Chereads / He Will See You Now / Chapter 47 - Chapter 45: Autopsy

Chapter 47 - Chapter 45: Autopsy

The jet which was worth twenty million dollars was waiting for Diana and Marcus the moment Marcus made a call to the pilot, and in an hour they were high above Greece flying back to New York. Along the way Diana gave Marcus a silent treatment - she was sad and disappointed that a trip she was so excited about came to an end. Greece was their spot, they talked about going there during the summer but somehow it came early and Diana was over excited in spending time there yet she was angry it was cut off without Marcus really giving details about what happened.

"Did we really have to leave Santorini?" she asked laying down on one of the couches inside the jet while Marcus was busy looking at his computer - he was obviously working on something.

He gave her a cold answer "Yes" and resumed working.


"Diana, my lead actress died. I have to be there to look after things, attend the funeral and make decisions of who'll replace her. Please tell me you understand that?"

"You could have sent your assistant, or Phoebe to deal with it. You don't know Shandla James..." Diana paused for a moment then she looked suspiciously at Marcus "Or did you?"

"She was the lead actress in my hit series. Of course I know her" replied Marcus popping his eyes out just so to make Diana not assuming anything else.

Then Marcus resumed to working and Diana remained idle, somehow those hours from New York to Santorini which were filled with passion and steamy hot sex with shower, turned into brutal ones for Diana on the way back to New York as she saw a side of Marcus she never really thought she would see. She kept counting hours, minutes and seconds till they land in New York, she slept and woke up only to still find herself in the plane. The bouncing of air, and the overall divergence felt like a nightmare to Diana and the moment they landed even though it was 3am in the morning she made a decision to leave by calling an Uber and not join Marcus on his BMW which Martin came to pick him up with.

"It's too late Diana, come ride with me"

"I just requested an Uber, I'll be fine" she replied and looked at her phone, she was checking the Uber driver to see if he was close.

"Don't be absurd, you are riding with me" Marcus pulled Diana's hand and forced her inside the car.

Diana shouted "Let me go! Let me go Marcus..."

"What are you doing?"

"I said let me go" This time Diana pulled herself back and then she stood face to face with Marcus.

These two were like rosters about to quarrel, Diana was panting heavily and possibly her heart was filled with anger and disapointments to the point she couldn't stand Marcus. And Marcus was just amazed by Diana's attitude which was something he hadn't seen before.

"What are you going to do now huh? Are you going to kidnap me again? Huh, Marcus?" asked Diana.

Martin was just observing and he didn't say a word, Marcus shook his head and aimed for the car - Martin opened the door for him and they were off leaving Diana at the airport. Different thoughts and feelings roamed inside Diana's mind the moment Marcus took off and left her at the airport, but yet it was what she wanted hence when the Uber arrived she got inside and drove away.

That same very night Marcus took heroine, few antidepressants pills and a Molly right there inside the car hence when he arrived at his house he was high - and Martin knew it was going to be one hell of a fight when they arrive. And Marcus did bring the fight - it was all about Shandla James and Martin's inability to bury dead bodies without having them discovered. "First it was Linda, and now it's fucking Shandla. What are you trying to do Martin, are you trying to have me locked up. Is this all part of your plans?" he screamed and the argued till it was 6am - Marcus couldn't anymore because he was exhausted hence he went to sleep.

New York was flooded with news about the death of an academy award winner Shandla James and how much she was a trailblazer in the society. Yet her death still remained a mystery. "The reports of the autopsy of an academy award winner showed that she was stabbed multiple times in her abdomen and chest before she died. Miss Shandla James attended a party thrown in Brooklyn by her boss Mr Marcus Orlando, many A list celebrities showed up to this infamous event and one of them was the late actress. Many ask, could she have been murdered during the party?" A TV presenter said while he was hosting the morning news on Fox.

And of course that's the type of news that Diana wouldn't miss, and today she was with Demi and Jared who added fuel to the fire regarding the news of Shandla James.

"He killed her, period" said Jared. Diana was silent, not that she didn't want to talk about what was going on but she had too much already on her brain and the last thing she wanted to add was Marcus's situation. "Diana!"


"Did you hear what I just said?" asked Jared.

"About Shandla James?"

"Girl, he killed her. That boyfriend of yours killed this beautiful black woman. It's part of his rituals Diana, it'll soon be you"

"Oh my goodness! Do you hear yourself Jared? You sound like one of those people from the part of the country where they don't have any idea of what's going on in the city. Talking about rituals..." Diana snapped.

Demi was silent but she knew something wasn't right with Diana, she was harsh and defensive towards Marcus.

So she asked "Diana, what really happened between you and Marcus?"

"Nothing happened" replied Diana sipping cappuccino.

"Is he holding you captive?"

"Demi, is this coming from you? It's my best friends trying to tarnish my boyfriend's name. This is unbelievable"

Diana stood up and left, Demi tried to stop her but she wasn't successful - the moment Diana faded into view, Simon approached Demi and greeted her, then he shook hands with Jared. He has been battling with himself whether to go to Demi or not to, it seems his confident part won when he decided to confront her.

"Who you?" asked Jared straight away, he wasn't a kind to sit and wait.

"I'm... Simon. Demi and I met in met in Zimbabwe"

"We worked in the same charity organization. Something about saving chimpanzees"

Jared sighed "Oh, it's always about saving with you people. Save the elephants, save poor kids in Africa, save Yemen. Haven't you had enough of exploiting those poor countries?"

"It's funny that you put it that way. We are actually saving instead of exploiting" added Simon.

Jared got up, he picked up his purse and kissed Demi "I'm gonna leave you freaks alone now so you can talk about saving some other things. And for Diana, we need to check her" he said and walked away.

"Diana? Could that be Diana Miller?" asked Simon.

"You know her?'

"That's the chick who's messing with my brother. The blogs are full of their pictures of recent trip to Santorini. I would love to meet this woman"

"Wait, your brother is Marcus Orlando?" asked Demi, her eyes widened with amazement.

"I prefer to call him Tony, which is his real name by the way. But yes Marcus Orlando that would the very same man"

Demi couldn't believe what Simon was saying the truth, she stared at his shoes which looked like he just gotten them for less than $2 in some auction back in Zimbabwe - they were horrible. His brown t-shirt with a fox sign which he's been wearing it for over two weeks had Demi almost tell him if he ever has other clothes, and yet he showed up in the same outfit that day with a black trouser which was roughly tailored. There was no way this man could be related to Marcus Orlando, he may say they are related but it could all be inside his head - a psycho is what he could be.

"I know my brother very well. I know about his drug addiction back in the days, and I know his little tricks too"

"What tricks?"

Simon smiled "I can tell you if you agree to join me, in my little quest"

"You are crazy, I'm not joining you in anything. Plus you look nothing like Marcus Orlando, perhaps next time try Chris Evans"

"Chris Evans?"

"Yes, the chin and the hairline kinda look the same but Marcus fucking Orlando... boy!" Demi started to collect her things and she was ready to leave, Simon stopped her.

"I know about his obsession with killing women. If you love your friend, Diana Miller, then you will help me in bringing him down before he kills her too" said Simon looking straight at Demi's eyes.