On the way back home it started raining which was unexpected as it was told that today will be a clear day. We can never believe weather reporters.
So we started running to our houses my house comes first from the way we were running back home. I just took a left and without saying anything entered my house and closed the door.
I took of my shoes and was soaking wet from top to bottom. Gon was in my room lying on the floor as usual.
"Yo, man what happened? Did you jump in the pool or something?"
"No, the pool fell on me."
"What does that mean?"
"It's raining out there dummy don't you know?"
"Oh I see, anyways-"
The doorbell rang and I was having a bad feeling about it, I opened the door and Isogai was standing there.
"Hi again Takana-kun."
"What do you want this time?"
"Actually I have lost my house key and mom and dad will come home late tonight. So if don't mind, can I stay here till they return?"
At this point I was just feeling that God has a very old grudge on me and now this is the result of all this,but I was always told by Grandpa that if someone is in trouble like this then I should always help them.
"Okay, sure come in."
And then with a smirk on my face I added,
"Gon is waiting to see you."
"Oh yes, your friend Gon."
"Yep that's me."
"But Takana-kun, I actually cannot see your friend Mr.Gon."
"See Gon, I told you that she cannot see you and can't even hear you."
"So ask her if she wants to see and hear me."
I had no idea what Gon meant at that time but I said it anyway.
"Isogai-san Gon is asking if you want to see and hear him."
"Yes, I do."
Then Gon stood in between us, placed his left index finger on my forehead and with his right index finger he tapped twice on Isogai's forehead, then I saw an expression of shock on her face.
"What happened Isogai-san?"
"...see him?"
"I can see him?"
"That person standing between us."
"Wait a minute, you can see Gon?"
"Yes, she can Itsu?"
"What? Itsu? Who is Itsu?"
"This smarty-pants here is Itsu."
I still could not get a grasp of the situation. Why can Isogai-san see Gon he is my imaginary friend?
After that I went up the telephone and started dialing a number.
"Who are you calling Itsu?"
"The church to send some exorcists."
"Why man? Are there any ghost here?"
"Yes, I am looking at one right now."
"Enough with the jokes. Anyway hello Isogai-san I am Gon nice to meet you."
"N-nice t-to m-m-meet you."
"See, you scared her so bad. Anyways what was that?"
"Before that comfort your woman Itsu."
"Who are you calling my woman?"
Anyway I can understand why Isogai-san is so shocked. While we were talking she was just staring at us with dead eyes. Those eyes were so dead that if there was a dead eye contest she could even defeat a dead person in it.
"Isogai-san. Isogai-san are you okay?"
"Uh, yes I am okay I still do not understand what is-"
With this she fainted. I had no other choice but to pick her up and take her to the guest room and put her on the bed.
Then I went to my room and asked Gon what was going on.
"Okay let me explain before you call the church again. So as you know that I am your imaginary friend so only you can see or hear me, so what I basically did was link that part of your mind which created me to Isogai's do you understand now?"
"Yes, now I understand, all I need to do now is call the church."
"Hey wait, I know this is hard to believe but I don't know how, but I did that without thinking I did not know what I was doing until it was done."
"Okay I believe you now you can also talk to Isogai-san so I guess it is a win for you."
"And for you Itsu?"
"I am okay either way."
After half an hour Isogai woke up. I saw her walking down the hallway when I was cooking in the kitchen. She came to me and stood beside me.
"Feeling better now?"
"Yes, a lot better anyway I don't remember what happened."
"Well Gon did something due to which you can now hear and see him and then you fainted. So I had to pick you up and take you to our guest room."
"So that was not a dream?"
"Yes, anyways you can go to my room and talk to Gon he is very interested in the female homo-sapien I was forced to talk to."
"Forced? Do you know how to be a little polite?"
"I forgot that 2 years ago."
"What happened then?"
"Food is ready. I made some hamburgers today, you also sit and eat. This rain does not seem to stop soon let me go and call Gon."
"Does he also eat?"
"No, but he is good company."
I went and called Gon and we all sat down for dinner. Gon does not eat but when he is around at least I feel a lot better.
I saw Isogai-san still in shock just staring at Gon. I signaled him to start a conversation.
"So, Isogai-san tell me when did you meet this guy?"
"Oh, I met him in the music room on this Wednesday I was walking down the hallway when I heard him playing so I stopped by to see."
"Actually I am surprised that Itsu can talk to people."
"Why is that?"
"Even I don't know about that I always ask him but he never tell me."
"I guess it is something very harsh that Takana-kun cannot talk about it."
"Can you both stop talking about me? Gon you know I hate to be the subject of other people's discussions."
"Yes, yes, I am terribly sorry Your Majesty."
"Anyway Gon-san how am I able to see you?"
