After the Crown Prince got back he finally invited us to the VIP Room he rented and we all settle there and look at the on going auction.
"So Lord Guardian? Did you guys get great things?" He asked and we all nod, we got something, although we bought few things on our own whim we never let rare plants, seedlings and animals get away from our grasped.
"We also get a Wind Hawk Egg." Santarea said and the crown prince lost it`s color when he saw that the Wind Hawk`s egg is being played by his daughter like it is some normal toy.
"How much did they spend already?" The Crown Prince whispered on the Coachman and he gulped before answering. "More than ten million gold already." He said and the Crown Prince look at us incredulously.
"Oh my god! that`s a lot of gold! that`s almost a quarter of our annual profit in the Nolan Company!" He said and we look to each other and laugh. "Oh come on, we have the money, not to mention we have two Goddess of wealth here!" Mica said pointing the two dragon who`s sitting and drinking tea like nothing is happening.
"You could call me Woody and she`s Icy." Woody said and the Crown Prince nod and look at the few scaled in their arms and their tail. "Greetings Ms. Woody and Ms. Icy, I am the Nolan`s Crown Prince." He said and bow then look at me.
"From the Lizard Clan?" He asked I smile and shook my head. "You could say that but at the same time you can`t say that, they bought from the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan`s Royal Dragons." I said he look again at the two young lady and gulped down.
"I heard about the might dragon clan, but I never imagine I will meet two Princesses of the Dragon Clan!" He said and bow his head again. "Your wrong again, they are no Princesses the are Queens, the Wood Dragon Queen and the Ice Dragon Queen, two of the four ruler of Abyss." Marina said and he was almost fainted when he heard that.
"What?! Dragon Queens?!" He asked and Icy look at him and chuckled. "Your a funny crown prince, you look so shock." Icy said and the Crown Prince stand firm.
"I am sorry, Her Majesties, but I heard the both of you from countless legends, it`s just it`s too shocking to find out two of the legendary creatures not even gods would try to get angry is here at my presence." He said and Woody sneer.
"Those self proclaimed gods, I could make them a meal." Woody said, I wonder why Woody hated gods, but since she hated the heaven then she`s really one of us, and Woody pointed the stage.
"20,000 small gold." She said and the Coachman shouts the bid that everyone gasped, even the crown prince was shock, for a vase she big that much of gold. "Although I am not good at looking at the price, I know how to look for the material, and because of that I know where I should bid." Woody said and we all knitted our brow.
"That vase is made with silver crystal, a very rare crystal that right now there is only few dungeon or mining site for that crystal." Icy said and yawn, in her turf she have a Silver Crystal mine, and this one is not shared with the other but hers alone, because she know 20,000 little gold is nothing if you just take the material alone.
"Then how much will that thing cost?" The Crown Prince asked curiously. "If you sell that in the Demon Continent, it will fetch a price of about 100,000 small gold in a good day maybe quarter a million." She said, of course that kind of money is nothing to her.
"I should look on many auction house to look for this kind of material then." He said and Woody look at him and nod. "I can buy them for you, since human can`t openly sell anything in the demon continent." She said and the Crown Prince nod smiling.
"It would be my honor to make a deal with the Ice Dragon Queen." He said and Icy look at the vase after Woody got it and now. "The other material ain`t bad either, whomever made this is nothing but a fool." She said and Woody hide the vase and they all look at the other auction item, people probably can`t stop thinking whomever is the person in this VIP room because on how we spend money, but either way they can try to look for it or not we will not care.
"Should I pull up the curtain?" The Crown Prince asked and we all shook our head, why would we? It`s better this way. "There is no need those people can continue wondering for all we care." I said and we continue to bid, of course since the crown prince also want to play they let him play and Icy give them a tip sometime, I think they made a few deals, this little dragon truly love her wealth.
After the long awaited time the night time has come, and the venue`s people except those on the VIP already changed, you can see the players on this time at the auction is wealthy and powerful, they wear different cloth than the people few hours ago, and jewels are gleaming on them.
"Here comes the real main show." The Crown Prince said and we look when the auctioneer appear, she`s a beautiful woman and many men are probably ogling to have a taste of her, but sadly this kind of beauty is out of my standard, if your around with the girls with me a long time a beauty like this is nothing but mortal beauty, divine beauty is far more superior than this.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to say that we look all around the world just to find this rare beasts. So sit back and relax, and of course bid to your heart`s content." She said and every clap their hand and now all people are focusing on the stage.
"Here for our first auction, we found this in a treacherous mountain near the border of the Desert Abyss, look at behold! the Fire Drakes!" She said and we saw a person pulling a metal cage, and inside of that cage are three young fire drakes. "They say a fire drake`s flame came from the true fire dragons, anyone who control a fire drake can be sure to have a powerful arsenal hidden in their sleeves or openly show the world that you could burn down a whole town in a single breath and we have three." She said and everyone is pretty much interested in that drake, I look at the two dragon and chuckled.
"They maybe your sibling`s off spring?" I said and they smirk. "Their fire come from us? Oh come on! if we throw a breath, there is nothing remaining in our path." Icy said and Woody chuckle. "This host is quite funny." She said and everyone smile.
"So are Drakes power is not really from the dragon?" Crown Prince said and Icy smile wider. "A Drake`s power is not from us, heck! even the lesser dragons can make those drakes their meal, they are nothing but an evolve lizards! And it depends where they evolve their magic will probably formed from that place, and since this drakes is born near the Desert Abyss those probably get the fire as their origin magic." She said and the Crown Prince nod.
"And they are easy to breed! my people think they are good delicacy and made a place in my domain just to breath this creatures." Woody said and Icy nod. "My people do the same, but I rather eat a serpent than a drake." Icy said and the crown prince nod again.
"The Bidding price will start at 10,000 big gold that is for three of course." She said and the bidding war begin, or it was supposed to." 100,000 big gold!" Icy said and the coachman shout the price that make the whole place silent, 10 small golds is already equal to 1 big gold that is 1,000,000 small gold!
"I thought they are nothing special? The way you talk look it is nothing." I said and Icy smirk. "This is a fire drake we are talking to, if I eat it in front of Flamey, she would probably be pissed, since it`s one of the drakes in her domain." Icy said, oh now I understand, there is no bottom line to pissed your siblings? Well it doesn`t matter it would be great to have this drakes too, I can probably try getting on from her hand and try to teach it a few tricks and if this thing can learn, then I`ll make sure to borrow few adults drakes in their domain to make a breed in my town.
"100,000 big golds from the VIP no.7!" She said and everyone think this is an overkill, but this little dragon surely thinks it is not. "Then the fire drakes are sold on 100,000 big golds on the VIP no.7!" She shouts and everyone clap their hand.
"The next one is made by one of the research facility in our kingdoms. a Homonculi, head and wings from the Iron Hawks body of the Gold Lion and Tails of the Three headed snake, a magnificent creature, we have a hard time to get this one." She said and we saw the creature and we are truly disappointed on this creature.
"The Magic is in chaos, going berserk at anytime is probably going to happen." Marina said and I nod. "Yes, the magic is unstable." I said and we passed on that one, we are not interested in a creature that can attack us anytime, even if their weak.