Chereads / Beauty Unseen / Chapter 23 - Chapter Twenty-Three: At Long Last

Chapter 23 - Chapter Twenty-Three: At Long Last

As Wendy made her way up to her quarters that evening for her final meal of the day she felt the weight of the day laying on her shoulders. She was excited beyond words that she would get to see her sisters again soon, she had missed them more than she felt she could tell anyone of, they had been a part of her everyday life since the moment they had been born and to be cut off from them so suddenly had hurt, even if it was unavoidable. Above all else she was anxiously awaiting being in the presence of those she was completely certain she did not have to guard her thoughts, words, and actions from at all times.

The other side of that coin was unlucky for her, while there was the gleaming side of being reunited with her sisters yet again, she knew her father and Bianca would be coming with the twins and she knew what they were going to attempt to bully her into stealing. Taking her husband's money for her greedy parents wasn't something she would ever do. Wendy paused in her steps as a thought slammed into her body, would Rhys be able to protect her from the wrath she was sure would ensue when she refused them? Would he even be willing to or would he consider it too much trouble after all he had already done for her? She cringed outwardly at the thought of her father's cane slicing into her back as it had before.

As Wendy opened the door to the comforting rooms she had grown quite fond of she found it mostly empty of her things with a few maids still packing up her belongings that remained. Her heart slammed violently against her rib-cage, she felt the painful thumps as her vision swam in front of her. Was Rhys finished with her? Had he finally figured out how useless she was? Did he realize how unsuited she was to be a Duchess? The thoughts were swirling through her mind so quickly, one after the other, she felt faint at the last thought that stuck out above all the rest. Had Rhys found out the truth of her parentage? Did he know she was a hidden bastard? Was he disgusted by having married her now?

Mary noticed her standing in the doorway first "Oh! Your Grace" She exclaimed and dipped into a curtsy as the other maid followed her example "We're almost finished here and then your things will be all set up for you tonight to prepare you for bed." Mary smiled at her and Wendy felt lost. She was moving rooms? Whatever for?

"Well, thank you, Mary..." Wendy hesitated before asking her question, she did not want the maids or any other servant here to think she was not aware of what was going on around her husband's estate even if she thought she could trust Mary. "Mary, where are you moving my things to?" Her fingers curled into fists hidden in her skirts as they cut into the skin on her palms.

Silence hung in the air as all of the maids stopped and an uncomfortable feeling floated through the room. Wendy felt sweat prick at her spine and upper lip and the feeling that she might faint came over her again. She should never have asked. Foolish! She scolded herself, what kind of a mistress doesn't know what was happening on her own estate?! And with her own things no less!

"His Grace requested that your things be moved to his rooms, Your Grace...your rooms now as well..." Mary finally spoke, her sentence trailing off, the normal confidence the young girl spoke with missing from her words. Wendy was shocked, Rhys was moving her into his rooms? Her overactive mind worked to find an answer she did not have to make a fool of herself asking for again. Was he putting on a show for her parents? She could never remember them ever sharing a room together and she doubted they would care if she was sleeping in the same room as Rhys, especially being that they were privy to the way their marriage had come about.

"Of course, I would like to retire now if you would help me, Mary." Wendy spoke softly, today had been so tiring for her emotionally and mentally, she was not certain she could handle the day any longer.

Mary clapped her hands together and the other maid went back to packing up the rest of her things before she turned to lead Wendy down the tastefully decorated hall and into Rhys' rooms. She had not stepped foot in here since that night and she held her breath as she stood in the middle of the room, her cheeks flamed with color as images floated through her mind. How could something that felt so wonderful fill her with such guilt? Her heart squeezed in her chest, if they had loved each other, or if he felt for her what she could no longer deny she felt for him, would she still feel so guilty? Or would it feel different, could she lay in his arms afterwards and bask in the warmth of the fire he set off inside of her.

Her breath tumbled from her in gasping pants and her shoulders relaxed as soon as she realized Rhys was nowhere in the room. Her thoughts had consumed her to the point where she had failed to be aware of her surroundings.

"Would you like for me to call for water for a bath, Your Grace?" Mary asked as she noticed the nervous look on her mistress' face. She wished she could do something to relieve the nerves rolling off of her, she knew little about what happened between a man and woman in the marriage bed but she knew the Duke was a kind man, one who would never harm his beautiful wife.

"No. Thank you, Mary." Wendy smiled a watery smile at her maid "If you would help me to take down my hair, I will change alone. I would simply like to rest." Mary helped Wendy to undo the pins that held her wild curls in place and went about tidying the rooms as her mistress changed into her sleeping gown behind a screen.

Wendy was brushing her long curls by the fire as Rhys strode into the room. Wendy suddenly felt as though the air was crackling with fire as their eyes locked for what felt like a lifetime before she caved to the pressure growing in her chest and dropped hers to the floor.

"That will be all for tonight, Mary." Rhys spoke as the young maid dipped into a curtsy and left the rooms, the door clicking shut behind her. Rhys thought the room was a thousand degrees warmer than it ever had been as a literal angel sat by his fireplace. The light bouncing off her flowing locks and sun kissed skin. Her eyes were hooded and gave him no clues to her thoughts but her cheeks flushed with a comely blush and her fingers twisted in her lap.

Words stuck in his throat as he moved to dress for bed. Maybe he hadn't thought this through, he questioned himself, would he be able to hold himself back from pulling her into his arms.

He looked back at her again to catch her watching him curiously, her eyes instantly moving to the fire when he caught her stare, her face heating in a way that had nothing to do with the flames licking out at her.

At long last, he thought as he smiled to himself, he had his skittish wife within arms reach at last.