"Well I am Itsu's imaginary friend so I am something made by his imagination, to be more precise his brain. So I just link that juncture of his brain to yours and now you can also see and hear me."
"How did you do this?"
"Actually I don't know that myself. Enough about that, tell me more about you Isogai-chan."
While they were talking I was peacefully having dinner.
Soon when we completed our dinner I picked up the dishes and Isogai helped me with it. Huh... This girl is really nice maybe she likes me, is what normal people would think but I know there is no way in hell that she would ever want to talk to a guy like me.
She is.
"Hey Isogai-san. Tell me honestly. Why are behaving like this?"
"Like what?"
"Being so overly familiar with me even though we just met."
"Oh, that. Sorry but I can't tell you."
She bent her body towards the side and said with a smile.
"It's a secret."
Oh that cliché line from every other female character in an anime. Was she into anime? Or was it some other reason she said that? Well I will never know as I will never try to know.
"Anyway I am really looking forward to tomorrow."
"Why is that?"
"Sensei is returning tomorrow."
Ok, quick explanation my homeroom teacher Haruka Hina-sensei is the only reason I go to school. If I liked I would have quite school long ago and preferred being home-schooled which me and my parents did not mind. I do not love her, well I do but not in that way. To be more precise I respect her the most in the school and probably the whole town.
She is the only person in the whole school with who I will never mind talking and the way other people may see it chatting. She is smart, she is quick witted, can handle difficult to get out situation and so on. I said this because if I was give my honest opinion on her and list her good qualities I would go on and on for the whole day. That is how much I respect her.
"Hey, Takana-kun this is the first time I saw you smile."
"You have said that before."
"Yes but this time you are smiling more like a normal person."
So does she meant that I do not smile or am like a normal person? She really got some nerve.
"Can you define "normal" to me because I was unable to grasp what you were getting at?"
"Okay you win."
Wait, what just happened?
Anyway I was really looking forward to seeing sensei tomorrow as she had taken a leave due to sickness for two weeks and is now returning.
After Isogai left I did my normal routine which I did and then went to sleep.
I fell asleep immediately which only I can do, I think. I can somehow kind of control in how much time after lying down I fall asleep. Sounds preety impossibe right? I also felt that but it is one of my abilities I can really boast about.
I woke up at 5:30 AM which is a little earlier and then did what I always do but today I was in a bit hurry because I really wanted too reach school.
Who am I doing this for? Obviously, to see sensei.
Any person who would look at me right now and hear my explanation would think I am a love-struck high school boy.
Anyway I locked my door and was about to exit when Isogai called me out.
But today her voice sounded different. In a scary way... I really give me chills.
I turned around and found her face too lively. How is this girl able to do that? When she wants to look dead she would even beat a dead person and when she wanted to look lively, then it feels like the rest of the world is really gloomy. That is what scared me.
It really is a scary ability believe me. I knew a person like her so I can tell things first hand.
"You look in a hurry Isogai."
"Obviously sensei is coming today who would not be happy."
Did I forget to mention that there really is no student in our class who hates her. I feel like now that I said that I think I forget to tell one more thing about her. She is really beautiful. When I first saw her I was also in awe. On top of that she does not have any other opposite personality.
I am really good at seeing the true nature of the person in one or two conversations and that ability never failed me. I met some pretty or beautiful people but most of them had this dark side in them which will really sends a shiver down anyone's spine.
Seeing that I was deep in thoughts Isogai just kept staring at me which I noticed immediately. Please don't stare at me, it really is very unpleasent.
"Okay quit staring at me and let's go."
"How did you know?"
"That I was stari-. No, nothing, I was not staring at you or anything."
What is up with this girl seriously?
Now that I see it why have I started to interact with her more?
My conclusion: she is really scary.
We were on the way to school but I had this sudden urge to drink something. I stopped by the vending machine by the park on the way to school and bought a can of black coffee (yes I drink black coffee.)
Isogai was waiting for me to get my coffee but then due to some reason she came to the machine and bought a lemon tea.
Then I quickly started walking towards the school as I did not want to get late.
Once I entered the school I felt a hand on my shoulder. By the time I moved to see who they were Isogai said, "Sensei."
I turned around to see sensei in her normal work cloths below her lab coat. It is still a mystery why she does that but it adds to her personality of a science teacher.
"Takana how have you been? It's been two weeks right? I missed my favorite student a lot."
Saying that she hugged me. Umm... Sensei, this is the school we are in and there are people watching.
"Why are you with Isogai-san today?"
"It has been like this for a few days."
"Oh, really?"
Seeing us Isogai may have been thinking something else as she said,
"Sensei you got the wrong idea. It is just that Takana-kun's house was next door to mine so we come school together."
Why would she misunderstand? Sensei is the only person in the school who knows me well. She knows me so well that even in a crowd of 10,000 people she would easily find me. That, for the record has happened.
