Sorry about leaving most of you in the dust. Also, 'Remote' is where I post most updates, but since I know people will read any new chapter of this book more, I am posting here. Just anywhere my views are clustered mainly. TC is off for a bit because my mom has been struck down by the villainous Startin the deliverer of headaches, hospital stays, and worry up to the wazoo. She is home now recovering, but it will still take a while to get her up and walking on her feet again. Startin has confined her to a wheelchair and has frozen her left side with his gaze, but she has been slowly regaining movement and is no longer confined by the chair.
The other reason I wanted to say hi was that although I would love everything to be free forever, you guys don't seem to like my Patreon, or buying my books cause I have all of them free on here. So, we'll do an experiment. No, we are not contracting the AOH series or any of the books that have shown up in there, but a different book entirely. My plans are to contract 'Tightrope Tension' meaning before I apply I will write at least another 10-14 chapters so that I can stay ahead of things during these busy unforeseen days ahead. I hope you love the book, read it, review it, and share any comments. I genuinely do love it when people provide feedback both positive and negative. Peace out my Wolfpack. Until next time.