"That was a good day," Agba said to himself cheerfully, listening to Agassiz's screams from down the hall. He twirled in the chair again as he thought about the ultimate tracker he had placed in Scylla that day. Himself. He had purposefully bred her that day, the child to be born would always lead him to her, and ultimately Marca himself. And now as far as he could feel and see in his minds eye, Scylla had borne him a son and even though she knew it was his, hadn't killed him yet. And in his son's mind he saw Jarron and Scylla as one and Bane accepted them as a parental unit and Agba smiled again. What a dirty mess they were all in. Marca hadn't gone to her yet; they had given up on him returning and decided to take matters into their own hands. Agba had done well distracting the Warlord but now he thought it was time to do some laundry.