Chereads / ShadowStrife / Chapter 41 - Chapter 12: Life in Luciana

Chapter 41 - Chapter 12: Life in Luciana

After a long time answering the children's questions, Lana and Alex exited the orphanage, though Alex appears exhausted. Lana usually travels with her guardian Naomi, but she insisted she travels with Alex. Naomi herself was hesitant but trusted Lana's judgement nonetheless, albeit she let him off with a warning.

"That was fun wasn't it? Lana nudged cheerfully.

Alex however was far from having fun, as he was drained of social energy.

"If only they know when to stop." He groaned.

Lana giggles. "Don't worry your tired butt. Where we're going doesn't really require you to talk to people."

"What are you up to?" Alex asked skeptically.

"We're gonna help some people. You'll see."

Alex groaned as he continues to follow her. As the people looked at the two walking by, Alex could hear their quiet gossips.

"Do you see? It's Lana Astrea."

"Our jewel of the town. Precious little thing isn't she?"

"Yeah but who's that guy with her?"

"Do you think they're a couple?"

That last gossip caught Alex off guard. Him? Dating? There's no way! They only met for a few nights, they didn't went as far as watching the sunset on top of the building, or eating dinner, or staring at her gorgeous green eyes, leaning in to kiss her soft lips.

Alex's eyes widened upon realization. 'Wait! Where are my thoughts going?!' Alex mentally questioned as his cheeks shifted to red color, then tries to shake off the thought.

"Is something wrong?" Lana asked innocently. Alex snapped out of his trance. "No it's nothing." He immediately said, facing away as he's aware he's still blushing.

Little did he know, Lana also heard of the couple rumor. She would be lying if she said she wasn't embarrassed.

"Well we're here."

Alex looked to see men dressed as workers loading boxes in a truck. But there are three boxes opened on the ground and its contents scattered.

"Hello Travis." She greeted.

The aforementioned man has dark hair and facial hair, wearing a yellow cap, red flannel, and jeans greeted. "Ah afternoon to you too as well Miss Astrea, and I know what you're gonna ask. Me and my boys are loading up some linen and other preparations for the festival."

"The Foundation Anniversary Festival." She said.

"Yeah, but we have two problems. The cart had a malfunction and the boxes fell, leaving us to pick up the mess. One of my boys went to afford a new cart but I haven't heard from him for some time. I figured someone ought to check him."

"Don't worry about that. I'll help clean up the mess while my friend looks for your friend." Lana suggested.

"What?!" Alex exclaimed.

"You will do it, right?" Lana pleads playfully.

"Your friend huh? Wait, you're that mysterious hunter everyone's been whispering, tamed by the town's golden girl have you? You'd have no reason to say no to the lady, do you?"

"For now, I suppose not. Where will I find your friend??" Alex relents.

Travis points to a direction. "He"s that way, buying a cart from Danny's Agricultural Shop. His name's Davis, fat, bearded and wearing a yellow cap, hard to miss. And tell him Travis sent you."

Alex nodded and turned to Lana. "I'll be back."

Lana gave an approving smile before he heads towards the direction, while Lana goes with Travis to fix the fallen mess.

Alex traversed through the path for a couple of minutes until he saw the man fitting the description, who appears to be struggling with the wheel of the cart, along with the shop Travis mentioned.

Alex approaches the man. "You Davis?" He asked.

"Yeah that me, but I'm a little busy at the moment." Davis replied in a western accent.

"Travis sent me."

"Oh he did, did he? Well ran into a problem. The screws in the wheel ain't even the right ones. Scandals selling stuff that falls apart the moment I bought it. Mind telling Travis the bad news?"

"Actually why don't I take a look?"

Davis nodded before Alex crouches down and inspects the damage.

"Hmm. It just needs some replacements..."

Alex looks at Davis before his gaze fell on a tools shop.

"...and it can be mended on the spot. Wait right here."

