Amelia: 'ELLIOT WAKE UP!!!'
Elliot shot her eyes open when she heard loud bangs on her room's door as she quickly ran towards the door to see who it was.
Elliot: 'Oh, it's you Amelia...'
Amelia: 'Don't oh me. C'mon get ready we're going to be late!'
Elliot: 'Get ready for what?'
Amelia: 'Umm, Hun I don't know about you but we, as human beings, need breakfast to survive. We're already 5 minutes late so get ready before all the food is gone.'
Elliot suddenly remembered that all the people in the facility have to be present at the dinning hall three times a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She hurriedly took some clothes from her cupboard and ran towards the bathroom as Amelia sat on Elliot's bed, waiting for her to get changed. Both Amelia and Elliot set out towards the dining hall, walking through the brightly lit hallways and passing by the only hall that according to Elliot, had a window. Amelia suddenly stopped in her tracks and glanced to her right side. Elliot did the exact same thing as Amelia as she also looked over to the right side of the hall, only to find nothing more than a bulletin board. She joined her eyebrows in confusion, looking over to Amelia who, to Elliot's surprise was already staring at her, grinning widely.
Elliot: 'What...?'
Amelia: 'Guess who's on the cleaning duty today?'
Elliot: 'Who?'
Amelia: 'It's you, dummy.'
Elliot: 'Me? Why? I never volunteered for this.'
Amelia: 'Does my cute little Elliot really thinks that kids here ACTUALLY volunteer to do cleaning duties? No, they don't. The kids are selected randomly by the higher ups who control the facility.'
Elliot: 'Only me? When will you be on duty?'
Amelia: 'Like I said, The kids are chosen randomly each month. Which means cleaning once per month. Anyways, do you want to know who else is cleaning with you?' Elliot nodded slightly over Amelia's question.
Amelia: 'Look at this. It's Gallahan Abraham! The same boy who you were staring at yesterday. Is this a sign from the Gods? Is the cupid finally shooting it's arrows?' Elliot shyly smiled at Amelia's remarks as she looked over to the bulletin board, realizing that she is on the cleaning duty today with Gallahan, the boy she saw at breakfast yesterday. She could feel her heart rate increasing whenever she looked at the name 'Gallahan'.
After everyone was done eating, Elliot jolted up from her seat and immediately ran towards the kitchen to do her part of the cleaning duty, leaving Amelia shocked over her sudden movements, who grinned widely as she knew exactly why Elliot was behaving this way.
???: 'Are you on the cleaning duty alongside me today?' Elliot looked back to see who was the owner of that voice. She froze in her tracks as the person behind her was none other than Gallahan himself, who looked at her with a smile on his face.
Elliot: 'You and I will clean the dishes today...'
Gallahan: 'Yeah, I already saw the bulletin board this morning. The names Gallahan Abraham. It's a pleasure to meet you.'
Elliot: 'I'm- My name's Elliot. Elliot Mary Jane.'
Gallahan: 'I like your name... It's unique, just like my name.' Elliot couldn't help but smile as she heard Gallahan's first compliment to her. She slowly looked towards him only to catch him staring at her, just like he did yesterday at the breakfast table. Elliot hurriedly looked away and went over to the sink, blushing hard. Both Gallahan and Elliot started washing the dishes while awkward silence filled the entire kitchen.
Gallahan: 'How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.'
Elliot: 'No, It's fine... I'm 14 years old. I turned 14 in the cold winter. You?'
Gallahan: 'I'm 16, turned 16 in the cold winter too, as you say it.' Gallahan giggled a little, making Elliot's heart race.
She couldn't describe the unfamiliar feeling inside her stomach whenever she looked over to Gallahan. Was she finally experiencing what other people referred to as feeling butterflies in your stomach? She clenched her hands together on her chest as she tried to control her racing heart, afraid that in this heavy silence, Gallahan will be able to listen to her heart beat. He suddenly leaned forward to grab a few towels besides Elliot, startling her. She could feel his hot breath on her head while he tried to untangle the towels to use them, still while leaning close to Elliot, her shoulder brushing against his chest. And again, here it was, the frozen Elliot who stood still as a statue while Gallahan grabbed a towel. A part of Elliot wanted him to stay like this, his scent calming her nerves the more she inhaled it in. A scent so calming and relaxing that Elliot wanted to hug Gallahan and get her fill of his scent, but she snapped back to reality when Gallahan moved away and gave a nice little smile to which Elliot replied by simply staring at his eyes. The hazel eyes that stared back at her were like the bright green forest that had the ability to relax even the most disturbed of minds. Both the kids who were infatuated with each other kept staring into each other's eyes without knowing what they were feeling at the moment. A slight Ahem from across the kitchen brought both of them to their senses as they hurriedly went back to the tasks they were doing.
Gallahan: 'Guess we're done for the day now.'
Elliot: '... Yeah, feels like it.'
Gallahan: 'Sooooo, you're planning to head back now? I mean with Amelia?'
Elliot: 'How do you know Amelia? Are you guys friends?'
