Chereads / The demons inside us / Chapter 6 - A stands for Amelia

Chapter 6 - A stands for Amelia

Staring mindlessly at the ceiling above her, Elliot found it extremely troubling, the fact whether she was still dreaming or her life really took a drastic turn towards change? She remembered yesterdays events and was disgusted beyond belief. Was she really sad over what happened yesterday? If not for the terrible incident that took place yesterday, Elliot wondered how would her life would have been? She may have ended up in a horrible orphanage or maybe on the streets, far away from the place she was born in. The conflict between her emotions and how abruptly they were interrupting Elliot's life all the more making her question her sanity makes her sick to her stomach. She stretched a little and got up from the bed, doing a little twirl and making her way to the bathroom that was attached to her room. After taking a quick shower, Elliot made her way to the room, only to be met with some pairs of jeans, hoodies and warm t-shirts which she remembered were clearly not hers. She planned to wear the same night gown she was wearing from the day before since wearing the same clothes for days was nothing new to her. Little Elliot was startled by the sudden knock on the door, making her wonder who came to visit her so early in the morning but she hesitantly approached the door and opened it.

???: 'Knock Knock, New friend!'

Elliot: 'Umm, Who are you?'

Amelia: 'Oh you probably don't know me since you're new here. My name is Amelia, it starts with an A. A stands for Amelia.'

Elliot: 'Amelia... pretty name...'

Amelia: 'Thanks new fellow. How should I address you?' Amelia said with a twinkle in her eye.

Elliot: 'Call me Elliot. My mother named me Elliot.'

Amelia: 'Elliot... You have such a pretty and unique name! Is it okay if I call you Elle?'

Elliot: 'Why? Do you find my name hard to pronounce?'

Amelia: 'Uhh no, not at all. It's just that I want to be friends with you and I thought it would be amazing if I could call you by a special nickname. Its okay if you don't want me to.'

Elliot: 'It's fine... You can call me Elle.' Elliot clenched her fists close to her heart as she cannot believe that she finally managed to make a friend. Amelia was Elliot's first friend and to her, she became a person that will remain really close to her heart.

Amelia then proceeded to take Elliot to the place she claimed to be was the dining hall. Elliot never realized how hungry she was, bread and soup being the last meal she ate in two days, she was secretly starving like a slave from the ancient times. The large doors opened towards a bright shimmery dining hall. To Elliot's surprise, there really were a lot of kids sitting at the dining table that fairly looked around her age, guess Leonardo was telling her the truth. However, the far right side of the dining hall was a section slightly different from the rest of the hall. It had a whole library attached to it and the people in that section looked 16 or above. Why are there so many kids here to begin with? And why is every single place really bright and white? Elliot had a thousand questions revolving inside her head but she just wanted to focus on the food in front of her. The mouth watering dishes in front of her made Elliot drool as there was food she had never seen in her life. From pancakes, eggs and milkshakes to a more healthy looking fruit platters, everything was there, beautifully placed on the food counter. Elliot could not wait any longer to dig in so she rushed over to the food counter together with Amelia to fill her belly. The very first bite of pancakes was heavenly, making Elliot feel like was on cloud nine. She suddenly remembered the pancakes her mother used to make for her on the morning of her birthdays. Brushing the sad thought aside, Elliot quickly finished her breakfast and glanced over to Amelia who kept on staring at the far right side of the dinning hall where the older kids were. Elliot followed Amelia's gaze and realized she was just hopelessly staring at a bunch of boys who were busy talking with each other which made Elliot wonder what was so interesting to watch.

Elliot: 'What are you staring at?'

Amelia: 'Me? Oh, I'm just busy admiring the hottest boys in the facility. Just look at them. Their faces, their bodies.... Man forget about food I'm drooling over them.' Elliot sighed as she realized that Amelia was hopelessly lost in her own harem of boys. She looked over to them and suddenly her eyes met a fine young man who was looking her way. His face was one of the most perfect faces Elliot has ever seen in her life, making him look effortlessly handsome. Elliot couldn't help but feel infatuated by his mesmerizing hazel eyes. Even from afar, Elliot could tell that there was something about the boy that made her breathless for a good couple of minutes. It wasn't all about his outer appearance but something about his mysterious aura stopped Elliot from looking away from him. Amelia, on the other hand realized something was up as her 'crush senses' began tingling. She glanced over to Elliot who was busy staring at the boy with hazel eyes.

Amelia: 'Mesmerized much?' Amelia slightly teased Elliot.

Elliot: 'W-What? I... I was just looking at everyone's faces to get used to them.'

Amelia: 'Oh sure you were. Want to know his name? I'm familiar with everyone here, that' s how long I've been here, so ask me anyone's name.'

Elliot: 'What's his name? I'm just asking you know...' Elliot blushed a little as she began to feel tingling sensations in her stomach which was something very new for her.

Amelia: 'His name is Gallahan, He's 16 years old, two years older from you. Handsome right? I won't blame you for staring at him, he's considered the most handsome boy in the facility and many, I repeat, many girls are after him so you better watch out.'

