"" speak
'' thought
[""]dungeon speak
[] quoting something
[''] dungeon thought
The dungeon was a place with 10 current floors. The dungeon although created by a god as a person's wish had manifested its personality. Its personality was very semi. it wasn't a part of the earth. Nor was it a part of the universe. It was its separate pocket dimension. when it was "born" it had no personality but based on the person now chosen the name, grey as in between white and black(good and evil). The dungeon had created a semi-personality. A calm and defending personality.
Now because of Grey's Horrible and unreliable naming sense, it named its self [dungeon] a simple and fitting name chosen by a being with a semi personality. now after names were chosen and the dungeon created we will see the wishes and who grey was.
1st/3rd person pov Grey
my previous name doesn't matter, but my name is now grey for why that is let's go back to the begging['my name was ___. I was a normal 1X-year-old kid in X'th grade in CA, USA. I grew up very spoiled was given most of what I wanted when I was around 9/10 I started doing chores my parents were pretty rich I'd guess. and I like most kids played video games. A lot of video games. I got money from doing chores and bought games through the years, ARK, Call of duty: Ghosts, Dungreed, Undermine, Slay the Spire, Dead cells, etc. I was playing Dungreed and Undermine at the moment.it was spring break and I was going to sleep at 4:00 and waking up at 3:00. I, like always after playing Dungreed till 11:00 and opened up Webnovel (or sometimes Readlightnovel.org) scrolled through the tabs I have open and decided to listen to Dungreed soundtrack 04 Frozen time and open my Webnovel profile.
I started listening to the song and thought, 'huh I've been playing a lot of video games thought of a lot of story ideas why don't I Write a story. and at that moment, out of nowhere. a Bullet went through my head.
When I came to I saw an I don't know how old man who looks like he could kill me in 5 seconds. The reason why was because he was holding a sniper rifle. I looked a little closer and saw it looked like the Hecate From Dungreed.A weapon of the highest rarity red(goes grey, blue, yellow, red).
I was not in the right mind to comment on it though so the first thing I asked was."why am I not feeling pain"
he responded with. "That's a new one, most of them ask, [where am I], [who are you], or an old favorite [an unfamiliar ceiling]."