Chereads / (inactive) 感 / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2-Growth

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2-Growth

Gangolf spent the next week either wolfing down whole roasts or spending feverish nights in bed. Day by day his muscles grew and he became less and less emaciated. On the third day he found himself smelling the rich gravy the matronly woman brought with her, and got up to open the door for her, only to find an empty alleyway. Sniffing deeply he became overwhelmed by the absolute intensity and range of smells he was bombarded with, sewage, fresh fruits, chimmney smoke, a whole mix of perfumes; the smells became too much for him and pinched his nose shut. His improved sense of smell was followed by a day of headaches, due to his newly light sensitive eyes requiring some adjustment. Migraines and nausea were his sire friends that week. Fortunately for Gangolf, the small room Schwin had set him up in was quite sound proof, so he experienced none of the ear ringing he would if exposed to the ruckus of Bayn.

Schwin came to see him one night, bringing with him a set of dark loose clothing and soft leather boots.

"Come on, time to stretch your legs." Schwin was without his pipe, and instead was picking at his teeth with a fine letter opener.

"Alright, just let m--." Gangolf stopped soeaking abruptly, shocked by his new gravelly voice, his words came out as almost a growl.

"Hahahahaha, bit of a second puberty you're having aren' ya." Schwin tossed the set of clothes at Gangolf.

"You get dressed, I'll be in the alley."

Gangolf made his was out to the alley, it was the night of the new moon. An intentional choice by Schwin, to keep the new Wier docile. Gangolf marvelled at the ease with which he moved, no more clumsy ball of lard, any passerby would give him a wide berth, assuming he was a trained fighter or worse. Gangolf gazed around the streets of Bayn, taking in the sights as well as one would on a bright afternoon. His nose and ears twitched, his new senses exploring a whole new spectrum of sights and smells. The pair made their way towards the city wall, heading through alleys in the twisting turning manner that was characteristic of Schwin. Coming a dead end alley up against the wall, Schwin pushed against a section of the wall and Gangolf watched shocked as the entire section slid away, opening to a sloping set of stairs that led down. Entering the tunnel, the pair made their way along the dark tunnel, both easily navigating the pitch black. They emerged some way away from Bayn, emerging in a small recessed cave in the side of small hill. As they walked away, Gangolf marvelled at how the cave seemed to disappear into the hill.

"Well? Why don't you see how you run now boy?" Schwin said as he settled down on a boulder. Gangolf set off at an easy lope, quickly disappearing in the night.

Gangolf had never felt more free, he took long easy strides, with the wind rushing against his face and the landscape rushing past he felt as if he were flying. He took a deep breath, taking in the clean countryside air, the fresh scent of pine on the breeze. He crested a hill, gazed down across the countryside taking in the little islands of farms dotted amongst the dense forests. The mountains encircled the valley of the Serpe, and Vang stood tall above the rest, king of the mountains. He sped through the forest, taking in the earthy smells of the loam. As he ran he had begun to feel the urge to cry out in joy, but the young Wier's howl was stopped by his timid nature. While he was now a wolf, he was still a sheep at heart.