Chereads / Monster (A Miguel O’Hara Fanfic) / Chapter 8 - 7.Everyone Adores you

Chapter 8 - 7.Everyone Adores you

(Song: Everyone Adores you (at least I do)- by Matt Maltese)

(Art Insert)


I turn looking up at the girl sitting beside me as my eyes widen at her sudden presence, she had bright blonde hair, and brown eyes squinting lightly as she smiles at me happily "I like that song" the girl looked at me as her eyes sparkled, or were they, can eyes sparkle like that?

"What?" I asked my voice quietly as she points to my lips.

"The one you are humming to currently, that, that song, I like it" she nods at me, her blonde hair up to her shoulders.

"Oh" I mumbled and looking away nervous and confused.

"Your new right?" she asked leaning her head to make eye contact once again as I nod "Victoria, right? I like your hair, it's the complete opposite of mine" she smiles scooting closer to me "sorry I forgot to introduce myself that was very rude of me my name is Sherlyn Stacy I'm 8 how about you?"

"I'm 8 too."

"Great! You want to play on the swings? I can push you then you can push me, we can take turns" she grabbed my hand as I go along with her "you know, you don't talk a lot."

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Don't be! My mom says that I'm extremely loud and talk a bunch so you don't have to worry I can just talk a lot and you can listen" we got to the swings as I'm about to sit down when she pushes me lightly "No it's dirty wait" but before I can wipe the dirt off the swing she takes off her red cardigan jacket and placing it on the seat "there you go so you don't get dirty" I shake my head quickly taking off her expensive looking clothing and handing it to her.

"You'll get it dirty" I sigh before I take off my large hoodie before laying it on the seat when she suddenly takes my clothes away from the swing.

"And what about yours?" she argued as I stare at her nervously.

"Mine doesn't seem as expensive as yours" I mumbled "mine was a dollar at the thrift shop so don't worry!"

"It doesn't matter, a jacket is a jacket, I didn't want you to get dirty so here" she shoves my hoodie back into my hands as she lays hers on the swing once again pointing for me to sit down.

I felt horrible for ruining a perfectly new cardigan but listened as she began to push me with all her force "you know you can talk too, I just realized how my words could be mean, but I can listen too, I'm a good listener" she yelled lightly as I got higher in the sky.

"I know I didn't find it mean" I nod.

"Cool" she yelled as I smile lightly.

"Do you wanna switch?" I asked looking back at her as my short hair covers my face with the movement of the swing.

"No, I like seeing you like this" she laughed as I look at her "you look like a fairy!"

I shake my head feeling the compliment go up to my head as I blush trying to hide my smile, I never really gotten a comment like that, wait or is it compliment? I had short hair, extremely short, only because it was expensive to maintain long hair and my dad doesn't know how to do styles. I don't want to bother him when he's so busy or ask him to spend more money than he is already, I wore clothes from thrift stores or family hand me downs, but I didn't complain because some of the clothing was in good condition, and I liked them since my dad wore close to the same fabric. However, I knew I didn't look like the other girls, I mean I wanted to, with their pretty colors and lace outfits, with their sparkling shoes, and ribbons in their hair. I wanted it too. But I liked my clothes as well and this was all I had in my drawers, and even though my papa promised I was the most beautiful little girl out there I couldn't help but compare myself to the girls in the outfits I wished to have, so as Sherlyn comment came my way I didn't want to claim she was a liar, and why would she lie in a moment where it was not beneficial for her.

But it felt good.

I guess my papa wasn't entirely lying if someone else said I was a fairy.

"And you're a mermaid" I smile at her.

"Really?! I always tell my mom I am, and she says that too!" Sherlyn smiled brightly before pushing me again "well Victoria I think you're the prettiest fairy in the world."

"And you are the prettiest mermaid in the sea!" I laughed.

"Wait then how will our friendship work? You'll be in the woods, and I'll be in the water, we won't work out" Sherlyn frowned as I look up at the sky thinking of an answer to our problem.