Gallahan: 'Oh Amelia? No, we're not friends but there's literally nobody in this facility who doesn't know Amelia. She's really outgoing and friendly, so a lot of people like her, especially those who have been in the facility for as long as she has.'
Elliot: 'Ah, I see... I'll be heading back now, Amelia will be waiting for me.... bye.'
Gallahan: 'Yeah, sure. Go ahead.... I hope that, umm, I'll see you again.'
Elliot and Gallahan stood there just blankly staring at each other, trying to leave the kitchen but their hearts not cooperating with their minds. Gallahan scratched the back of his neck as he glanced at Elliot who kept fidgeting with her fingers, looking down at her feet and stealing a few glances at him. He chuckled a little, muttering 'cute' under his breath as he stepped forward and opened the kitchen door for Elliot. She hesitantly took a last glance at Gallahan and exited the kitchen, followed by Gallahan who already had his friends waiting for him outside. Elliot rushed up to Amelia's room, running past the hallways, not being able to wait telling her the entire thing that happened in the kitchen.
Amelia: 'Whoa whoa girl hold down! Don't tell me somebody bullied you?!'
Elliot: 'No...*pant* not bullied... *pant* Nobody bullied me. I just wanted to see you...'
Amelia: 'Oho. Did something good happen with Gallahan? hmm? hmm?'
Elliot: 'Not really... I just cleaned dishes with him. Well... kinda.'
Amelia: 'Kinda? Hmm, why is everything that you're saying so suspicious?'
Elliot: 'Well, Umm, we just talked for a bit and washed the dishes. And he asked me my age and just smiled.'
Amelia: 'SMILED?! THE Gallahan Abraham smiled at you?' Elliot sat there looking at Amelia with her eyebrows conjoined due to confusion. What's the big deal about Gallahan smiling at Elliot?
Elliot: 'Why are you so surprised?'
Amelia: 'Hun, surprised is an understatement. Gallahan is infamous for having that cold and mysterious aura around him, that of course means that he RARELY smiles. And you just come in and tell me he smiled at you while cleaning dishes, that's suspicious...'
Elliot: 'Elliot is telling the truth!'
Amelia: 'I never said you're lying. I just mean that HIS actions are kind of suspicious. You know, Gallahan's actions. Especially considering the fact that you guys met for the first time. Well, my lovey dovey senses are tingling but I need to control my emotions since this is a dangerous place.'
Elliot: 'A dangerous place...?'
Amelia: 'Yes, my friend. Have you heard disturbing noises or foot steps at night?'
Elliot: '....No, I've only been here less than 2 days.'
Amelia: 'That is exactly why I'm warning you. Be aware of the ghosts of this facility.'
Elliot: 'Ghosts...? But I'm not afraid of ghosts.'
Amelia: 'Well, that's surprising. Anyways, there's a legend that goes on in this facility. And it says, Always be aware of the walking dead, for all those insane creatures that lived here before you will surely come back for revenge when the moon is red and the throats are parched.'
The legend, as stated by Amelia, was quite scary but deep down, Elliot knew that it was fake. She never believed in ghosts and all that supernatural stuff, but she pretended that she was a little scared so that Amelia won't feel down about not getting a reaction out of her. Elliot excused herself and went back to her room for a while, flopping down on her soft mattress and drifting off to sleep.
???: 'Elliot.'
Elliot: 'Who... are you..?'
???: 'My precious, little Elliot.'
Elliot: 'M-Mother..?'
Erica (Elliot's mother): 'Yes, my child. Oh, how much you've grown.' Elliot ran towards her mother as the puddle she was standing in started to become deeper, with water slowly changing it's color.
Erica: 'Stop right there, my child. Today, I am so happy.'
Elliot: 'Is it because of Elliot?'
Erica: 'Of course not my dearest child. I'm happy because I've got guests now.' Erica said while smiling widely as she shifted her gaze from Elliot to the left side of the pitch black room. Elliot followed her and looked to her right.
Erica: 'Amazing, right?'
Elliot froze in her place when her eyes finally adjusted to the dark and she began to notice a familiar sight in front of her which made her stumble back. There, in the far right side of Elliot and far left side of Erica, lay the bodies of her father and step mother, along with Lizzy. Their bodies were in the same position as that night. Her father and step mother sitting on the sofa while Lizzy on laying on the floor, in the same position as that day which terrified Elliot as she wondered what the hell was going on and how did she even get here from the facility. Is this happening for real or is this simply a nightmare? But how can a nightmare look and feel so real? As if all of that is happening again, right in front of her eyes.
Erica: 'Look at these beautifully carved bodies, my precious child. Look how beautifully their hearts are pierced. Don't you think so too?'
Elliot: 'M-mother....*pant* I-I'm so *pant* scared... somebody....'
Erica: 'Help? Who will help you, my child? You and I both know that nobody will come to save you. It has always been like this honey. For both you and me. Isn't it about time you stop expecting some help from others?' Erica's words were like needles which pierced through Elliot's heart and mind. Warm tears rolled down Elliot's cheeks when she heard her mother say that, but deep down she knew that all of it was true.
