Increase weapon damage on attack. (%)
True Damage
Ignores all enemy defense, dealing fixed damage.
Final Damage
Increases percentage of all damage dealt.
Damage against stronger enemies
Increase percentage damage to Bosses and Mini-Bosses.
Damage against weaker enemies
Increase percentage damage to all other enemies.
Dash Power
Percentage of weapon damage that a dash attack deals.
Critical Chance
Increases percentage chance to deal critical damage on enemies up to 75%.
Critical Damage
The percentage of additional critical damage.
Aim accuracy
Increases ranged weapon accuracy.
Decrease damage from enemies and traps up to 75%. (Excluding debuffs - Poison and Fire)
Reduces a fixed amount of damage from enemy or trap damage. (Excluding debuffs - Poison and Burn)
Block Increases percentage chance to block enemy or trap damage.
Block Range Damage Increases percentage chance to block enemy Range attack.
Increases percentage chance to dodge enemy or traps damage up to 75%.
Attack Speed
number of attacks possible in one second.
Reload Speed
The amount of time it takes to reload.
Move Speed
Increases movement speed.
Increase the number of dashes.
Decrease satiety at the entrance to the room.
Enhance Burn Damage
Increase damage from Burn debuff on the enemy.
Enhance Poison Damage
Increase damage from Poison debuff on the enemy.
Enhance Cold Damage
Slows down enemies, increases debuff time.
Enhance Shock Damage
Renders enemy's defense useless, increases debuff time.
Enhance Stun Damage
Temporarily disables the enemy, increases debuff time.