"At the edge!" I say excited making me wobble lightly on the swing "like I'll meet you at the edge of the water when it meets land."

"You're right! That's perfect! And you can bring me flowers while I bring you seashells or cool rocks I find."

I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, and all the days after that.

As time passed, and as I got older I assumed we would've grown apart, but Sherlyn didn't let that happen no matter what stood in our way, to not speaking to her when I found out my dad had cancer, to his death, or even when Dante was murdered. She... she never left me no matter how hard I closed myself off.




"Your quince is coming up, no?" Sherlyn walked beside me her blonde hair no longer blonde but now a deep cherry red color.

I laugh lightly "girl I'm just 13 my quince isn't till I'm 15" I shook my head as she laughs before pushing me lightly.

"I know that dummy, but shouldn't you be preparing already since your dad wanted to celebrate it early, like don't you have an idea of the theme, omg how about a woodsy them?" She turned to me grabbing me onto my arm jumping up excited.

"Woodsy? Like Twilight? No offense as much as I love twilight, I don't think it's my vibe for my quince-," she shakes her head.

"I would die for a vampire theme party but no" she sighed rolling her eyes "you know my nickname I gave you when we first met?"

"Yeah, the one that honestly doesn't match me whatsoever" I grumbled as I almost trip as she leans more into me.

"Fairy does match you!" Sher screamed lightly as people in the hallway turn to her giving her a confused look as I roll my eyes at them "just how siren matches me duh."

"I don't remember even knowing that word when I first met you" I laughed as she looks at me before blowing a piece of her hair out her face.

"You called me a mermaid and Siren is just another word for it" she argued as I nod.

"Whatever you say 'Siren'" I smile at her as she flips her hair locking her arm tighter around mine.

"But like I was saying, that's what woodsy means in my opinion like a fairy realm, you can wear wings and everything! Oh my god! I should look in Esty to find someone to make them for you" her face lit up as she thought of her idea as I shake my head slowly.

"I don't think I'll be having a quince babe; you know with the hospital and apartment payments" I smile softly at her "I don't want to stress out my dad with more money issues especially for something small like my 15th birthday party."

"Are you kidding me? You know your dad wants to throw you one, don't deny him that" she sighed as I brush a strand of my hair behind me ear.

"Yeah and that's why I need to speak to him about that, we can't afford such a party with his health and finances."

"You know he's not paying everything alone Vicky so stop, everyone is pitching in."

"I don't want no one to pitch in" I look at her pulling away from her grasp "I know your mom is helping, but you know" I sigh "I don't want you to look at me like some type of charity, I'm grateful enough to your mom when she offered to be my madrina for my quince dress when the day comes, but after her offering to pay for the food and half of the salon" I shake my head feeling annoyed "it's- it's just to much she'll be spending on me, and what about your 15th I mean you-."

"Cut the crap Vicky. Is that how you think I see you? A charity? Seriously? You think your dad agreed to having my mom pay for half of the things? Dude he literally kicked my mom out thinking she insulted him... geez like father like daughter" she whispered the ending a bit "look like what my mom said to your dad... don't be an idiot, my mom sees you as her own, I see you as a sister and my brother sees you as another sister he never wanted, so no you aren't a charity case or whatever stupid nonsense you were talking about a second ago. She's helping because she sees you as a daughter and wants that day special for you, and don't worry about my 15th I'm having a sweet sixteen like you see on MTV" Sherlyn sighed before grabbing my arm again pulling her close to me. "You're my sister from another mister, and we are only doing this because we love you and you deserve the best on such an important day."

I look at her my eyes watering as I sniff up my mocos feeling embarrassed of my emotions as she gives me puppy dog eyes before using her sleeves to clean my eyes "ugh don't cry or I'm going to cry" she grumbled as I lean into her shoulder hiding my flushed cheeks as a few tears leave my eyes.

"Didn't I tell you not to cry-," she huffed before hitting my back lightly as she began to sniff as well before slowly hugging me "I can't believe you thought of yourself as a charity, I don't want my best friend to think of herself as that."

