Chereads / The Different Boy / Chapter 7 - The tears

Chapter 7 - The tears

Why did he come here? Was it not a normal reason what Itsuki came here? Like better education? There are so many questions about this boy sitting in front of me. I really want to find out everything by him.

"What do you mean Asuka-chan?"

I asked her but she did not reply to my question she just kept staring at Itsuki. Something really happened. Well it's not like I did not notice it before but this is my confirmation that something really terrible has happened with Itsuki.

He looked towards me with a look as if saying "Was it a bad decision doing all this?" I don't think what he did was a bad decision. He should really be more active in class. I am sure that if he did he will be instantly popular in school and he also had good looks so he would be popular among girls too.

He slowly sipped his coffee without saying another word the entire time. Like that this café incident ended with no one saying another word to anyone. I am more surprised by Asuka-chan's way of speaking. I did not expect her to make the atmosphere so dense.

On the way back she came near me and whispered in my ear.

"Ine-san I know that you are a good and kind person but sometimes being kind can also kill a person."

With that she and Itsuki went into their house. Not even a goodbye or see you tomorrow was said. I saw Itsuki's face when he was closing the door. He had this look on his face which made me really sad. I cannot express that look he had on his face in words. It was something in between when you are thinking about your past and also recollecting everything you did until now. That is how it looked to me. Let me tell you the looks mentioned above are different even though they mean almost the same thing.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back Ine. So where are you coming from today?"

"I went to the café in front of the school with a friend and his sister."

"Friend? Do you mean Itsuki-kun?"

"Mom how did you know?"

"A woman's intuition."


"Hahaha. Don't worry you will also have this great ability. But if you were with Itsuki-kun why are you looking sad?"

Wait was it showing on my face? Even if it did not mom will easily find it out. My mom, Isogai Akira. She is a beautiful woman of, well I won't tell her age. Never ask a woman her age is what I was told so I never asked her. I made her a happy birthday card with no age written. One thing I know for sure that she is in her mid-40s but she looked younger than that. She wore an apron on her dress. So she was making dinner.

"It's okay tell me later. Right now change and get fresh."

"Yes mom."

I was a single child in my family but I have really nice cousins. Whenever they come home I really enjoy myself. I had a moto, "Be a nice and good girl. Someone who people can always go for help." I know it is really cliché sounding but I was taught to be like this. My father is the manager of a big company so I can say we all live a wealthy life.

I went to my room to change and came down in the living room. Mom was sitting there, looks like she had made dinner.

"So tell me what happened? I never expected you being in a bad mood after seeing Itsuki-kun and on top of that Asuka-chan."

"Wait mom you know them?"

"Of course they are our neighbors. Itsuki-kun lives alone so Asuka-chan always visits him when she has time. She really is a good kid."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Maybe I forgot."

So she can forget this but cannot forget the date of my dental checkup. Priorities I guess. Wait it is almost time for the new anime. But I did not feel like watching it. Mom just sat beside me without saying a thing for a whole minute (yes I counted). Then she broke the ice,

"I am going to ask again. What happened today?"

"It's just that Asuka-chan said something which suddenly made Itsuki look like as if he has regretted some decisions in his life."

"Everyone has regrets my daughter."

"Yes, but it looked like he is regretting talking to me."

"What did Asuka-chan said anyway?"

"She said, "Oni-chan do you plan to go through all of that again? Is this why you came here?""

Why did she say that and what does she mean by "that"? What will Itsuki go through again? Is that the reason why he is like this?

"Looks like Itsuki-kun will act differently tomorrow. You need to be ready Ine."

Is she a fortune teller or she deduced something? Looks like both can be correct because he did act differently. He was not back to his usual self, the one he was even before and after meeting me but an even darker version of himself. He gave off the impression saying, "You will regret talking to me."

I decided not to bother him for now. I will ask him during lunch. Looks like now we both eat lunch together in the music room. It was not his wish I kind of forced it on him but I don't think he minds. I guess. I still don't know much about this existence called Takana Itsuki. I may sound selfish but I really want him to be more open to me.

