way!" He point to the passage.

The civilians nodded in appreciation and was about to leave.

"Wait! Has any of you seen any children? With orange IDs?"

"Uh yeah, some of them. I think they're in the arcade."


The civilians then ran off as Alex heads to the direction to the arcade. After traversing through the debris, he finally reached the entrance to the arcade, but it was blocked by debris.

"Help!!! Somebody help us!!!"

The voices of children abrupt from the inside. Among them was a voice familiar to him.

"Mari?!" He called out.

"Alex! We're here!"

"Stay put! I'm coming!!!"

With no other way, he'll have to brute force through. Using his blade, he slice through the rubble with all his might, even lifting some as wades through.

Finally cleared through, a scream caught his attention. He found four kids, including Mari who stood in front in a protective manner as a lone shadow towered over them.

Without hesitation, he sprints towards them, grabbed his blade and cut down the shadow then dissipates.

"You all okay?" He asked.

"Alex! Yeah we're fine." Mari says in relief.

"This all of you?"

"Yeah. But wait, where's Lana."

"Lana's looking for others who are trapped. I'll join her once I get you safe."

"Alright, we're ready."

With a nod, Alex helped the kids out of the arcade and through the warzone. After a while, they reached the entrance to the carnival.

"Ms. Edna and others are in the bus. Head straight and you'll get there."

"What about you?!" Mari asked.

"I have to find Lana and the other kids."

"Alright, be careful."

Alex nodded and ran back. As he ran, he slashes two of the shadows and proceeded deep in the carnival.

"Lana?!" He called out to her before running.

"Lana where are you?!"

An entire minute passed he couldn't find even a sign. Then something happened.

Everything went silent.

The screams, the sounds of destruction, he couldn't hear any of it. The air became unsettling and he brandished his weapon in response. He turned his sights everywhere, hoping he'd find something, where this aura is coming from.

Then a soft male voice reached out to him.

"Alexander Corvus."

He sharply turn behind him and aimed his rifle towards the man with his eyes narrowed.



Meanwhile, after separating from Alex, Lana traverses through the chaos. She scream at people to get to safety whenever they pass by.

She then finds her herself block by group of shadow figures. She witness one civilian getting consumed by the black mist before turning into a shadow figure. They slowly approached her. She probably could use protection but that wasn't the case, she didn't train her magic for nothing.

She hover her hands together and created a ball of white light, charging it. Just when they were about to lunge at her, she released a powerful shockwave of light that repels the darkness away, dissipating while some are purified and reverted back to people who were once turned.

However this attracts more shadow figures to her. Looking around, she could see she's surrounded. She then took a deep breath.

"I can do this." Lana breath out, as she created a ball of light in her hands

The first shadow charges at her, but she cast a projectile of light at it. As it hits, the orb splits into two before strike the same target, which the shadow dissipates. Another two does same, she resummoned the light orb before swinging at them, which the impact purifies and knocks them back. She then summon five orbs of light behind her and launches each of them at the enemy like a homing missiles. One shadow attempts to grab her but she back handsprings away, she notices another behind her so she somersaults away. She resummoned her light orb and manipulates it to attack the shadow figures like a melee attack. Once they have been dealt with, she notices four more shadows surrounding her. With an idea in her head, she summons six orbs of light around her and charges them up. When they charge at her, she sent the orbs spiraling around her like a tornado and sent them flying, purifying and dissolve.

Once the threat is clear, she took a breather. "I told you I can handle myself." She says to herself.

"Alright, hang on kids. I'm coming."

She proceeds further, wading through the debris until she comes across a black wall of mist. She could hear kids screaming for help, and she knew she had to help them.

She creates a ball of light in her hands, surging it and released a light wave to repel the darkness away. Then three children came into view, crouching while holding heads, they recovered and became delight to see their saviour.

"Ms. Astra!!!" They called out as they run to her.

"Are you all okay?" She asked them.

"Yeah, we're not hurt."

"Thank goodness! Come on, let's get back with others."

Her sweet voice seemed to calm them even with everything happening. Not more than two minutes, she guided them back to the entrance, where Naomi was waiting.

"I got them." Lana says as the kids ran past them.

"We did head count, that's all of them. But wait, where's Mr. Crowe?" Naomi asked.

Lana became puzzled in response.

"He wasn't here?" Lana asked.

"According to Mari, after he took her and the others here, he went back looking for you." Naomi replied.

Lana looked back at the carnival and worry immediately stricken her. Darkness still runs over the park. Sure he could handle them, but she doesn't want to leave him behind.

"I have to find him."

Naomi then grabs her wrist. In recoil, Lana looks at her guardian.