Elliot: 'No...please mother....I just want to be loved....God please.....please.'
Elliot: 'NOOOO! *Screams at the top of her lungs*.'
Elliot jolted her eyes open, screaming and covered in sweat. Right at that moment, Amelia barged into Elliot's room when she heard her scream. She ran up to Elliot and embraced her into a tight hug, consoling her as she kept on crying loudly.
Amelia: 'Shhh, It's all going to be okay. You're at the facility now. Everything is going to be okay.'
Elliot: 'I-, My mother... she said I can never be loved...The killer is going to come after me. Amelia, please save me.'
Amelia: 'Killer? What killer?'
Elliot: 'The same person who killed my family, that person is going to come after me now, I am so scared.'
Amelia: 'Nobody will come after you. This facility is protected, so you don't need to worry about anything, trust me, okay?'
Amelia helped Elliot drink a glass of water as her sobs slowed down and she finally got a hold of her surrounding. Seeing Elliot like this made Amelia's heart ache. She could not see her in such a state of absolute horror and panic, as she herself been through the horrendous nightmares. She sat besides Elliot as she covered her with blankets, watching her while she fell asleep. Amelia just wanted one thing, and that was for Elliot to leave whatever her past is, far behind her and live her life happily and as a normal kid. She knew that as this point, she needs to be with Elliot and assure her that she will be able to recover from her childhood trauma and she knew another person who could help her in this state. And that person was none other Leonardo, who was in charge of taking of Elliot for the time she's staying at the facility. She sighed as she got up from her seat and left Elliot's room, questioning herself whether she should report this to Leonardo. But the question here never existed in the first place, since this matter was serious and she should definitely report it to Leonardo before Elliot's next session with Leonardo.
Amelia: 'Knock knock, Leo. Am I allowed to enter your premises?'
Leonardo: 'Visitors are always welcomed!' Leonardo said with a smile on his face.
Amelia: 'Well, today, I'm not here just as a visitor. I came to visit you as Elliot's friend.'
Leonardo: 'What happened? Did you two fight with each other or something?'
Amelia: 'Fight? Me and Elliot? As if. She's so fragile that I think she might break any moment.'
Leonardo: 'Wow, you've grown to know and like her. That's impressive.'
Amelia: 'Of course it is. After all, each one of us at this facility have already experienced what it feels like to break...Today...something disturbing happened.'
Leonardo: 'Disturbing? Like what?'
Amelia: 'Well, I don't really know where to start. So after finishing her cleaning duties, she came straight to my room and we chitchatted a bit. After that she excused herself saying she was tired and needed an afternoon nap. She left my room all happy and calm so I was like fine, go get some sleep. But after sometime I heard loud screaming from her room which startled me, so I ran straight to her room and I found her lying on the floor while she screamed and cried. And do you know what she said when I grabbed her and hugged her? She asked me to help her and that the killer who killed her entire family will come after her and kill her. She cried as she told me that her mother said nobody will love her.'
Leonardo: 'Is this the first time she's had a nightmare since coming to the facility?'
Amelia: 'I think so. Her room's right next to mine and until today, I've never witnessed her having nightmares.'
Leonardo: 'Thank you so much for telling me all about this. I will try to ask her about nightmares and possible sleep paralysis in our next session. Until then, I want you to keep a close eye on her and tell me if anything like this or just any disturbing stuff happens to her again.'
Amelia: 'Whatever you do, please don't be too harsh on her during the sessions. You know, with all the questioning and stuff. Just pretend you never knew about it. The thing where she has nightmares even in broad day light. That's all I have to say. I'll be taking my leave now, have a great day.'
As Amelia left Leonardo's office, he slightly crouched down in his seat while he repeated the things Amelia said to him about Elliot. Most of the kids at the facility suffer through continuous nightmares and sleep paralysis since every kid here has some sort of trauma from their past that shaped them into the person they are today. But in Elliot's case, Leonardo's first and for most duty was to figure out who was the killer who killed Elliot's family and how did this fragile little girl survived? He had so many questions lining up inside her mind that he just wanted to burst inside Elliot's room and ask her all the things that has been bothering him for a long time now. But he, of all people knew that he should not act recklessly and take interrogation slow with Elliot. He opened his file that had the name Elliot on it and started writing whatever Amelia told him a couple of minutes ago. He wanted to make sure that he had all the clues listed and written into his file, no matter how big or small, how insignificant it might be, he just wanted all of it in one place.
Leonardo was the kind of person who, once assigned a patient, really wanted to help them with everything that he had to give. It was more than just an obligation, something more than just a mere duty of responsibility that every other doctor felt towards his or her patient. But for Leonardo, it was different. No matter who the patient was or whatever the place they belonged to, Leonardo always helped them and looked out for them, hoping that they one day will get better. Amelia is one of the kids that he really hopes would get better and leave the facility for good, even though she is not his patient. His only wish is for all of the kids here to be treated and to be free from their traumas, and Elliot was one of them. He swore he would strive for her sake and help her, even if it means losing himself in the process.