"Ine-chan why do you call Takana-kun by his first name?"

"What is the problem with it? I call you all with you first name to Aika-chan."

"Yes, but are you really friends with him? I looks like a really scary guy. The one who can strangle you if you say anything against him."

Well he does look like that but that is how he made himself.

"But if you get to know him, you will understand how kind he is. Also he may look creepy but he looks really kind when he smiles for real."

"Wait. That Takana guy can smile?"

Daichi-kun was a bit taken back by that statement. He has only seen the dark side of Itsuki so he is a bit surprised. To Daichi-kun, Itsuki is a guy he hates the most. I am sad that he didn't realize that Itsuki was the one who helped him when we heard his request. Even though his methods were a bit rude, but at the end of the day it was Itsuki who helped him and no one else.

"Yes he does smile. I saw him when he was looking at his sister when she arrived. To be honest I was a bit shocked at how he looked. If he smiles like that all the time he can seriously be a person girls can die for."

Saying that I showed them a picture which I took of Itsuki when he was with his sister. He did not notice or maybe he did. My friends were in awe when they saw that.

"You really are correct Ine-chan. Takana-kun really is good looking. But why do you have a photo of his?"

Why do I have it? Come to think of it why did I click a photo of his?

"It's because he does not have any photos in his phone so I decided to click it and send it to him."

"You really are a nice person. Wait, can you give me his number?"

What? I was a bit taken back by what Aika-chan said. Did she really ask for his number? Umm, what should I do? No, I cannot give her his number without his permission. It will be really bad. I wouldn't like a friend of mine giving my number to someone I don't know without my permission.

"I think I need to ask him for that."

"Then me too."

"Me too."

"Me three."

Like that every single girl of my group wanted his number. Why do I feel like I did something wrong? I think I shouldn't have done that. But I think now Itsuki will get more friends. It will really help him out.

"Don't go giving out my number to people I don't know Ine."

Itsuki said it from his seat while still reading his light novel. Hmm he is at volume 4. Wait was he listening to this conversation? Also why does his voice sound so cold? It really gave me chills.

"Hey Takana, don't talk to Ine-chan like this. Don't you know how to talk to girls?"

Daichi-kun and some other boys called him out but he did not bother at all. He was immersed in his light novel. The bell rang and everyone went back to their respective seats. The rest of the time went as normal.

It was lunch and I was about to leave when Daichi-kun called me out.

"Ine-chan lately you have been eating lunch with Takana only. Also do not get involved with that guy. He really is a self -obsessed guy."

All the guys agreed to him.

"Yes, he is true Ine."

Wait, why did Itsuki said that? What is wrong with this boy? Every day he comes up with a new situation in hand. He really is not normal. Well he I don't call him different for no reason. It looks like he won't answer to me today no matter what. So I decided to give him some free time with himself. I will eat my lunch with my group today.

Seeing Itsuki's behavior, the boys looked at him with angry eyes and some girls were just staring at him as he left the classroom.

"Hey, Ine-chan what you said about Takana-kun. Is it really true? As far as I see, he is nowhere near to how you think about him."

One of the active girls of our class, Sato Yui spoke as she saw Itsuki walk out.

"I was looking at him for the entire time but he is looks like if I try talking to him, he will immediately shut me down or will not care at all."

"That is how he was when we first met."

"Really? Did he act like this with you too Ine-chan? So you were not a special case?"

"No, I am just a little more stubborn than normal so he was fed up of all this and then acted a little kinder. It takes time with him but if you get to know him you will understand what I mean."

Yes, guys you need to know a person properly to say anything about them. Looks like it is true that the first impression is the last impression and his impression became his title as the "ice boy". Yes he was called that in first year. How do I remember? I don't. I just heard there was this guy in our year who will never interact with any student but was really good with teachers. He was not even interested in talking with anyone. On the first day he was just in his seat reading a book. When he was asked by his classmates to introduce himself he just shrugged them off with, "What good will that do to me?"

"The thing is Ine-chan I was in the same class with Takana-kun in first year and I have been curious about him for a really long time. I was honestly surprised that I found out you are friends with him."