"No, no, Isogai-san I did not misunderstand anything. I know Takana too well. He will never betray me."
Sensei if you say like this Isogai will misunderstand something.
"What do you mean by that sensei? That Takana-kun will never betray you?"
"He is not the type of person who would can be called a normal high schooler. He is a very interesting specimen."
She loves using her scientific terms, doesn't she?
Seeing me interacting with sensei Isogai asked the question which I expected her to ask sooner or later.
"Takana-kun I have never seen you talk to someone like this. Is sensei a special case?"
"Yes, Isogai-san I am a special case to Takana. He never talks to anyone so when I first interacted with him I was also surprised seeing how he was. But when I got to know him, he is student I always looks forward to talk to."
"No, sensei you are giving me too much praise."
"And you never fail to surprise me. Tell why are you with Isogai-san? Tell fast or sensei will need to make a hypothesis."
"That is a question even I do not know the answer of. Due to some reason after we first met she has been interacting with me a lot. Kind of annoying if you ask me."
Ignoring Isogai and the big crowd which was looking at us, I continued.
"Sensei I would love talking with you more but right now I need to go to class."
"Alright, okay. See you later."
As much as I hate it, I had to leave sensei behind and go to the classroom because we were drawing too much attention. How? Think it this way.
You are on your way to school then you see a boy who you do not even know existed talking to a super beautiful teacher of your school. Moreover besides him is super popular girl of your school. It was obvious that you would want to know what is going on.
I sat at my desk and started reading light novel Haruka-sensei suggested. Actually, she let me borrow it. She loves reading light novels. This one was about a boy who enter a prestigious high school. So normal plot, but after 1 month he realizes this is not a normal high school. Students in different classes compete with each other to gain more points as only the class which graduates from class A will have a promising future. While the protagonist is in class D. It was seriously good and the illustrations were also well done. This was something I can get into.
The bell rang and homeroom period started. Quick question, why is this is called homeroom? Answer, I still do not get it at all. As sensei entered the class became livelier. Like I said, no student in our class hates her.
"Okay everyone take your seat and answer your roll call."
After the roll call the class again became noisy I was back to reading the light novel. There was still time for homeroom period to get over.
Damn, it was really good. I guess I will as well buy all the volumes of this light novel.
When the bell rang, before exiting, sensei called me out, "Takana, come to the staffroom with me."
Come one sensei, you know how much I hate being called out like this in front of everyone. Have a bit sympathy on this little poor soul of mine.
When I stood up from my seat and was almost at the door, sensei added with a broad smile, "Isogai-san you too."
The way sensei was smiling gave me a feeling that she was up to something. Yare yare, sensei why her?
"Ok sensei."
And so we both walked behind sensei on the way to the staffroom. Then half way through she suddenly stopped.
"I think no one will see us now?"
What? What is going one?
"Umm... sensei what's wrong?"
"Nothing much Isogai-san, just wanted to talk to both of you in private."
"Sensei couldn't you have done that later? I told you we could talk later."
If I know any person for as long as I knew sensei I could easily tell what is going in their mind. It is one of my few abilities. Wait how many of these abilities do I have?.... Oh right, 156.
Back to the point, as I said, I can tell what is going in their mind but not in sensei's case. No matter how much time I spend with her I could never tell what is going on in that woman's mind. For me, she too is a rare specimen... Hey, this can become a good punch line, I guess. If used in the right context obviously.
"But, I was too curious that I couldn't hold myself."
"You always are curious sensei, especially in my case."
"Anyway, tell me honestly Isogai-san, I see that you are interested in Takana. Why is it so?"
Hearing that the first thing that came out of her mouth was,
"I am only interested in him as a person."
I don't know why, but that hurts like hell. I guess pen really is mightier than the sword.
Ignoring her first statement, sensei gave her answer.
"I know, because you are like me."
I really want to go back to class and read that light novel.
"I don't get it sensei."
"I mean, you are interested in him the same way as I am... You think he is "different" right?"
Huh? What? That was a letdown in a way. I still don't get what she meant but Isogai's eyes widened when sensei said that.
"Sensei how do you know that?"
What is going on here ladies? Please enlighten this poor creature here.
Haruka-sensei called Isogai near her and whispered something in her ear and then handed her some papers. Seeing them her eyes were wide open. She looked at the paper and then me, she did this back and forth couple more time. Sensei, what did you hand her?
After that she stood behind me and lifted my arms. Hey, where are you touching? I am a living being not a doll damn it.
She then nodded and spoke, "Yes, sensei it is exactly like how you said."
"Hey, what is going on? Sensei, what did you say to her?"
Both of them said in harmony, "IT'S A SECRET."
Conclusion of this event: females are scary.