So his name is Gallahan. Elliot was confused as to why his name kept making her stomach tingle. She again looked back at him but to her disappointment, he was gone. Elliot couldn't help but wonder when will she'll be able to see him again. She snapped back to reality and followed Amelia's actions as she cleaned up her plate and moved it to the cleaning sink. She suddenly yanked Elliot to the side making the poor soul as startled as ever and shouted at the top of her lungs.

Amelia: 'Who's on the cleaning duty today?'

After she said that, two kids came forward and told her they were on the cleaning duty and proceeded to go inside the kitchen to clean the dishes. Amelia then linked her arms with Elliot's and made her way towards the main door, exiting the dining hall followed by Elliot. Elliot suddenly remembered how Amelia said she has been here for a really long time which urged her to ask Amelia the time period of her stay and why she kept on referring to this place as a facility instead of a home.

Amelia: 'Got a lot of things to ask me?'

Elliot: 'Sort of.. If you don't mind me asking.'

Amelia: 'We're friends now, so it's okay even if you ask me a couple of questions. You're new here so it's only natural for you to be a little confused and curious.' This statement of hers assured Elliot as she got ready to ask her the things she's been wondering all this time.

Elliot: 'What exactly is this place and how long have you been here?'

Amelia: 'This place is actually a facility which treats special kids like us. Kids with trauma and mental illnesses. They provide for our every need until we get all treated and are ready to face the world. Cool right? I don't even remember the last time I heard from my parents. 3 years ago, they left me here when they came to know I was not as remarkable and normal as their other 3 children. And ever since then, July 28th 2017, I've been here. It's going to be 4 years when July 28th 2021 would approach, making me one of the longest admitted patient.'

Elliot: 'Will we ever be able to leave this place?'

Amelia: 'Well, it's not like we're trapped here, they take us out twice a month so that's a great opportunity for a little breather once in a while don't you think so? In the past 3 years that I have been here, only 5 people who actually got treated left the facility for good.'

Elliot: 'At least I won't be here for the rest of my life. At least I won't be trapped here like I used to be back in that house.'

Amelia: 'We all have our own dark secrets, I just hope we both recover from them and leave them far behind us and try to live our life the way we always wanted to live.'

Both Elliot and Amelia made their way towards their designated rooms but Amelia stopped Elliot in her tracks and told her to visit her room instead. It was a new type of invitation for Elliot from her very first friend and she herself was very excited to visit her room for a change of atmosphere. Elliot entered Amelia's room which was the same like her room in terms of structure and setting but she had posters of various people on her wall and had a huge stroller near her mirror which was filled with makeup. She had so much makeup that her step sister's makeup collection did not even come close.

Amelia: 'Surprised?'

Elliot: 'Why do you have so much makeup? Do you like it?'

Amelia: 'I've always been a makeup freak ever since I started watching makeup tutorials online in the computer lab. So, whenever we went out, I would use all of my allowance on fancy make up and dresses even though I know I won't be needing any of that here. How much makeup do you have?'

Elliot: 'Elliot's step sister used to have a lot, but I don't have any.'

Amelia: 'Don't refer to yourself as a third person. Just say that your sister used to have a lot of makeup, no need to use the name again and again.'

Elliot: 'A-Are you angry? Elliot- I mean, I won't d-do it again I promise...'

Amelia: 'Hey hey, I'm not angry at you, I'm just telling you the right way to address yourself in a conversation. I'm sorry, was I too harsh?'

Elliot: 'No, It's ok, don't apologize to someone like me..'

Amelia: 'Look Elliot, I don't know what you went through in the past, but this is the present, please don't look down on yourself like this. Your my friend now, a very precious friend.' These words maybe small in terms of other people, but to Elliot it actually meant the world to her. Nobody except for her mother said those words to her and told her how precious she was. The girls kept chit chatting about their likes and dislikes and Elliot slowly found herself opening up to Amelia by each passing second. She only met her today but it felt like they've known each other for years and Elliot finally found herself smiling after suffering for so many years at the hands of her step mother and step sister. She again stopped herself from blaming her father because deep down she still had a lot of love for the man who abandoned Elliot and her mother. A sudden knock on the door made the girls stop in their tracks as Amelia stood up to answer the door.

Leonardo: 'Did I startle you both?'

Amelia: 'Fancy seeing you here, Leo.' Amelia addressed Leonardo comfortably, making Elliot wonder whether they've known each other for long.

Elliot: '....Do you guys know each other...?'

Amelia: 'Of course we do! I mean who doesn't know him? A handsome face like him can never be hidden from me.'

Leonardo: 'Thanks for the introduction I guess. Anyways, how have you been treating our newest friend?'

Amelia: 'Now I'm definitely disappointed you know. I'm Amelia for crying out loud, there's no way I'll treat her poorly you know how much I love making new friends.'

Leonardo: 'Well that's a good way to put it. How about you Elliot? Are you adjusting here comfortably?'

Elliot: 'I... Yes, thank you...'

Leonardo: 'You see Elliot, just say whatever's on your mind, don't hesitate okay?'