Looks like Yui-chan has been eyeing him for a really long time. Then I was hit by a really unexpected request.

"Ine-chan can you introduce me to Takana-kun?"

"Huh? Why do you want to do that?"

"I have my reason."

"Well now is not the right time. He is dealing with some of his family problems so even I decided to let him deal with it."

What I said was vaguely true. Even I don't know the entire reason. Wait, today is Wednesday right? I think he gets the school piano all to himself. I heard that from Haruka-sensei. Thank you sensei. At least I can hear him playing.

"What are you thinking Ine-chan?"

"Oh just that today Itsuki will get the school piano to himself. He is really good."

"Takana knows how to play the piano?"

Daichi-kun, you still don't know much about him. Because of Itsuki I saw a new version of Daichi-kun. I thought he was this nice guy but he really opposite of this. Come to think of this. Due to Itsuki I saw many sides of my friends. The boys really hated him due to some reason. Yui-chan is really interested in him (as a person, I think). All of this revolved about this existence of this mysterious person called Takana Itsuki. I was right about him. Now my life is no longer the same. Things happen on their own without us realizing just because I interact with him.

"Ine-chan will you go to listen?"

One boy asked that. Obviously I will go. He is really good at it. It's almost like listening to the original composer of the piece when you hear him playing. His playing has this subtle loneliness to it but it sounds so soothing to hear. I guess we need to be lonely sometimes in our lives. At that time we can really think and feel things we did not before. He reminded me how much I enjoyed listening to classical music. I am more main stream one so I know only those pieces. Sorry to all the hardcore classical music listeners.

"Do you mind if I join?"

Daichi-kun really thinks that is not possible that he plays so good. Wow, today my mind is full of Itsuki. We talked about different stuff which happened. Some gossips and other stuff. The bell was about to ring when Itsuki entered the classroom and sat at his seat.

With that the rest of the day went as usual. School ended and Itsuki picked up his bag and went straight to music room. I went a little while later with Daichi-kun, Aika-chan and Yui-chan. They decided to tag alone.

As we reached near the room we could hear this subtle sounds of the piano being played. Was it one of Liszt's pieces? The door was open and I could spot Itsuki playing the piano. He really is good. So good that all of my friends were dumb struck.

Even Daichi-kun decided not to interrupt him. Honestly if he did that we all would have stopped him. After listening to that piece being played for another five minutes, Itsuki stopped. Why did he stop? We all were stunned by what we saw.

Itsuki was sitting at the piano with his hands on his face and were those tears falling from his hands? He was crying for sure. No doubt about it. He was crying when Daichi-kun called him out.

"Wow so even ice boy knows how to cry. What are you? A girl?"

"Unfortunately I am not Fumihiro. I did not know that it was a crime crying if I was not a girl. I would love to turn into one."

He turned to us. His eyes were still full of tears. I have never seen him so vulnerable. I ran towards him and hugged him. He would have dodged it but I think right now he cannot think straight so he did not. He was still crying and even I felt really sad seeing him like this. I never expected him to be like this.

After hugging him for quite a while he came back to his normal self. How do I know this? Because he said,

"Enough or I will die because of lack of oxygen. It really necessary for existing."

I let go of him and he was back to his normal composed self. Wait, now that I think about it I just hugged him in front of my friends. I turn around to see them. When I was hugging him I felt like only I and he were alone in this room. Oh god. What have I done? Daichi-kun was looking at Itsuki with jealous eyes and Aika-chan and Yui-chan were just staring at me.

"Looks like you brought more guests with you Ine."

The person who was crying before like a 5 year old was now back to his normal self. Wow that was quick. So quick that it made Yui-chan speak up.

"How did you come back to normal so quickly?"

"I don't know. Anyway who are you?"

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am sorry. I am Sato Yui of your class. Nice to meet you Takana-kun."

"I am Sakura Aika. Nice to meet you."

"You already know me Takana."

"I did not ask an introduction form you Fumihiro."

He is back to his normal self. Well, I am happy to see him back. What I am not happy about is that he was crying a moment ago and like a kid. He told them to sit if they wanted to. All of us took a seat and started listening to Itsuki as he continued playing.