"I'm just emotional I think, I don't even know why I said that, god, I'm so sorry" I whispered.

"It's fine I'm not that upset."

"Get a room!" Flash yelled as he tries to pass us, but before he can escape, I put my foot in front of his as his body hits the ground groaning "the hell Vic!" He looked at me.

I smile down at him as he looks at me confused as I held Sher's hand turning away from him as she begins to laugh loudly "and that's what you get for being a jerk!" she turned around to Flash as I keep my head froward.

Sherlyn shuffles towards me "you showed him didn't you" she giggled leaning her head in front of me as she winks.

"Please he's just some stuck up jock that thinks he's the shits, plus he has a crush on you, and I won't be a sister-in-law with a boy like him" I shiver as the thought passes my head before it disappears.

"Flash? Crush on me? More like he likes you miss gorl" she begins to nudge me as we swing through the middle of the hallway bumping into some kids before mumbling sorry's in their directions.

"Maybe we should watch where we are going, we are going to become enemies with the entire school if we don't walk right, and what are you talking about? Flash doesn't like me Sher, he's always looking at you while we eat our lunch, he has the eyes of a deer in the headlights" I laugh lightly as she shakes her head dramatically.

"You're dumb, aren't you? You know I can tell when someone likes me" she flipped her hair again as we make our way into the classroom we had this period.

"Please half of the school drools over you, even the 8th graders."

"Okay but besides that Vicky, genuinely think about it, has flash ever went to my band rehearsals? Uhm no!"

"But he's at your band performances."

"You mean the ones we are mandatory to play at football games, oh wait what does he do? Football, god you are a complete dumb dumb sometimes I swear."

"Okay but that doesn't mean he likes me" I rolled my eyes as I sit down on a chair before pulling out Sher's where she sits beside me.

"Thank you, kind fairy."

"Anything for the Siren."

"Ugh anyways back to what we were talking about. What do you do? After school activities?"

"Uhm none, I go to the hospital, visit the library" I shrug looking at her confused.

"And who is at said library?!" she yelled lightly pointing to me.

"Sherlyn Stacy, please don't make me move you" the teacher looked at Sher as she sighed before apologizing.

I laugh lightly holding my hands to my mouth as Sherlyn glares in my direction as I laugh harder trying to stay quiet "stop, but like what I was saying Flash is always showing up at the library, even on weekends which oh, who is also there? You!" she whispered yelled as I my smile disappears from my lips as I glare at her annoyed.

"Flash doesn't give 2 poops about me Stacy, so let's stop this" I grumbled annoyed.

"You know what, just don't be shocked whenever he grows up and admits his undying love for you that he had for you when he was in middle school."

I missed it.

The jokes we threw at one another, and her predictions, well I guess what she said about flash wasn't really predictions in the end.

It was like she can see the future; she knew what would've happened before it took place, or when she called out her amazing future as a musician or her stealing all the leads throughout our high school plays, or how she was going to live on as a famous actor before the age of 25. I loved it, adored it to be honest, adored how she saw the world in such a beautiful light and how sometimes I saw it the way she did, adored how she saw such a beautiful future for me, even when I knew it wasn't going to exist. I guess that's what lead us to some of our arguments.




"Talk to me!" I heard banging at my door.

"Sherlyn... baby just give her some time" Sherlyn's moms voice hushed to her.

"She doesn't need time mom! She needs me!" Sherlyn's voice began to crack as she began banging on my door again "it's been a month, Vicky! You can't lock yourself forever!"

I held my dad close to my body, I shivered from the cold air outside.

It was fall.

A month since my dad passed away.

I just turned 15.

I was taken in by the only family I had left here, and it was my mother, well to be completely honest, a stranger.