Elliot: 'You told Elliot- I mean, you told me y-you would visit me early...'

Leonardo: 'Were you waiting for me? I'm sorry I couldn't visit you in the morning, I had to do some paper work related to your arrival in the facility.' Leonardo's words soothed Elliot's racing heart as she nodded, accepting his apology.

Leonardo: 'Well, if you'll follow me now, there's somewhere we both have to be.' Elliot hesitated when Leonardo said that and immediately looked over to Amelia who smiled at her.

Amelia: 'Don't worry, It's just a little check up. It'll be over before you even realize it, trust me.'

Elliot got ready to leave Amelia's room with Leonardo as he stepped outside waiting for her. Elliot was suddenly stopped by Amelia who leaned in and whispered in her ear.

Amelia: 'If there's anyone you can whole heartedly trust in this facility with your secrets, It's Leo.' And with that, she stepped back as Elliot followed Leonardo to the place where she would undergo the check up. The entire way towards the check up room, Elliot kept on wondering what Amelia's words actually meant. Was she secretly telling her to tell her entire story to Leonardo or was she telling her to be wary of everyone except for Leonardo? Whatever she meant by stating those words, Elliot knew she somehow have to figure out the answer herself.

Leonardo: 'We're here, Elliot.' Leonardo said while stepping inside a large pure white room that had two chairs facing each other and a table in the center. The wall closest to the chair was filled with cabinets that held stacks of blue and red files in them. Surprisingly, this room did not have a window just like her and Amelia's room. But at this moment, Elliot did not bring up the topic of lack of windows in the facility since she was more worried about the kind of check up she will undergo. Leonardo dragged the chair for Elliot as she sat in the chair and adjusted herself opposite of Leonardo's chair.

Elliot: 'I'm not mad...'

Leonardo: 'Of course you're not mad. In fact, you're perfectly fine.'

Elliot: 'Then why are you giving me a check up? Elliot's mother always told her that the only people who need a check up are those who have lost their mind in the chaos and atrocities that this world has to offer. But surprisingly, Elliot and her mother are completely fine. We're not the mad ones, then why?'

Leonardo: 'Wait, stop for a second. Just now... Why did you mention yourself as a third person? Do you usually talk like that?'

Elliot: 'I....did? I don't remember...'

For some weird reason, Elliot's answer just didn't sit right with Leonardo. Just now she referred to herself as third person saying her name in a conversation again and again and even calling her own mother by a third person's point of view. Leonardo eyed Elliot who was suddenly dead silent and looked scared as she kept on fidgeting with her fingers while catching glimpse of Leonardo from time to time. For him, this was another new side of Elliot that he never knew existed.

Leonardo: 'When you and Amelia were coming out of the dining hall this morning, I was actually in the hallway, and I heard both of you talking. You talked rather comfortably and in a laid back manner with Amelia. Why is that?'

Elliot: 'Amelia said she'll be Elliot's friend, so Elliot likes her.'

Something clicked in Leonardo's mind when Elliot spoke. It's like she was speaking for Elliot, who was another person and not herself, but why? Was she taught to speak like this? Or maybe somebody else in her family talked like this? Perhaps her mother or her father?

Leonardo: 'Then, would you like to be my friend?'

Elliot: 'Doctor Leo... You, as Elliot's friend?'

Leonardo: 'Yes, you and I are friends from now on, so just call me Leo. Sounds good?'

Elliot: 'Brilliant. Then, if we're friends now, It's only natural to say that we don't need to do this for any longer than this right? There's nothing much I have to say.'

Leonardo: 'Why do you want to go? I'm enjoying our conversation. Won't you tell me about how you lived your life before coming here? Your school friends and such? We're friends now after all so it's only natural for me to be curious.'

Elliot: 'The last time Elliot went to school was years ago. Elliot's mother always used to tell her that she is too precious for the world and I completely agree with that, and hence, she was not allowed to make any friends.'

Leonardo: 'So, you were a loner?'

Elliot: 'Kind of, but Elliot has Amelia now, so she's happy.'

The more Leonardo conversed with Elliot, the more he became confused. Her referring to herself as a third party was one thing, but she was being very cautious of what she said. It's like she was and was not wiling to tell Leonardo how her life was before she came to the facility. The way she talked was so confusing and mind boggling, just like the police officers informed Leonardo the night of the incident. She was being incredibly calculating and talking to her was like getting to solve a bunch of riddles with God-tier difficulty level. Leonardo had no choice but to abruptly end the session with her as she was not letting him even bring up the events of the night her family got murdered. Whether she was doing it to protect herself from getting exploited or she was doing it knowing Leonardo was about to ask her questions about that night, he had no idea. From what Amelia told him after he sent her to be friends with her and make her feel at home, Elliot was somebody who get curious about the little details of life around her but always hesitates to talk or ask questions and she sometimes addresses herself as a third person, not always. Leonardo had a hard look on his face and his eyebrows conjoined in confusion as he watched Elliot get up from her seat and leave the room rather boldly. All of this thinking made Leonardo wonder about the kind of things little Elliot may or may not be hiding from him.