Alex approached the shop asked for the screws and a wrench. After purchasing the items, he returned to Davis and repaired the wheel. Then afterwards the two made their way back to Travis and the others. Once back, they used the cart to load the remaining boxes to the truck.

"That's everything, thanks friend. Would've been bad if you hadn't help." Travis says.

"No problem. We're just happy to help. " Lana responds with a smile."

"Heard about your tales. Who would've knew the Night Hunter is nicer than he looks." Travis says, referring to Alex.

"Yeah, you cool in our book." Davis chimed in.

"Well, keep that to yourselves."

"Oh yeah. Davis told me what you did to fix the cart. Here, some compensation for the contribution." Travis hands him a reasonable sum of money, which Alex pockets.

"Well be seeing you both." Travis waved as they went in to their truck.

"Take care." Lana waved them goodbye and they went off in a separate direction.

While walking, a relaxing glee was prominent on Lana's face.

"You also work as a helper?" Alex asked.

"Not really but I just liked to help people."

"And you don't get rewarded?"

"Hmm? What's more rewarding than being accepted? Isn't that what you wanted?" She answered.

Alex stopped in his tracks. Once again, she saw right through him. It's not a lie that he wanted acceptance, he just wanted to redefine his life with something other than murder and rage. Guess it's another way of wanting some acceptance.

Breaking out of his trance, Alex catches up to her.

"So where do you wish to go?"

"You'll see." She simply responded. The two continued walking until they stopped at a place he did not expect.

"A music shop? What purpose would you have here? Unless someone in there needs our help?"

"No, I'm just here to pick up something. Come on let's go inside."

Lana was the first to go inside, leaving him to sigh heavily before he followed.

He entered the shop and scanned inside, variety of guitars, a drum set and a piano set, as well as musical equipment.

"Mr. Tanaka? Are you here?" Lana called out.

"Just a sec, I'll be right over." A voice called out.

A moment later, middle-aged man with black hair, wearing a purple shirt and jeans greeted them.

"Ah, Miss Astrea, good evening to you."

"Good evening to you too." She greeted back.

"And this is?" Mr. Tanaka noticed Alex.

"This is Alex. He's a new friend of mine."

Alex simply nodded.

"Er yes hello to you too." Mr. Tanaka bowed.

"Anywho I finished the record, I'll get it right now."

Mr. Tanaka went to fetch something in the back. While waiting, Alex wanders around for a bit. Then he noticed a black guitar decorated with red angel wings, he pondered a bit if he'll ever play it like he used to.

Then Mr. Tanaka came back with a laptop and a drive. He sets it up and hands Lana the headphones.

"Listen to this."

Lana puts on the headphones and listened in. Then her smile grew wider and slightly bobs her head up and down.

"I think I can dance this, you edit the best soundtracks."

Mr. Tanaka takes out the drive and hands it to her.

"Here you go my dear, and do try to avoid that young, rich noble's son. It does not look best to see you with him."

"I've been trying, but thanks anyway."

"And you young lad. Do you see anything fancy?"

"Appreciated, but we need to get going, don't we?" Alex says.

"Er yes, it's almost time. Thank you Mr. Tanaka." Lana waved at him goodbye.

"You're welcome and please stay out of trouble."

The two teens left the shop. Mr. Tanaka was left, pondering at the black guitar Alex had been staring at.

"I wonder."


(Alex's POV)

Just as soon as we left, I followed her once more.

"Are you going to dance?" I asked.

"Yep, I've been asked to perform in the town park, people will be gathered. I was actually hoping you could be there to watch me."

"Well, this has been an energizing experience, so what's one more." I said sarcastically.

"That's the spirit. Onward we go!!!" She say cheerfully.

She started running while dragging me by the hand. "Hey! I can run by myself!" I protested.

I swear this girl is so much. But it's a nice change of pace.

We arrived at the park and already there are plenty of people.