I haven't seen her in 2 weeks now, but she did this often she would leave for 3 days or like last time a week, she came back in the middle of the night one day drunk and possibly drugged up, I didn't care though all I cared was for my papas room to be left alone when she came back and thankfully she was always passed out in the sala floor or couch if she made it. I would make sure she didn't die or make a complete mess, which she did of course, and just walk back into my papa's room and sleep the days away. I ate, when I could swallow down whatever I could. I would shower whenever I had the strength to leave his room. I lived like I always did, well I tried, but soon trying led to completely giving up which was where I was at now.

I didn't go to school on the first day, I've just been stuck in this apartment ever since the funeral.

I didn't want to see anyone, I hated everyone, I was just full of anger and hatred towards the world for taking the only person that was the only family I had left. I hated it.

I hated them.

"I'm sorry..." Sherlyn yelled from the door as it went quiet "just please, please answer, you need me right now... I need you, Vicky."

I hugged his urn closer to me as I cried softly.

I can't look at her, I loathed her in this moment.

Her mom was still here, her brother, she still had a family to hold on to, and what do I have? A horrible mother that was never there for me, and a father that left me too early.

I have nothing.

"Open the door, Vicky!" She began to cry out loud "just let me see if you're okay, I just need to make sure you're still there."

I stay quiet and as seconds lead into minutes and minutes lead into hours the loud banging and cries at my door disappeared.

And I sit here looking at the ground as I felt the tears come down like a waterfall.

I don't know what came over me that day, but I went back to school, well began my high school life, I didn't tell anyone, I just remembered entering the large building as many of the kids I've seen throughout middle school show me sorrow looks as some came up to me saying condolences, it was weird, they didn't know my dad, they didn't really know him like I did, but in their eyes he was a good police man that was kind to everyone he met, an amazing soul. But he was my papa, he was more than an amazing Samaritan, way more than what they saw him as, he was more to life than anything to me.

I walked down the hallways after speaking to my counselor about my schedule, when suddenly I felt arms wrapped around me as the smell of caramel hit my nose, and for a second, I bathed in that familiar fragrance.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back? Why haven't you answered any of my messages? I went to your house whenever my mom came back from work why didn't you answer? Were you there?... How are you?..." Sherlyn's voice began to drag out as I stare at her, her hair was another color, light brown with pink highlights, she looked normal, it looked like she lived life normally.

I huff lightly, I knew I looked horrible my once tamed hair was all over the place, my eyes were bloodshot from the crying I did before coming here, my lips chipped with not taking care of myself and some black tights with a hoodie from my dad's closet covered me. I was angry that she didn't show an ounce of change in her, I was angry that she isn't feeling exactly what I'm feeling in this exact moment, I was angry that I pushed her off of me lightly before walking away.

"Don't do that Vicky, don't shut me out" she yelled from behind me as she grabbed my hand before I yanked mine out of her grasp before glaring at her.

"Leave me alone" I mumbled.

"No, I'm not leaving you alone anymore, I've left you alone for a month and look at you!" she yelled as the hallway began to empty as people head to their first period class.

"Sorry that my fucking dad died Sherlyn" I grumbled annoyed "you know not all of us have the energy or time or money to just look our best, sorry that my mental state makes me look like complete shit" I raise my voice lightly.

Her eyes soften as she shakes her head "you know that not what I mean-."

"Then what do you mean? Huh? My dad is gone. What do you want me to do? I can't go back like all of this is normal" I look at her "I can't change my hair and act like nothing happened like you" I scoff.

"You don't get to do that to me Vicky!" she yelled.

"Do what?"

"Don't push me down like that! I know This isn't you right now, I know you're going through a lot but I'm not going to leave your side no matter how hard you're pushing me away right now" her eyes began to water as mine start too. "You have no idea how worried I was for you! Why didn't you answer your door?"

I look at her before turning away.

I don't even know why I'm doing this, why I'm ignoring her, being mean to her, avoiding her touch. I know it's not her fault, it's no ones, there was no helping him in the end, no cure, no number of appointments that would've led to a different outcome, it wasn't the doctors' fault, the nurses, his fault, my fault, or Sher's. It was just his time.

