Mark was holding me tight in his arms when I closed my eyes. I can feel my body dropping at a very fast speed in such a height. After a few seconds have passed, I felt Mark's body land with a loud thud.
It felt like my body was still falling and has not yet landed.
"Here we are." Mark said. "Are you alright? You look kind of pale?" He asked with a worried tone.
"I-I am fine. Just give me a minute." I said.
Mark has not yet put me down on my feet. I was thankful because I felt like if ever I stand, my legs will give in and turn into gelo.
"I think I left my heart up there." I laughed once I have gathered my bearings.
"Haha, not a fan of heights?" Mark chuckled. I cannot believe that even his laughs are so sexy.
"Well, it is not that I am afraid of heights." I replied. "It is just jumping at such a high place is not my cup of tea."
"Hahaha." Mark laughed out loud. "Do you like drinking tea?" He helped me to calm down with starting a conversation.