"Why did you come here?"

He asked all of us.

"Well Ine-chan said she will come to hear you play piano so we all tagged along. You really are good at it Takana-kun."

He did not reply. It was as if saying, "Of course I am." Daichi-kun kind of loses his rationality when he is around Itsuki.

"So why were you crying like a baby?"

He did not reply.

"Hey, I am talking to you Takana."

He did not reply.

"Reply to when people talk to you dammit."

"Am I obliged to answer to you? I don't think so."

A person may think that he just being rude to Daichi-kun but what he asked was also insensitive. You never ask a person why they are crying especially if it is someone like Itsuki.

"Itsuki can I talk to you?"

"Technically you are."

"I mean... You always leave at a loss of words."

"Not my fault."

It is his fault. His answers are either too vague or too direct. It really is hard to predict what he is about to say. He soon stood up and grabbed his bag and started walking out of the room. He was in a gloomy mood the entire day but I never expected him to cry. What happened? I really am curious.

"Daichi-kun I didn't know you could be like this", said Aika-chan.

"Yes, it was obvious Takana-kun did not want to talk about it. Could you not see that?"

"Why are you both getting angry at me? I just asked a question anyone would ask. Aren't I right Ine-chan?"

"I am sorry Daichi-kun but right now, you shouldn't have asked that."

"Even you too? This Takana has done some serious mind control on you guys."

We three went silent. Did he not understand that we were just thinking everything out logically? Does he really resent Itsuki that much?

"Daichi-kun you shouldn't say anything like this."

"But Yui-chan..."

"Anyways, Ine-chan. I have one doubt in my mind."

What doubt does she have in mind?

"What is it Yui-chan?"

"Why were you near the music room? You never come here."

"That's because Haruka-sensei called me..."

Wait a minute. Haruka-sensei called me here telling she has some work with me. But when I went to her she said it was done as soon as I went near the music room. So all this was set up by Haruka-sensei?

"So, because of her you met Takana-kun right?"

"Yes, that is true Aika-chan. I just realized it."

"But why did she do that?"

Daichi-kun had the same doubt as everyone in the room. I was about to say something but the bell rang. Itsuki entered the room again.

"Wait Itsuki I thought you went home."

"I had to lock the room."

He said that showing us the key.

"How long do you all plan to stay here?"

"So why did you leave early Takana?"

"I did not want to interrupt you all while you were talking."

"So you were eavesdropping on us. You really have some guts."

Daichi-kun please stop it. I really wanted to say it but Itsuki replied.

"I have no intentions in listening to your conversation. I could hear the faint muffles from the other side of the hallways. Now can you all step out so I can lock to door? We do not have all day."

"Ok Takana-kun. By the way. What was that piece you were playing at the start?"

"La Campanella by Liszt."

Saying that we all stepped out of the room. While Daichi-kun walked away we three decided to wait. Our house was almost the same way halfway. Itsuki walked out and without saying anything went to the staff room. After that I did not see Itsuki again that day.

On the way back Yui-chan finally pointed it out.

"Wow Ine-chan I did not expect you to go and hug Takana-kun. Are you two perhaps dating?"

"No, I and Itsuki are not dating."

Hearing Yui-chan I felt a bit uneasy. Why will I and Itsuki date?

"So he is free right? Yay."

"Wait Yui-chan are you perhaps."


After that small talk we went our own ways. I stopped in front of Itsuki's house in expectation to see him but I didn't. I did catch a glance of Asuka-chan. She was back to her normal and cheerful self.

"Good evening Asuka-chan."

"Oh good evening Ine-san."

"Is Itsuki alright?"

"Don't worry about oni-chan. He has me."

Saying that she went inside. I walked to my house and without saying a word went to my room and crashed on the bed. I still could not get that scene out of my head. Itsuki crying. He was the last person I thought would be in such a state but it did happen. What was the reason? I wonder. I have to find out. Otherwise I could not call myself his friend.

Conclusion- It is all like a tangled wire right now.