Though it didn't mean I can just forgive whatever god was out there for taking my only parent away, nor did it mean I should act like it was okay for him to just leave and the world stay the same when he left, in my eyes he took the color with him, the smiles, the laughter, my papa. I just couldn't help but be mad at everything around me, including my best friend.

"Your dad wouldn't want you like this" she yelled.

I froze, my body shutting down at the mention of his existence that was no longer with us.

"He wouldn't want you to be ignoring me like you do now, nor would he want you to be shutting yourself out like you are now, you know that!" the halls were now empty as the complete silence began to burden me before she spoke again "what? Are you angry? Then be angry you can be mad at everything in this world, you can be mad at me I don't give a shit, if you yell at me or reject me, I don't care, I can handle that, I can do that for you" her footsteps came closer. "No matter what, I can handle that For You, I know you are going through such a horrible outcome, and I know that you are feeling it more than anyone and I know I can never understand what you are feeling but let me just be there for you."

Silence again as she waits for my answer, my fist white as I clench them trying to hold back from crying.

"You lied..." I whispered "you said he would get better- I can't- I can't believe I thought you were telling the truth" my voice cracked.

"I-I" she stuttered.

"I'm glad that you're living your life normally, you with a smile and all like nothing has changed" I mumbled.

"Don't say that you can't say that-."

"Oh, really why not?" I turned to her meeting her tear-stained cheeks as a tear left my eye "new hair, same old smile on your lips earlier, no sign of remorse on your face" I scoff in her direction before moving my eyes to a random direction avoiding hers.

"I've been waiting for you, my mom thought I needed some cheering up, so- so she took me to get my hair done, Vicky I was trying so hard to keep a brave face for you, he was your dad! I don't want to cry or make you feel even worse for what happened" she took a step closer "if one of us isn't holding us down who will? I'm trying to act like everything is okay because you need something stable in your life right now!"

"What I need is to be left alone" I looked at her as she took another step towards shaking her head.

"No, it's been a month since I last saw you, we didn't even talk when the funeral happened, I went to your home whenever I had the chance and still we didn't talk, so no Vicky I won't let you choose this for yourself, and you need to get it through your thick little skull that you are not alone, you still have me, you still my brother and my mom, so no matter how hard you are trying to convince yourself that this is the best it's not."

"I know what's best for me!" I scream lightly as she still shakes her head "I hate you Sherlyn" I whispered "I hate you so much for everything you have, and I hate you for being such a good friend to me even when I don't deserve it" I cried.

"And I adore you, so go ahead and hate me, I know I live a good life with an amazing family but don't forget that you are a part of that family no matter how hard you are denying us."

"I hate that you lied about my future and I hate that I can't be angry at you no matter how hard I try, I hate that I'm jealous of you at points in our life and I hate that you can put on a smile no matter if it's fake, and I hate how you are still in front of me right now as I tell this to you" I felt my knees become wobbly "I hate myself for acting this way, I hate myself that I couldn't do anything for him, I hate myself for fighting with you."

Sherlyn ran to me before running into my arms.

"I hate you" I cried onto her shoulder "I hate everyone" I screamed lightly as I wrap my arms around her "I hate him for leaving me alone" I could barely choke out the words as I gasp for air.

"It's okay" she cried as well holding onto me like I would disappear in any moment "I'll always be here; I promise I'm not going anywhere" she rubbed my back "I swear it."

"Please don't lie to me again Sher... Please."




I wake up gasping.

"Venom" I yelled as if it feels like DeJa'Vu, but only seeing complete darkness again.

"We don't have time for this Lyla I need to know now" I deep voice yelled.

"Sorry that I can't follow the lead- shit, we'll find another way" a female's voice rung out around me "but are you going to keep her in here?"

"I don't trust no one to look after her but me, plus she'll be waking up anytime soon, and when she does" footsteps walk my way as I try to open my eyes a blurry face coming into vison "well, that's when the investigation starts."