"Hang tight and find a spot." Lana tells me.

"Why would I do that?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Just do it."

And just like that she left, leaving me with a heavy sigh as I watched her interact with a group. I sorta had an idea she would want me to watch her perform. I walked to nearby tree and leaned on it while waiting.

"Everyone may I have your attention please." A male announcer says through a mic.

"As you know, the Foundation Anniversary Festival is right around the corner, and to ensure this event will not be cancelled like last time, we decided to give you a little taste on a form of performance by Luciana's Living Light. Now let's give it up for...Miss Lana Astrea!"

The crowd cheered as Lana takes the spot. She took a silent breather and takes the starting pose. As the song plays, she begins to dance. The song choice is a genre of dance pop, R&B and soft rock ballad, yet her movements are graceful with spunk. The crowd loves it.

I can't I heard it before, but I cannot deny the talent she has. Despite being distant from others, I watch her dance.


(3rd Person POV)

While Alex enjoying himself. A raven black haired lady in red, watches him from afar, and felt a little relieved.

"So it's her, huh?" Rena mused.

She's witnessing the prominent change in her twin brother , much like she did from her master. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a bit jealous that she wasn't able to fix him, but all it matters to her is that Alex's soul would be saved.

"I hope she does a better job than me..."

She murmurs then looks behind her, where the bodies of Shin's ninjas lay down in the alleyway with blood painted the ground.

"...for now, I'll do the best I can for you, until the daywe both get closure."

She swiped her sword to clean the blood off and sheathed it.

"I wonder how the Raven Clan's doing? Is Mayumi managing well?


(Alex's POV)

Lana had finished her dance with a slow fading music and was met with applause front he crowd, it appears she enjoyed herself. I find myself smiling, not that I would show it.

"There you have it ladies and gentlemen, and thank you Lana Astrea. But this will not be her last, for she will attend the festival, be sure not to miss it folks." The announcer says.

Then Lana approaches me.

"So?" She asked me.

"It's right up your alley. You do this because you like to?"

"I do know what I want. What about you?"

I absorbed her words and pondered. What do I really want?

"My darling light!" A familiar voice called out, and not the welcoming kind.

I looked to the direction of the source and lo' and behold, Charles Mane pushing through the crowd like a weed whacker and placed himself in front of her.

"I terribly apologize for missing your performance but now that I'm here, perhaps you could give me one more intermission, my darling light?" Charles flat out said with a smug.

"Actually it's getting late and I'm really exhausted-" she dismisses him, attempting to leave.

"Oh but I insist. I'm sure a flower such as yourself can spare an hour or two for me."

He tries to reach for her, but this guy was already getting on my nerves. I grabbed his wrist before he could touch her.

"When the girl tells you to leave, it means FUCK OFF!!!" I warned.

"You again?!!! You think you're a better man for her than me?" He barked.

I deepened my glare in response. Then he continues.

"I think I remember you now. Not only did you interrupt me with my time with her, but you also insult me and threatened me. If you think I'd let get away with it, then you are sorely mistaken."

Putting up a bravado, he points his finger at me.

"Because I, Charles Emil Mane, challenge you in a duel."

Everyone became shocked as the young narcissist declared a duel, which is known for its consequences of losing.

"Just what do you think you're doing?!!!" A new voice spoke in outrage.

Just on cue, Miriam steps in to intervene, and she's clearly displeased.

"I thought your father had put you under strict order." She spat out.

"My father had too much on his plate to actually care, and besides, he would take charge of this city anyways. So I invoke my right to challenge anyone I wish."

"Noble's son or no, you don't reserve the right to-"

"I accept." I cut her off.

Shocking Miriam at my decision, and Charles in turn smirked. His ego was already nauseating for so many people around us , that's why I do not intend to let this farce go on.

"Name the place and time."

Charles brushed his hair upwards with a prideful smirk.

"Luciana's Arena. Tonight."