"Please." She pleaded.

Naomi took one look in her eyes and saw there's determination and worry. Knowing she won't change her mind, she relents.

"Alright, but I'm coming with you this time." Naomi declares as she brandished two daggers.

Lana nodded and the two headed into the danger to save her man.


(Alex's POV)

Here I am, face to face with the entity responsible for the darkness and what Azrael warned me about.

"Valus." I growled.

Appeared as a fallen angel with black wings, long raven hair and dark purple clothes, some black tiger stripe tattoos marks over his skin, wielding a dark horned scepter with a glowing purple crystal at the head and red glowing eye at the center.

"I see Azrael has spoken to you of me. Then introductions are needed no longer."

"What do you want from me?" I asked impatiently.

"What I want is to convene with you. I know what you feel. Pain, sorrow, guilt and shame of your past. Alexander. I can ease you from such--"

I interrupted him by shooting at him, despite the bullet whiz through him like mist. At this point, what he said was self-explanatory and I heard enough.

"By save me you mean turn me into your slave?! Bullshit! You're just another deluded fool who thinks himself a messiah. You know nothing about me!" I yelled in defiance.

However Valus remained unfazed.

"Oh but I do know Alexander. Perhaps I must show you...the truth of your self."

Valus raised his hands and suddenly dark purple mists that came from afar began to gather rapidly, surrounding us. The mists swirled around the dark angel and he turned his sights on me. Alarmed on he might do, I tried to shoot him, but a click was heard, I was out. Resorting to my blade, I entered combat stance ready for anything. Then he unleashed the dark mist unto me and I shielded my eyes and the gale was pushing me.

Once it was clear, I opened my eyes, only to see nothing but darkness and fog.

"What is this?!" I demanded.

"We are in your darkness." Valus answered.


(Lana's POV)

Naomi and I had been running what felt like hours, I had to Alex that all the kids are safe.

Then I noticed mists of darkness pass by us, all of them are heading forwards to the center of the park.

"Alex has to be there. We have to go." I claimed, pointing of the source.

"Wait my lady!" Naomi called to me.

I moved forward but some mists of darkness began to swirl around us, separating me from my guardian.

I looked back and saw Naomi fighting off the shadows.

"Naomi!!!" I yelled.

"I'll be fine! Just go!" Naomi commanded as she continues to fight.

I didn't want to leave, but I knew Naomi is capable enough. Nodding at her trust, I broke into a sprint and towards the darkness.

'Hold on Alex! I'm coming" I mentally thought.

Right now, Alex needs me.


(Alex's POV)

Telling me this was my mind scape immediately meant he brought himself uninvited.

"Then get out of my head." I commanded.

But then Valus spoke.

"Alexander Corvus, you are a child of pure hatred and despair. You became a monster born from your festering rage left behind by your slain loved ones and the betrayal of your kin and your need of vengeance, and twice it became yours."

"Shut up!" I growled in anger.

"But your hatred did not diminished, there is nothing left to hate....but yourself. You could not forgive yourself of what you wrought."

"I said Shut Up!!!" I demanded with my voice raised.

"So you desire another purpose, a reason to fight, and use that to drive you instead of your blind hate."

"I'm warning you!!!" I threatened loudly.

"But all the people you met in your journey, all the lives you took up to now. Have you considered what their thoughts were? What they left behind of you."

"SHUT UUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

Then dark mists began to converge. Only three rose up and began to form change form. The first the form of his familiar enemy, the tyrant Governor-General, Caine Strahm.

"The Reaper? Please, you were nothing but an emo punk crying over a spilled milk, but I see you are the same as me. You wanted to kill your sister for betraying you, but what did you do to accomplish that? You kill, you steal, you trample them and whoever just to get what you want. You're not different from me boy."

"RAAAAGHH!!!! I screamed in rage as I swing through Caine, which he disperse.

The next on takes the shape of a young man in a green ninja garb, still bearing the same eye scar, stood before as Koda.

"I wished to be a legend, one to be feared, and I took many lives to become that. You kill me for wanting the mantle you wear. But you did not loathe me for my actions, you loathe me I stood in your way. You are selfish as I am. You had as much blood in your hands as I do. You are the master of death."

I slashed through, as it disapates.

"Using my past against me? You have nothing!" I growled.

"No? Then let us dig deeper, to the roots of the monster you became. The christening of the so-called Reaper."

Darkness converge again and changes forms, five to be exactly, they rise and take forms of the five teens that killed my family and turned me into a monster.

Dan, Roxanne, Chelsea, Albert, Bradley.

"Your house was mine, finders keepers! And look what did to me." Dan snarled.

