Chapter 8 - Necromancy Level Up!

"What?!" exclaimed one of the soldiers as others also discussed their options.

"Does the Captain mean it?"

"Should we do it now?"

"Don't be such idiots, there's something wrong here."

"We can't disobey the Captain!"

As the soldiers discussed amongst themselves on what to do next, they heard a voice that made their hair stood on end due to a mix of unimaginable fear and respect. It was undoubtedly the City Lord, they instantly turned to him and bowed. Unbeknownst to them, their City Lord had arrived flying on a cart-like artefact.

"Ready your ranged weapons," City Lord spoke and quickly added. "Ready a platoon to meet the enemy at the gates if there need be."

"Hey, I had never seen a real battle before!" said a giant skeleton standing next to their lord with a naïve voice as they flew toward Gort and the skinwalkers. Gort stood still next to them, relaxed as if amongst old friends.

"City Lord, come down here!" Gort said. "They just want to talk."

Lloyd's semi-casual attitude suddenly changed upon hearing the words spill from Gort's mouth. His anger brought with it an invisible pressure that almost threatened to crush Kai, even though his anger wasn't directed at him.

"You dare use my commander as a pawn?!" roared Lloyd as he summoned black streaks travelling through every which way to completely decimate what was left of the goblin army. Skinwalkers quickly dodged the strikes, but they seemed to be wary. Gort's face appeared twisted and disturbing right after.

"I apologise from the bottom of my heart," said Gort. "You certainly deserve better, but do you believe you can win against our coven all by yourself? Come down and fight us yourself!"

"Who says I am alone?"

"Yeah!" Kai cheered from right behind the flying cart. "A Lord is never alone!"

"Well," Lloyd added. "I have this undead with me."

Before Kai could question Lloyd, a seemingly slow slap from him sent Kai overboard and amidst the skinwalkers.

"You dare to insult us?!" Gort said again, this time in a different tone of voice while Kai tried to make himself as small as possible to avoid fighting in the middle of a blood bath.

"Not at all," Lloyd said, still on his cart as he looked nonchalant. Even though he was angry, he had already recognized the signs of Gort fighting back against the mind control. Such spells were already hard to maintain control over, and when it was someone as pure as Gort, it would be almost impossible to do so.

"After all," Lloyd spoke as Gort slowly started turning to face Bear. "My men cannot be controlled that easily."

Just as Lloyd finished his words, Gort's fist had already started travelling to Bear with the power of an enraged bull's charge. The first connected and almost tore Bear's head off and sent him flying.

"He isn't dead, but it'll take him a minute to heal."

"What the actual fuck?" Kai yelled at Lloyd, indignant. What did he do to deserve that?

"It was supposed to be hundreds of undead or low-life tribal creatures anyway," Lloyd added as he sipped a cup of tea that appeared out of nowhere. "You are going to have to make do with them. Don't forget to endure!"

"Endure what, you bastard?!" Kai yelled.

Kai's eyes met with Crow's yellow eyes. His yellow eyes almost seemed to reach through his own and grabbed his soul. Kai felt very vulnerable as his soul was caressed by the invisible hands of Crow, he felt trapped and shook himself awake.

Skinwalkers never spoke nor showed emotion, hiding under their masks. But at this point, Kai could swear Crow's eyes were bulging with shock. Crow made an instant decision to pick up Bear and escape. Deer was already fully healed, so he followed right after Crow.

"Bye! Good battle!" Kai yelled behind the skinwalkers as they disappeared soon after.

"No!" Gort roared and then turned to Lloyd and kneeled "My Lord, my liege!"

"That's all right, Gort. This was fruitful, nonetheless."

Kai suddenly raised his voice before Gort could say another word and spoke with a large grin that he didn't realise was impossible to display in his current vessel, "Who knew I could be so intimidating!"

"Shut up, you fool," Gort blew up to Kai due to his frustration for being controlled just like the man he had just insulted.

Seeing Kai's puzzled look, Gort yelled at him again, "They left because Crow's manipulation spell didn't work on you! You simpleton!"

Lloyd smiled and took another sip from his tea before speaking, "No wonder I couldn't control you, either," he said, looking at Kai who seemed very puzzled, not even being able to understand when Lloyd had attempted to control him. When Lenny tried it, it was very obvious what he was trying to do.

"However, the physical training remains still, make him the vanguard."

"As you wish, City Lo-"

"What physical training are you talking about? I am all bones!"

Gort moved and slapped Kai on the back of his head as he felt his entire being shake with tremors.

As Kai recovered from that wretched attack from Gort, he got ready to give him a mouthful. However, his eyes happened upon another sight right away, which terrified him down to his marrows. The undead army was indeed here, with some commander-like figures seen every once in a while, steering the horde toward the city.

"Summon Undead! Summon Undead!" yelled Kai in fright as he used his necromancy ability for the first time. As far as he understood, this was his only offensive ability, so he simply created as many as he could.

"As I thought, this guy really is a necromancer himself!" Lloyd said as he caressed his chin, now stood an empty cup of tea next to him.

What perplexed Lloyd the most was the fact that Kai seemed far too normal. Far too normal for where they were, far too inexperienced. He started considering the fact that Kai could actually have been created by some rogue spellcaster above the ground. It wasn't likely, but he decided he'd break him if he could first as his sixth sense told him to.

Kai finally felt tired after creating 10 undead from the goblins. Using goblins as a base, his minions were quite weak even by regular undead standards.

*Necromancer Level 2 has been achieved*

Suddenly, Kai could see the UI again, asking him to choose.

*Choose: +2 stat points / a random necromancy skill*

Even though Kai levelled up, however, and gained new insight into levelling himself, he found that the minions he just raised seemed restless, almost ready to attack himself. Of course, they couldn't even put a scratch on Kai, but that doesn't mean they didn't terrify him even worse than the undead in the distance. Furthermore, the damn UI stuck in front of his face!

"Give me the skill, damn it!"

*Necromancy skill gained: Light of Death*