"You're nothing but an emo creeping loser, you and ugly sister, I don't know why that redheaded bitch put up with someone like you, but I hope you rot in hell?" Roxanne shrilled condescendingly.

"I was your friend because I had no one else to turn to, I thought we were similar. But all you do is invite nothing but trouble. That's why I didn't help you! That's why I sold you out." Albert lashed out.

"Why did you kill me? I had nothing to do with you! Is it I bullied your sister or was I simply Roxanne's best friend? Either way isn't this what you deserve?" Chelsea cried.

I can feel my anger rising bit by bit.

"Melanie should have been with me, not you! You were nothing but a freak! She died because of you! You did this to her, not me! And you know what freak? You deserve this." Bradley mocked.

I let out a furious shriek as I slice through them. "YOU WERE THE ONES WHO DID THIS TO ME!!!"

Then Valus spoke. "And what of those you held dear? They told you not to do this but you defied them at every turn to pursue your revenge."

Mists began form again, this time in a shape of my family and friends.

"Please stop this my son! You've already done enough!" My mother begged.

"I warned you son. You told me you wanted be yourself without having to put up what other people say about you. But tell me now, is what you are now you?" My father tells me with false disappointment.

"I stood by you, befriended you, loved you. I even accepted you when you killed the ones responsible for yours and your family's deaths. I wanted you to let this go so we could be together, then when I died protecting you, you pushed away everything I loved about you. Why? Why do you keep pushing?!" Melanie questioned in desperation.

I seethed in rage. They knew why I did this, and the fallen angel perverted their words against me. It's disgusting.

"SHUT UP WITH YOUR LIES!!!" I howled as I swing my blade at them.

"What about the friends that supported you? Have you not considered the consequences that your quest has inflicted on?" Valus asked.

Mists changed again into the members of the resistance from Empire City.

"All I wanted was a friend that would never abandon me, I tried so hard to make you smile, that's why I was willing to help you. But you ignored me, pushed me away, too busy with the Crimson Warrior." Daphne rants.

"Ya went on a long shot and this is want ya became? Pathetic!" Akindele says in disappointment.

"Alden could have been mine, but he was too focused on his rebellion, and you were his key. Maybe if he never sought you out, I could've have run away with my Alden." Shinonome scolds with jealousy.

"I was not blind on your intent, you don't believe in our cause, the resistance was a means to end to you. Because of that, every victory you bring me costed the lives of innocents and our allies. You're just as selfish as your sister and my brother." Alden berates.

I continued to slice through. "STOP PUTTING LIES IN THEIR MOUTHS!!!"

"All this death, all this suffering, all for the demise of people who wrong you." Valus says as summons two figures from the shadows.

The two figures takes the form of architects of his suffering.

Alistair Wolfe and Rena Corvus.

Looking back me with smug faces.

Alistair spoke first.

"Your tenacity, your skills, your killer instinct. Those traits you inherited from your father, traits he tried to lock away. But when I had your family killed, I sealed your fate and unleashed you on to the world. You would've become a promising assassin, but instead you became worse when you were given power. You become the very demon you claimed to hate. A harbinger of death. The Reaper indeed."

Then Rena, my own sister, spoke.

"All I wanted was to be strong, to be your equal, so I could protect you and Melanie. But you never gave that chance ever. That's I betrayed you, so I can have that power. But then you want to kill me for it, even your own sister. Nothing ever satiates your anger does it?"

I stood there, silent, not knowing what to say next. Alistair continued to speak.

"You blame us for everything you've been through, but do you know the ironic thing is?

Rena finished his sentence.

"You blame us for stealing from you. But in the end, you did the stealing."

This set me off as I slice through the shadow illusion.

"Enough of your illusions! I'm not the monster!" I seethed.

"Oh but you are. Take a look around, you'll see how much of a monster you really are."

Valus then disappears into the mists, then the mists had been lifted, surroundings now cleared.

But what I saw next, I saw the horror.


Bodies everywhere.

Bodies of civilian bystanders.

With blood stained the ground.

Blood seeped from huge cuts on their flesh.

Reb orbs float from their bodies and began wisped into me.

Then I looked at my myself. My blade flowed with blood, and bloodstains were all over my clothes, blood that isn't mine. Then I realized the horrible truth of what happened.

I killed them. I killed them all.

Every illusion I attacked is a blow on these people. Under the influence of Valus' darkness, I killed them all.

"Alex?" A soft female voice said silently.

I turned to the voice to my greater horror... I see Lana with her eyes widen in shock. But it wasn't just that, she could barely stand straight and she's hold her left stomach with bloodstains on it.

I dread at the realization.

I did this.

I hurt her.

'I am a monster.'